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Highway Department, Continued

This Page was Last Updated on December 19, 2007




In accordance with the Town of Windham’s “Traffic Rules and Regulations” (WIN 2:03:06:76) residents are hereby advised of the following:


A)     No operator shall leave an unattended vehicle on any street between December 1st and April 1st, inclusive, of any year, except in case of an emergency, between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 am.  Any vehicle found parked in violation of this section may be moved by or under the direction of a police officer of the Town of Windham to a place where parking is permitted, at the expense of the operator.

B)      No vehicle shall be left unattended on any street when new snowfall has accumulated to a depth of four (4) inches, except in case of an emergency.  Any vehicle found parked in violation of this section may be moved by or under the direction of a police officer of the Town of Windham to a place where parking is permitted, at the expense of the operator.

C)     No person shall shovel, plow, and in any way, move or cause snow to be moved, from private property to a street or sidewalk.”

Also, in accordance with the Town of Windham's "Right-of-Way Ordinance" (WIN 2:03:05:92), residents are advised of the following:


Notwithstanding the provisions of Section IV and VI above, an individual may erect and place a receptacle for receipt of U.S. Mail and motor or rural delivery of daily or weekly newspapers without permission of the Selectmen. All such installations shall be sufficiently off the traveled way so as to assure public safety and facilitate snow removal. Design criteria of the U.S. Postal Service shall be adhered to with respect to size and placement of mailboxes.

The Town assumes no liability with respect to loss or damage to mailboxes or newspaper receptacles placed in the right-of-way unless such loss or damage is the result of intentional or willful conduct, or gross negligence."

Complaints regarding mailbox damage are investigated on a case by case basis. Please contact the Highway Department at 965-1211 for more information.



  • Basin cleaning: various areas around Town

  • Street sweeping: late May to late June, all Town roads

  • Roadside mowing: all Town roads where needed twice per year in May/June and September/October

  • Road striping: where necessary in late July/early August

  • Cold patching (pot hole repair): as necessary

  • Sign repair: as necessary

  • Sign replacement for compliance with new MUTCD requirements (6"x9" signs): as time allows

  • Shoulder repairs: as necessary

  • Basin/culvert/drainage structure maintenance: as necessary

  • Brushwork/limbing/tree removal: as necessary.


  • West Shore Road: repaving

  • East Nashua Road: partial reconstruction from North Lowell to Beacon Hill Road

  • Doiron Road: culvert replacement

   Dates for these projects will be announced prior to their commencement. Please call the Highway Department with any questions or concerns.




The Windham Highway Department was started in April 2000, with Wayne Bailey appointed as Acting Road Agent after the resignation of former Road Agent, Bob Devlin, who served the Town for 17 years.  In October of 2000, Jack McCartney was hired as Assistant Highway Agent, and in September of 2001, promoted to Highway Agent.  In September of 2002, Steve Hindes was hired full-time to assist Jack in his daily duties, and this is where the Highway Department manpower now stands.

 Equipment which the department has includes 1 Ford F-450 one-ton truck, 1 Ford F-350 pick-up truck, 1 F-800 6-wheel dump truck, 1 L-8000 dump truck and 1 520 Dressta front-end loader.  The town also owns the majority of snow plow blades for winter plowing purposes.

The Highway Department duties generally include routine road maintenance, i.e. cold patch; shoulder shimming; basin and culvert repair and cleaning; street sweeping; roadside mowing; sign replacement and or installation; road reclaiming or reconstruction; tree and brush pruning or removal; snowplowing and sanding; and several other items related to maintaining the Town’s roadways.  

The vast majority of this work involves sub-contractors, many who have served the Town for years.  These include plowing contractors; paving companies; sign makers and suppliers; equipment and supply vendors; and local contractors for mowing, basin cleaning, street sweeping, tree removal and road repair and reconstruction work.  Without their continued help we could not manage the growing road network.

We would like to thank the residents for their support on many projects and hope to continue to improve our services as time and finances allow, so Windham residents can be proud and feel safe while traveling throughout the Town.  Should you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to call us at (603) 965-1211.



Although our duties are quite expansive, there are several services that are not addressed by the Windham Highway Department, these include: 

  • Plowing of private driveways and/or parking areas 

  • Repair or replacement of objects located within the Town's right-of-way, such as fences, sprinklers, landscaping and, in nearly all cases, mailboxes.

  • Maintenance/repairs to private or state roadways in Windham. Please click here for a list of the roadways in question.

  • Routine maintenance or repairs on unaccepted roadways in Windham. This generally applies to new subdivisions, in which the road has not officially been accepted by the Town. In these cases, emergency maintenance (i.e. plowing or sanding) is performed to allow access by public safety personnel, however, other issues should be referred to your developer. If you're unsure whether your road has been accepted, please contact the Director of Planning and Development for more information. 



Windham Administrative Offices PO Box 120, 4 N. Lowell Road, Windham, NH 03087

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