Technical Advisory Committee
July 11, 2002

Members: Jacques Borcoche, Greg Cappiello, Margaret Crisler, Eric DeLong, Dick Forde, Dick Gumbel

Visitors: Alan Johnson & Tessa Johnson from WunderWireless. Chuck Crisler, Roger Hohenberger, Alan Carpenter, and Gary Dallas.

Mr. Gumbel called the meeting to order at 7:20pm at the SAU building.

Mr. Johnson, of WunderWireless, spoke on his company's wireless product offerings on a town-wide basis. Provided several options, the most interesting was an offering with the town providing (renting) space on several cell towers and purchasing the high-speed data links between the towers. WunderWireless would provide equipment and would manage the systems. However, this package would have an approximate first-year cost to the town of $85,000. The town would have a yearly cell tower rental fee totaling nearly $10,000.

The homeowners still have to purchase wireless equipment and antennas for their home. The approximate cost of this equipment is $500 per homeowner. Then the homeowners would have a $30 per month access fee.

Much discussion about costs, options, and limitations.

The committee thanked the WunderWireless folks for their presentation and then took a 5 minute recess.

Discussion of DSL as an option from Verizon. Mr. Carpenter volunteered to get a contact from Verizon to attend our September 2002 meeting.

Review of minutes from June 13, 2002. Ms. Crisler moved to accept as modified. Seconded by Mr. Forde. Approved as amended with Mr. Gross abstaining.

Ms. Crisler chaired the joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen to discuss website status.

Reviewed minutes posting status as well as other documents posting status, based on notes from Mr. Sullivan.

Agreed to the following priorities:

  • Minutes
  • Ordinances and Job Requests
  • Town Report
  • Master Plan and other large documents

Mr. DeLong suggested subscriber lists (via email) for notification of new postings on the website. The group also agreed to consider posting Microsoft Word format files for very large documents.

Mr. Gumbel will talk with Mr. Sullivan about updating the job postings page, setting up the automated email system, and overall update status.

The next WTAC meeting will be held at the SAU Building on September 12, 2002 and will start at 7:00pm.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35 pm.

These minutes are submitted in draft form and have not been approved by the Windham Technical Advisory Committee.

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