The New Hampshire Department of Revenue has officially set the Town of Windham's tax rate for 2015 as follows:
The 2016 Tax Rate has been finalized as shown below. Overall, the rate increased $.10/$1000 or .46%. This equates to a $35 increase for a home valued at $350,000 value and $50 for one valued at $500,000. Based on the Town's last equalization report, the median home value home in town is $375,250, and the average is $407,569.
For comparison purposes, the Town of Windham's 2014 tax rate was 24.00/thousand, broken down as follows:
The 2013 tax rate was 23.60/thousand, broken down as follows:
The 2012 tax rate was $23.05/thousand, broken down as follows:
In hopes of helping you to better understand the workings of the Tax Office and the billing procedures, we have developed a listing of our most frequently asked questions. New and current residents alike are encouraged to review the information below prior to coming in if they have any questions regarding proper procedures, or call us for further information.
I own several properties, and received a separate bill for each. Can I pay with a single check?
Yes. An original bill or “dummy” bill is required for each account. One check may be used to cover all bills submitted.
What is all that information on my bill(s)?
Tax map number, property address and owner name(s) must appear on each bill. Tax map number consists of map, lot and account number (ex. 25R-302-1801).