Technical Advisory Committee
November 14, 2002

Members: Jacques Borcoche, Greg Cappiello, Dick Forde, and J. Gross.

  1. Last months minutes were approved
  2. Choice One discussion postponed until Eric can attend.
  3. Adelphia proceeding on track with two-way cable. Member Cappiello has service, service quality is huge improvement over 1-way service. Houses with cable channels 64-75 are eligible. Will need to activate through Adelphia toll-free number as local office is not up-to-date.
  4. No selectman's or planning board-meeting minutes received.
  5. Jacques suggested improvements to town email system to improve reliability and have back-up capability.
  6. Meeting adjourned

These minutes are submitted in draft form and have not been approved by the Windham Technical Advisory Committee.

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