Searles Sketch: Miriam StoltzSearles School & Chapel














Town of Windham Official Website


Town of Windham, NH.

All Rights Reserved.

Last Updated: July 15, 2008

1 Chapel Road ~ Windham, NH ~ (603) 890-6259


Dear Potential Client:

Thank you for considering the Searles School and Chapel for your upcoming function! We are confident that the charm and beauty of this unique, historic landmark will enhance the pleasure of your special event. 

Our goal is to generate funds, through rentals and contributions, to be used for the maintenance and finish work of the Searles School and Chapel, and we strive to accomplish this by providing the best possible service to our clients and the community as a whole. 

To schedule your function, make an appointment for a showing, or obtain further information about the Searles School and Chapel, please call (603) 890-6259. We look forward to speaking with you. 


Facility Coordinator