Technical Advisory Committee
February 10, 2000

Members: Margaret Crisler, Dick Forde, J. Gross, Dick Gumbel, Alan Winsor.

Visitors: None

Meeting was called to order at 7:25pm by Mr. Gumbel.

Mr. Gross moved to approve the minutes from October 14, 1999. Seconded by Mr. Winsor. Approved 5-0.

Ms. Crisler discussed improvements to the phone system in the Town offices and the use of the Nextel phones, which have helped with communication.

Mr. Gross reported on the work at the Town Library. They continue to work with the staff on identifying and resolving computer issues.

Mr. Forde reported that he is getting limited minutes from the Board of Selectmen for posting on the town web site. He also stated that he is not getting minutes from the Library Trustees. Ms. Crisler and Mr. Gross to follow-up on these items.

Mr. Gumbel reported on the data conversion effort for the Police Department. The new IMC system is installed and running. The new Captain used IMC at his previous job, so he has been very helpful with the staff during the initial switchover from CRIS. Mr. Gumbel is working with an engineer from IMC on the CRIS to IMC data conversion and they hope to complete in several weeks.

Mr. Gross reported that Adelphia had delivered a spool of fiber optic cable to be used to connect the new Fire Station and the Library to the Police Station. No update from Adelphia on the status of the remainder of the fiber network to the schools.

Mr. Winsor reported that the MUNIS upgrade (hardware and software) had been completed. The MUNIS software vendor continues to work with Mr. Sullivan on several database issues.

Mr. Gumbel reported on the WTAC submission to the annual Town Report.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm.

These minutes are submitted in draft form and have not been approved by the Windham Technical Advisory Committee.

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