Technical Advisory Committee
November 13, 2003

Meeting Called to order 7:16 PM

Attendees: Eric DeLong, Jacques Borcoche, J. Gross, Greg Cappiello

Discussing of Library technology needs and TAC’s role in supporting their needs was discussed. J. Gross mentioned need to document network topology and critical configuration documents, such as passwords. Eric mentioned that the vendor for the router equipment has a record for the routing table for just these emergencies and that administrator passwords are documented.

Domain update costs $50/month from NAII and will be discontinued as of December 31, 2003 to save costs. They at this point will point to which is hosted by Lunar Pages at $7/month who will do both DNS registration and web hosting. 900 mail addresses are included. Webfor less hosts for internal useful links.

Mr. Borcoche described ways to add a secondary domain to the mailserver and point the new domain to there directly. A suggestion to put emails on the town website as bitmaps to avoid website scanners from obtaining addresses for SPAM services.

Eric mentioned that there will be some commercials made for advertising the new website address. There is a new electronic town newspaper, the link to the site is on the new website. The subscription to it comes by email. We suggested a new sign be put on cable channel for the new website.

Discussion of backups using large USB2.0 external hardisks as an alternative to tape was had. Two new servers for the police and assessor departments are being budgeted for next year and pricing is being obtained.

Meeting Adjourned 8:45

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