OCTOBER 8, 2002



    Bruce Breton - Chairman
    Rob Gustafson - Secretary
    Jack Gattinella - Member
    Al Souma - Member
    Chris Doyle - Member
    Tony Pellegrini - Alternate
    Dick Drummond - Alternate

Lot #14-B-505, Case #29-2002
Joseph & Filomena DelOrfano
1 Highland Road
A variance is requested from Section 702 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the replaced deck to remain. The deck was replaced based on the footprint of the original deck that existed when the home was purchased. The deck is 17-feet from the lot line where 30-feet is required.

Mr. Gattinella read the case into the record. Mr. DelOrfano presented his case. The deck has existed since 1983 but was in need of repair when Mr. DelOrfano purchased the house two years ago. Since the deck was already in place Mr. DelOrfano assumed that it had gone through the approval process, therefore, rebuilding the damaged deck and having it inspected and approved was the right thing to do. Mr. Carl Griffin, an abutter, stated that Mr. Bob Shiber, the original owner, added the deck to the property. The original deck size was 25 X 14; the repaired deck is 25 X 15. Mrs. DelOrfano read the five supporting facts into the record. Mr. Griffin stated that he was withdrawing his objection to this variance as stated in his letter dated July 14, 2002. Mr. Gattinella read into the record Mr. Griffin's letter dated October 8, 2002 stating that he is withdrawing his objection. Mr. Gattinella also read into the record a letter signed by Mr. DelOrfano that states he will have professionally installed a four foot high chain link fence between his property line and Mr. Griffin's property line at 17 Briar Road.


Lot #14-B-505, Case #29-2002
Mr. Doyle motioned to grant case #29-2002. Mr. Gustafson seconded the motion. Mr. Gustafson, Mr. Souma, Mr. Doyle, Mr. Gattinella and Mr. Breton voted to grant this variance. Request granted 5-0.

Mr. Gustafson motioned to table the September 24, 2002 minutes till the next meeting (October 22, 2002). Mr. Doyle seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Gustafson motioned to clarify the record on case #28-2002. The accurate record is as follows:
Mr. Gustafson motioned to grant Case #28-2002 allowing an encroachment not to exceed 20-feet where 50-feet is required, measuring from the edge of the pavement at the nearest point.

Mr. Gustafson intended to say the following:
Mr. Gustafson motioned to grant Case #28-2002 allowing a 20-foot encroachment where a 50-foot setback is required, measuring from the edge of the pavement at the nearest point.

Mr. Gattinella seconded the motion. Mr. Souma, Mr. Gustafson, Mr. Gattinella and Mr. Breton voted to clarify the record. Mr. Doyle opposed. Passed 4-1.

Other Business
Mr. Breton advised the Members that the new By-Laws were received and recorded by the Town Clerk and signed by Mr. Breton on October 8, 2002.


  • Rockingham Planning Commission, 2002 Fall Municipal Law Lecture Series
  • Rockingham Planning Commission, 2002-2003 Zoning Ordinance Amendment Schedule

The next meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment will be on October 22, 2002 at 7:30 PM in the Planning & Development Office.

NOTE: These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval by Patricia Kovolyan.

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