Technical Advisory Committee
June 8, 2000

Members: Jacques Borcoche, Margaret Crisler, Dick Forde, J. Gross, Dick Gumbel

Visitors: Eric DeLong

Meeting was called to order at 7:35pm by Mr. Gumbel.

Mr. DeLong reported on his activities at the Police Department, Library, and Town Hall. Various repairs and other hardware issues.

Mr. Gross moved to approve the minutes of May 11, 2000. Seconded by Ms. Crisler. Passed unanimously.

The committee will meet in July but will NOT hold its August meeting because of the vacations of members.

Ms. Crisler reported no Board of Selectmen issues.

Mr. Gross reported that the School Board is looking at a PC versus Macintosh purchase at their next meeting. He urged the other members to voice their opinions for the School Board.

Mr. Gross discussed network connections to the Library. All wiring is in place. He also asked Mr. DeLong to investigate the connection of the Library PBX to the Town Hall PBX to facilitate in-town-office phone calls. This would avoid tying up an outside line to call between buildings. Mr. DeLong is also going to investigate connecting the town building security alarms over the network wiring to the Police Department.

Mr. Gross reported on the Library computing status. Adelphia is working to get cable modems setup in the Library. He also discussed whether to power off all computers every night or to leave them on continuously. Agreed to work on the overall startup time for workstations so that we can turn off each system every night.

Mr. Forde reported that the Planning Board is now sending regular minutes, agendas, and rules to him. He is posting these items on the Town Web Site. Minutes from the Board of Selectmen have been posted on a regular basis also. Mr. Forde will follow-up with the Town Band and the Lions Club.

Discussed backups at Town Hall, Police Department, and the Library. Improvements underway at each site.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15pm.

These minutes are submitted in draft form and have not been approved by the Windham Technical Advisory Committee.

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