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2013 Property Tax Assessments

2013 PROPERTY TAX ASSESSMENTS  (Note: 2013 Tax Rate is $23.60 per $1000 of value): A complete listing of assessed values sorted by location for the 2013 Tax Year

Supporting Document

A complete description of property, site specific data, and the valuation breakdown is available printed on a “Property Record Card”. You may obtain a copy of this card at the Assessor’s office or our GIS web site. To get a card off the web, go to ONLINE GIS, review and accept our disclaimer, and enter ONLINE GIS, hosted by CAI Query Manager and search by Owner, Address, or Parcel ID.

A property assessment is a generic appraisal, taking primary elements of value and applying unit costs to derive an outcome. In general terms, the elements include land area (in acreage), gross living area (building square footage), extra features and outbuildings. The unit costs are extracted from property sales data and when applied to the subject property, the assessment should reflect fair market value as improved as of April 1st, 2013 at the current level of assessment*. (See New Hampshire RSA 75:1 “How Appraised” and RSA 76:16 regarding abatement requests)

Please see Property Assessment Manual - Revaluation 2010 (16MB) for Windham’s appraisal.

If your assessment seems high, you should first review the data on file. Errors in property data contribute to inaccurate valuations.  Taxpayers aggrieved by an improper valuation may appeal their assessment per State Law (RSA 76:16) and file for abatement.

  • Abatement Procedure

*Level of Assessment – Each year, the DRA conducts a sales ratio study on each municipality to evaluate the performance of their assessment program. Tax Year 2013 study uses sales that occurred during the period October 1, 2012 and September 30, 2013. Based on this information, they will determine the average level of assessment of land and buildings as of April 1, 2013. Using qualified sales, verified through the PA-34 form (sales questionnaire) and our office, the median ratio will be determined. The median ratio is used to modify properties under review for abatement. The Town is expecting to be notified of its ratio by February/March 2014.

6-Year Assessment Ratio History:

  • 2008 - 102.2%
  • 2009 - 111.0%
  • 2010  -  98.0%
  • 2011 -   98.7%
  • 2012 - 101.0%
  • 2013 - 100.0% (Estimated)

Property Tax Credits and Exemption Programs: Click HERE for more information.

Exemption/Credit application form.
