Technical Advisory Committee
June 14, 2001

Members: Jacques Borcoche, Margaret Crisler, J. Gross, Dick Gumbel
Dick Forde - excused.

Visitors: Eric DeLong

Mr. Gumbel called the meeting to order at 7:35pm.

Review of minutes from May 10, 2001. Mr. Gross moved to accept as written. Seconded by Mr. Borcoche. Passed unanimously.

The committee reviewed the updated copy of the Rules of Procedure as approved at the last meeting. No problems were found. Ms. Crisler will present this document to the Board of Selectmen for their review. The committee accepted with regret the resignation of member Mike Notini. Ms. Crisler will inform the Board of Selectmen that there are openings on the TAC and will ask Mr. Sullivan to advertise for new members.

We discussed updates to the Town web site. Mr. DeLong is now organizing minutes from various committees as part of regular backups of town computers. We'd like to incorporate these regular minutes into the web site. The committee agreed to discuss this with Mr. Forde, town webmaster, at the next meeting. The committee also directed Mr. DeLong to make a backup of the entire Town website with Mr. Forde's assistance.

Mr. Gross reported that the installation of the high-speed internet connection to the Library should be completed next month. This will greatly improve access to the internet from the computers in the Library. The committee discussed future expansion of the connection capacity and its shared use with other town buildings. Mr. Gross also reported that the new library server computer has arrived and is being setup to replace the current system. They are investigating several ideas for use of the older system at the library.

Mr. DeLong reported that the fiber optic cable installation is complete and all town buildings are connected. Mr. DeLong has provided shared internet access to the town buildings. Mr. Borcoche and Mr. DeLong agreed to develop a full network plan and bring the plan back to the committee at the September meeting.

Mr. DeLong has investigated new financial software packages, as mandated by the State of NH. This will cover many functions currently done by separate packages. Mr. DeLong and Mr. Sullivan believe that an upgrade from our current vendor, MUNIS, may be an excellent path for the town. Further investigation is needed.

Mr. Gumbel reminded the committee that we voted to not meet in July and August. Our next meeting will be on September 13 and will start at 7:30pm.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.

These minutes are submitted in draft form and have not been approved by the Windham Technical Advisory Committee.

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