December 13, 1999

MEMBERS PRESENT: Douglass Barker, Margaret Crisler, Carolyn Webber, Galen Stearns and Christopher Doyle. David Sullivan, Town Administrator was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Board took a moment to reflect upon loss of the firefighters in Worcester last week and remember the men lost and their families. The Board also recognized the work our own safety personnel do each day. Mrs. Crisler noted that one of our residents, Bernard Rouillard assisted at the scene last week.

Mr. Barker read the following series of upcoming important dates:

    January 13th School Budget Public Hearing
    January 17th Town Budget Public Hearing
    February 1st Primary Elections Golden Brook School
    February 11th School Deliberative Session Golden Brook School
    February 12th Town Deliberative Session Golden Brook School
    Election Day February 14th Golden Brook School
    Filing for Town and School Offices January 26th until February 4th with the Town Clerk.

Mrs. Case, Chairman of Cable Advisory Board, presented a Cable Volunteer Appreciation Award to John O'Connor. Mr. O'Connor has been a very active volunteer for many years.

LIAISON REPORTS: Ms Webber noted that the Cemetery Trustees met with 2 visitors last week and solved a multitude of problems.

Mrs. Crisler reported on last week's Recreation activities. The Christmas tree lighting was a huge success and well attended; a flower arranging class for seniors was given by Rudy Pivovar and the senior Christmas Party at Castleton with approximately 200 guests attending. A special thanks to Shirley Pivovar for all her work on the party and for selecting the great entertainment.

Mrs. Crisler further reported that the Planning Board met Tuesday and Wednesday and completed their review of the Zoning Amendments. There will be a public hearing on the proposed new district near the First Essex Bank. She stated that the Master Plan is presently being compiled by the Rockingham Planning Commission.

Mr. Barker told the Board that he did attend the meeting with Adelphia. He stated that internet services will not be available as soon as hoped - probably late 2002 or early 2003.

Mr. Barker stated that the Local Emergency Planning Commission will hold a public meeting on February 3rd at 7 pm at Town Hall and all residents are invited and their input is encouraged.

Mr. Barker noted that the Town has prepared for Y2K and has had a drill and feel we are prepared. Extra staff will be added that evening with more on stand by.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Fruchtman thanked the seniors and Mrs. Pivovar for the great Christmas party last week.

The Chief noted that brush permits for 2000 are now being issued.

Chief Fruchtman thanked Tom Case for his help with the Viles of Life program.

Chief Fruchtman also thanked all the residents who expressed their sympathy for the loss of their fellow firefighters from Worchester and to the school children for their cards. He noted that 22 members of the Windham Fire Department attended the funeral.

The Department received notification today that they have been chosen to receive a $3500 grant from NH Municipal Association for a fitness program.

Chief Fruchtman reported that the new station is progressing very well. The second floor was poured today, and the windows are due next week along with the elevator

TENNESSEE GAS: Mary Usovicz, President of MU Connections, briefed the Board on expansion plans for Tennessee Gas in the area. This project will consist of approximately an eighth of a mile in Windham. They plan to replace their 8 inch pipes with 20 inch, as will be needed for the proposed power plant in Londonderry. The total replacement project is approximately 19 miles - from Dracut to Londonderry. They hope to start in spring off 2001 and finish in the fall.

Approximately 15 property owners will be affected in Windham and they will be notified. They explained the process and addressed all safety issues posed by the Board. They will be working with the Building, Police and Fire Departments, as well as the Road Agent. Meetings with both the Planning Board and Conservation Commission will be scheduled.

CORRESPONDENCE: Letter received from NH Municipal Association notifying the Fire Department of a wellness grant.

Letter of resignation from Robert Devlin, Road Agent, effective March 14, 1999. The Board will meet on December 27th with Mr. Devlin to discuss the transition. Mr. Stearns motioned and Carolyn Webber seconded to accept Mr. Devlin's resignation with regret. Passed unanimously.

Road Bonds - Mrs. Crisler motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve partial bond releases as listed below:

Blossom MFS Design Consultants 2,880.00
Locksley MFS Design Consultants 80,901.00
Sherwood MFS Design Consultants 2,999.00
Castle Hill Herbert Associates 47,827.20
Heritage Hill & Timberlane Herbert Associates 128,085.00
Squire Armour Herbert Associates 15,840.00
Partridge & Quail Run Herbert Associates 27,312.00
Partridge Herbert Associates 39,680.00
Improvements on Morrison Herbert Associates 39,360.00

Motion passed unanimously.

MINUTES: Mrs Crisler motioned to approve the minutes of November 29,1999. Mr. Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS - Mrs. Crisler attended the meeting in Pelham last week with Waste Management to discuss Pelham becoming a central waste collection site. Waste management has offered Pelham a 20 year contract in exchange for free trash service. Range and Lowell Roads would be used - six days a week by large numbers of trucks. Mrs. Crisler expressed Windham's concern regarding increased traffic. No final decision but she stated that it appeared that they seem to be leaning toward establishing a transfer station or other alternatives.

BOARD OF HEALTH: Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to recess the Board of Selectmen's meeting and convene as the Board of Health. Passed unanimously.

Ms Webber motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to adopt the Board of Health Rules of Procedure and Appendix A (Forms) with the print date of November 19, 1999. Passed unanimously.

The Board of Health adjourned and reconvened the Selectmen's Meeting.

OTHER BUSINESS: Mrs. Crisler told the Board and audience that there is a group called Citizens for NH Land and Community Heritage who are working for the protection of New Hampshire Forests. They have completed a study showing an alarming trend, due to recent growth, in the reduction of our forests. Senator Klemm is co-sponsoring a bill to request $12 million in matching funds to obtain land and development rights for forests, open space and crop land. Also our local Conservation Commission will have warrant article addressing this.

PUBLIC HEARING: Mrs. Crisler read the following public hearing notice: In accordance with RSA 41.9a, the Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing on December 13, 1999 at 8:00 pm at the Town Hall for the purpose of considering the approval of the following proposed schedules.

Proposed Fee Schedule for Tattoo Artist and Establishments:

Tattoo Artist fee: $250.00 per year
Tattoo Establishment fee: $500.00 per year

Proposed Fee Schedule for Waiver to the Sewage or Waste Disposal System:

Application Fee $50.00
Abutter Fee (personal notification): $5.00 per abutter

The Board and Mr. Flanders answered questions regarding how the fees were determined and what other establishments pay fees. Ms Webber moved to adopt the fee schedules for the Tattoo Artist and Establishment and Waiver to the Sewage or Waste Disposal System as read. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS: Mrs. Crisler stated that the Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold their deliberative session on December 14th regarding the Selectmen's appeal of a decision regarding a proposed business on Range Road. The meeting will be at 7:30 at the Town Hall, however, no public input will be allowed.

BOARD OF HEALTH WORKSHOP: The Board of Health held a workshop with Bruce Flanders, Health Officer, to discuss the Sewage Ordinance and business licenses.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to go into non-public sessions in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa and c. Roll Call Vote - all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance. Subjects were personnel and reputations.

Mrs. Crisler motioned and Ms Webber seconded to hire a Cable Coordinator, pending medical and background checks. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Stearns motioned and Ms Webber seconded to approve a hardship abatement. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Stearns motioned and Mrs. Crisler seconded to deny a union grievance. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Stearns motioned and Ms Webber seconded to approve the Municipal Union Contract from April 2000 to April of 2002 and submit it to Town Meeting for approval. Passed unanimously.

The Board discussed a possible land swap. Mr. Sullivan will follow up.

The Board wished everyone a happy holiday. The Board adjourned into a budget workshop with Mr. Sullivan.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis
Administrative Assistant

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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