Technical Advisory Committee
April 11, 2002

Members: Jacques Borcoche, Greg Cappiello, Margaret Crisler, Eric DeLong, Dick Forde, J. Gross, Dick Gumbel

Mr. Gumbel called the meeting to order at 7:10pm at the SAU building.

Review of minutes from January 10, 2002. Mr. Gross moved to accept as written. Seconded by Mr. DeLong. Approved unanimously.

Discussed the network access presentation from several vendors at the March meeting. Several follow-up questions were generated regarding guaranteed data rates and service levels. Mr. Cappiello will follow-up with the vendors.

Website status: minutes email process now working. Site is nearly up to date with minutes. Discussed changing ISP's now that the current vendor (ICI) is charging the town for website hosting. We are considering a change to ChoiceOne, the ISP vendor used by the library. Mr. DeLong and Mr. Borcoche will coordinate the changeover.

Mr. DeLong reported on the town IT status. We discussed recent changes and ideas for future planning.

Mr. Gumbel to contact Mr. Sullivan about scheduling another workshop with the Board of Selectmen to review website status.

Mr. Gross asked about having a uniform operating system on the computers in the library. Currently, there are computers with Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, and Windows 95. Discussed focusing on Windows XP and Windows 2000. But would need to make exceptions for certain hardware restrictions.

The next WTAC meeting will be held at the SAU Building on May 9, 2002 and will start at 7:00pm.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.

These minutes are submitted in draft form and have not been approved by the Windham Technical Advisory Committee.

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