Technical Advisory Committee
June 13, 2002

Members: Jacques Borcoche, Greg Cappiello, Margaret Crisler, Dick Forde, Dick Gumbel

Mr. Gumbel called the meeting to order at 7:25pm at the SAU building.

Review of minutes from April 11, 2002. Mr. Forde moved to accept as written. Seconded by Ms. Crisler. Approved unanimously.

Discussed the lightening hit on the Police Department that damaged the phone switch. Mr. DeLong is working with the insurance company to cover the replacement of the unit.

Discussed Adelphia problems and the new wiring for internet access. Bankruptcy will be filed soon. There isn't much Windham can do. Alternatives are wireless or DSL. We'd need to convince Verizon to place a switch in or near Windham to provide local DSL access.

Mr. Cappiello will contact another wireless vendor for our next meeting.

Mr. Forde moved to hold a special July 11 TAC meeting to discuss the alternatives and to invite the Board of Selectmen so that they are aware of the alternatives for the town. Mr. Cappiello seconded. Passed unanimously.

Discussed a proposal by Mr. Sullivan for updated website maintenance. This would provide for 1 week postings of committee minutes and 3 week postings for larger documents (such as the Town Report). Mr. Gumbel will followup with Mr. Sullivan.

The next WTAC meeting will be held at the SAU Building on July 11, 2002 and will start at 7:00pm.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.

These minutes are submitted in draft form and have not been approved by the Windham Technical Advisory Committee.

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