Technical Advisory Committee
February 13, 2003

Members: Jacques Borcoche, Greg Cappiello, Margret Crisler, Eric DeLong, J. Gross

Mr. Borcoche called the meeting to order at 7:05pm at the SAU building.

Review of minutes from the previous meeting: Mr. Borcoche moved to accept as written. Seconded by Mr. Gross. Approved unanimously.  It was agreed that minor typographical errors, noticed after approval, be corrected.

Mr. Gumble, one of the TAC’s founding members and major contributors, had resigned due to increased duties at his place of work.  Mr. Gumble will be missed by all.  We thank him for his contribution to the TAC and Town of Windham these many years.

Mr. Gumble’s departure leaves open a position on the TAC.  Interested parties should attend the next meeting in April.

This was the last meeting of Ms.Crisler’s term as the Selectman’s representative to the TAC.   We thank Ms. Crisler for her years of service to the Town and TAC.  Her insightful commentary and advocacy will be missed.  We look forward to working with the next Town appointed representative.

Discussions at the meeting centered on Town web-site committee minutes posting and who will take responsibility for posting the minutes for each committee.

It was agreed that official town minutes are only available in the Town Hall and that web site posted minutes are an unofficial copy.  A disclaimer to this effect will be placed on web site posted minutes.

Mr. DeLong is implementing the Town voter registration lists in a Microsoft Access TM database enabling greater searching and updating capability, while being easier to maintain.

Mr. DeLong mentioned that problems with CallerID on Town phones has been fixed and that the T1 line is now fully operational by dialing “9” and the number.

The Town Master Plan will be sent to Mr. Forde for posting on the Town web site.  It was agreed that the format for posting committee minutes be placed on the web site.  Placing templates for minutes submissions will also be investigated.

Discussion of wireless laptop Internet access at the Library was held.  Security issues would need to be resolved.

The March WTAC meeting was cancelled.

The next WTAC meeting will be held at the SAU Building on April 10, 2003 and will start at 7:00pm.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

These minutes are submitted in draft form and have not been approved by the Windham Technical Advisory Committee. An unofficial copy is available on the town web-site  Official minutes are available in the Town Hall.

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