Home | Departments | Town Clerk | Marriage Licensing

Marriage Licensing

Couples should be aware of the following requirements to obtain a marriage license in NH:

  • If applying for your license in the State of New Hampshire, you may go to any Town Clerk’s office. It doesn’t matter where you’re getting married. Both parties must present their birth certificates or passports and their drivers licenses at the time of application. Also, if it is not a first marriage for either, you must present your final or absolute divorce decree/ annulment papers with the seal or death certificate.
  • Your license will be effective immediately, with no waiting period, and remain valid for a period of 90 days.
  • Cost: $50.00. Please note, the Town Clerk's Office will not accept out-of-state checks per the Town Treasurer.
  • After the ceremony, it is your officiate's responsibility to ensure that the completed license is returned to the Town Clerk's Office that you applied with. It will then take approximately 10-14 days for the information to be updated in the vital records system. Please note that out of state officiates will be required to obtain a Special License.  For more information about the Special day license, please contact the Secretary of State's office at 603-271-3242.


(Important! Please note that you should plan to arrive at the Town Clerk's Office at least 45 minutes prior to closing to obtain your marriage license, as it will take some time to complete the paperwork. Thank you.)
