Excerpted from the 2014 Capital Improvements Plan:
"At the 1986 Town meeting, the voters of Windham authorized the Planning Board to prepare a CIP. A Planning Board CIP Subcommittee was formed to undertake this task. While NH RSA 674:5-8 states that it is the Planning Board which prepares the plan, it is important to involve the Board of Selectmen, School Board, Town department heads, and other boards and commissions. Since it is the Selectmen who prepare the budget in Windham, they are a vital part of the CIP process.
According to the Windham Planning Board Rules of Procedure, the CIP Subcommittee’s membership is as follows:
One Selectmen appointed by the chairman of the Board of Selectmen whose term shall be one year.
One School board member appointed by the chairman of the School Board whose term shall be one year.
Two members of the Planning Board appointed by the Planning Board whose term shall be one year.
Three members of the general public appointed by the Chair of the Planning Board whose terms shall be three years, limited to a six-year tenure."
Currently serving on the 2017 CIP Committee are:
Rob Gustafson, Chairman, Citizen Appointment, Term Exp June '19
Steve Bookless, Vice Chairman, Citizen Appointment, Term Exp June '18
Kathleen DiFruscia, Secretary, Planning Board
Roger Hohenberger, Board of Selectmen
Joel Desilets, Board of Selectmen Alternate
Neelima Gogumalla, Citizen Appointment, Term Exp June'17