Technical Advisory Committee
October 11, 2001

Members: Jacques Borcoche, Margaret Crisler, Eric DeLong, J. Gross, Dick Gumbel
Dick Forde - excused.

Visitors: Jay Boucher, Greg Cappiello

Mr. Gumbel called the meeting to order at 7:10pm.

Review of minutes from June 14, 2001. Ms. Crisler moved to accept as written. Seconded by Mr. Borcoche. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Gumbel welcomed two visitors to the committee meeting - town residents Jay Boucher and Greg Cappielo.

Mr. DeLong reported that he has submitted his budget. Its primary focus is to purchase software licenses to adequately cover the software currently being used by the town offices.

Mr. DeLong also reported that the MUNIS upgrade is scheduled for October 22. This upgrade will provide software to accommodate new financial processes mandated by the state. The computer that is used for the MUNIS systems has some reliability issues. The committee agreed with Mr. DeLong to defer consideration of new systems and vendors until the new financial officer is in place.

The Tax Assessor's software system is hanging on a frequent basis, no matter what client computer is used. The committee suggested that Mr. DeLong upgrade to Windows NT as the next step.

Mr. Gross reported that the fractional T1 internet line has been installed in the library and is working very well. Its data rate is 256kbps. We discussed sharing this line with the town side. Mr. DeLong agreed to share the cost of the high-speed line, with the possibility of increasing the speed. Mr. Gross and Mr. DeLong will work to add this item to the budget.

No status update on the ILOOP. Mr. Gumbel to check with Ms. Bullard about ILOOP status before the next meeting. Mr. Gross will provide cost information about the town's share of the ILOOP costs to Mr. DeLong for budget consideration. The town's share covers segments from the SAU to the Police Department and from the SAU to the Transfer Station.

The next WTAC meeting will be held at the Planning Department on November 8 and will start at 7:30pm.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

These minutes are submitted in draft form and have not been approved by the Windham Technical Advisory Committee.

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