Technical Advisory Committee
January 11, 2001

Members: Jacques Borcoche, Margaret Crisler, Dick Forde, J. Gross, Dick Gumbel

Meeting was called to order at 7:20 pm by Mr. Gumbel.

Review of minutes from November 9, 2000. Mr. Forde moved to accept as written. Seconded by Ms. Crisler. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Forde reported that he is getting minutes from the Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board on a regular basis. Other committees send their minutes occasionally. After some discussion of ideas, Ms. Crisler agreed to follow up with Mr. DeLong to setup an email account where all committee minutes would be sent. This email account would automatically forward all messages to Mr. Forde and Mr. DeLong. Mr. Forde would then post those minutes on the town website.

Mr. Borcoche reported on a new internet line to the Library. He is researching vendors, packages, and installation costs. This would be a high-speed line with partial costs covered by the federal E-Rate program. We also discussed internet content filtering and a recent court ruling regarding libraries.

Mr. Gross reported that Adelphia's cable modem system has been disconnected for the past few days. He is following up with their technical support group. Mr. Gross also reported that the I-Loop contract still hasn't been signed by the parties.

Ms. Crisler reported that the new server computers have arrived and Mr. DeLong will begin setups. The IT budget is done for 2001. The BOS pulled IT items from each department's budget and placed them into the IT budget.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.

These minutes are submitted in draft form and have not been approved by the Windham Technical Advisory Committee.

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