Technical Advisory Committee
November 9, 2000

Members: Jacques Borcoche, Dick Forde, J. Gross, Dick Gumbel

Visitors: Eric DeLong

Meeting was called to order at 7:40pm by Mr. Gumbel.

Review of minutes from June 8, 2000. Mr. Forde moved to accept as written. Seconded by Mr. Gross. Pass unanimously.

Review of minutes from October 12, 2000. Mr. Gross moved to accept as written. Seconded by Mr. Forde. Pass unanimously.

Mr. Gross reported that he is investigating a T1 connection to the library. Discussed various factors in the cost. Mr. Borcoche to follow-up with additional vendors. Mr. Gross also reported that numerous software upgrades had been done on the library computers.

Mr. DeLong reported on the status of the network connections between Town Hall and the Police Department. There are problems with one of the existing cables. He recommends moving to the fiber optic cabling and has requested budget items to cover the cost of connecting hardware. Mr. Gross moved to activate the fiber network among town buildings as proposed by Mr. DeLong. Seconded by Mr. Forde. Approved unanimously.

Mr. Forde asked about Cable TV emergency broadcasting status. He will follow-up with Mr. Barker (EM Director) and report back to the committee.

Mr. DeLong is contracting out upgrades to the town PBX system. He is also investigating what is needed to connect the Library PBX to the Town PBX to provide better communications between town departments.

Mr. DeLong discussed long-term plans for server replacement and reconfiguration for the town. We discussed the current proposal for new servers for the Library and Town Hall. Each server is to have a raid disk controller and 3 drives for redundancy. Mr. Forde moved to endorse the server configurations for the Library and Town Hall. Mr. Borcoche seconded. Passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.

These minutes are submitted in draft form and have not been approved by the Windham Technical Advisory Committee.

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