November 29, 1999

MEMBERS PRESENT: Douglass Barker, Margaret Crisler, Carolyn Webber, Galen Stearns and Christopher Doyle. David Sullivan, Town Administrator was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Stearns motioned to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIc. Mr. Doyle seconded. Roll Call Vote - all members - yes. The Board, Mr. Sullivan, a local business owner and Chief Moeckel were in attendance. Mr. Barker stated that the matter will be followed up by Chief Moeckel.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Sullivan announced the tax rate is official at $18.20 and tax bills were mailed today.

Mr. Sullivan reminded all seniors to sign up for the Christmas Party on December 8th at Castleton and informed the Board that they had been invited to attend as guests. There is a sign up sheet at the Town Hall. Mrs. Pivovar organized this party and also a flower arrangement class on December 2nd.

Police Chief Moeckel introduced the new police captain, Patrick Yatsevich. Patrick Yatsevich will be Windham's fulltime police captain. His wife and two children were also present and Mrs. Yatsevich pinned the badge on her husband with their children watching. The Board welcomed Capt. Yatsevich. He expressed his pleasure at being selected and promised to serve the Town of Windham to the best of his ability. He stated that he is a team player and is looking forward to working to make the department the best. Capt. Yatsevich will commence work on December 1st.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler stated that Recreation will host the annual Christmas tree lighting on December 5th at 4:00 pm at the Town Hall.

Mrs. Crisler noted that the Planning Board took last Wednesday (the day before Thanksgiving) off and that they had voted to support the Selectmen in their request for a rehearing regarding a ZBA decision.

FIRE STATION UPDATE: Chief Fruchtman reported that construction on the new station continues to progress well. He noted that the roof membrane will be in place this week and the brick work looks spectacular. Also, the inside is moving along and the second floor will be poured this week.

Chief Fruchtman told the Board that the sign stating this is the future sign of the Fire Station will be installed shortly. The Board asked if the construction company sign would remain. Chief Fruchtman stated that it would as it assists drivers locating the site when delivering building materials. Mr. Doyle motioned to allow one 4' x 8' sign at the new facility. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Discussion followed regarding the number of signs, the need for each and why Searles had to have Planning Board approval for their temporary sign and the Fire Station did not. Motion passed 4-1 with Mr. Stearns opposed. The Board agreed that a small sign may be placed for deliveries.

GRIFFIN PARK UPDATE: Rick Hancock, Chairman of the Griffin Park Committee, discussed the budget status, construction schedule and request for a waiver of the bid process for test wells for the park.

A spread sheet was given to the Board depicting the budget status. Total budget is $700,000. Also, a construction schedule was presented. Work is to be completed in June of 2000.

Test wells - Mr. Hancock explained the planned water source and pumping methodology. He told the Board that in May the committee received a quote from D.L. Maher Drilling and Pump Services of North Reading (owner is a Windham resident). A fracture analysis was completed by this firm and two sources were identified. Now field staking and test drilling needs to be completed - cost approximately $31,500.

The committee requested that the Board waive the normal bid process and allow the Town Administrator to award a contract to D.L. Maher for the staking and test wells at Griffin Park for an amount not to exceed $31,500. Mr. Stearns asked if the first well was a sufficient water source would they not drill others - yes. They have estimated that they require at least 50 gallons per minute to meet the need. They plan to pump the water into the pond and irrigate from there. Ms Webber asked if they had any other bids or quotes. Mr. Hancock replied they did not as committee members have expertise in this area and felt this bid was quite reasonable. Eric Nickerson told the Board that the bid from Maher was broken down in lineal feet and they have the necessary equipment and experience to do the job. He felt the pricing was definitely in range with any competitors.

Mr. Doyle moved to deny any waiver of the normal bid process. No second. Mr. Stearns motioned to grant the request for waiver from the bid process and allow the Town Administrator to award a contract to D.L. Maher for the staking and test well at Griffin Park. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Ms Webber stated that she has mixed emotions on awarding contracts without bid process. Motion passed 4-1 with Mr. Doyle opposed.

CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Barker stated the following road bond releases were requested:

    Squire Armour Rd Partial Release of $207,400 to Eric Nickerson
    Yorkshire Rd (West) Partial Release of $ 11,661 to Barton Hope LLC
    Yorkshire Rd (East) Partial Release of $ 10,512 to Barton Hope LLC
    Locksley Rd Partial Release of $ 65,523 to Barton Hope LLC

Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve the list of bond releases as read. Seconded by Mr. Stearns. Passed unanimously.

Letter was received and read from Mrs. Lanza thanking the volunteers who drove her to her medical appointments in the Town van. The volunteers were Tom Case, Robert Porter, Barbara Coish, John O'Connor, Alan Barlow and Wayne Bailey. Mr. Barker noted that many more requests for van services are being received. We encourage and need residents to volunteer to drive our van to transport persons especially for medical appointments. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Ms Davis at 432-7732 in the Selectmen's Office.

MINUTES: Mr. Doyle motioned to approve the minutes of November 15, 1999. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

PUBLIC HEARING: Postponed. Notice should have read hearing to be held by the Board of Selectmen and not the Board of Health. This hearing will be rescheduled and reposted.

HIGHWAY SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS: Memo received from Mr. Sullivan to the Board regarding Highway Safety Committee recommendations and requesting the Board to vote on these recommendations was read by Mr. Barker. They are as follows:

  1. Heritage Hill Road: #98-10
    Install "S" Curve signs down hill near #18 and #35.
  2. Fellows Road at Route 111: #98-12
    The Department Heads voted to not support the installation of a second street light at the North West corner of the Route 111 / Fellows Rd intersection. Their decision was based on their feeling that there was adequate light at this intersection now.
  3. Beacon Hill Road: #99-6
    Install a 30 MPH speed limit sign at both ends of road.
  4. Tokanel, David, Lori, and Rock Pond Roads: #99-7
    The Department Heads voted not to support the installation of speed limit signs in this area. Based on two speed surveys, it was felt that there was no speeding issue which justified the need to place signs.
  5. Golden Brook School Area: #99-8
    Install "No Parking Here to Corner" signs at the southern most driveway of Golden Brook School. The reason for this request is that cars are parking immediately adjacent to the driveways and are obstructing the view of vehicles pulling from the lot onto Lowell Road.
  6. Range Road near Armstrong Rd: # 99-9
    Install a "School Bus Ahead" sign on Range Road near the intersection of Armstrong Road for West bound traffic. This is due to a school bus stop located at Bellavista Rd and the fact that it is a blind area due to the crest of the hill.

The Board discussed the recommendations with Mr. Sullivan explaining the Committee's rationale. Mr. Barker stated that he disagreed with item 2 and that he had been asked by residents in the area to reinstall the light taken down by the State and relocate the light on the Southwest corner. He also stated other reasons for additional lighting in that area.

Mr. Stearns motioned to approve Highway Safety Committee recommendations referenced as Items 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

Further discussion on Item. 2 - Mrs. Crisler stated that she feels it is light enough now in the area and when the new Fire Station is open there will be more lighting. Mr. Stearns stated that he does not see need for further lighting. Mr. Barker motioned to reinstall the light that was removed and relocate the southwest light. Seconded by Mr. Doyle. Motion failed 2-3 (Crisler, Webber and Stearns opposed).

Mrs. Crisler motioned to accept the Highway Safety Committee recommendation on Item 2. Mr. Stearns seconded. Motion passed 3-2 (Doyle and Barker opposed.)

CIP: Keith Goldstein, Chairman of the Planning Board and Capital Improvement Committee presented the CIP for 2000 to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Goldstein outlined the process the committee used to derive the plan. It was presented to the Planning Board the 19th of August. Mr. Goldstein described each request by the departments and committees, along with the CIP action on each item.

The Committee approved the following items for inclusion in the CIP for 2000:

Road Work 100,000
Golden Brook School Roof
(Second phase)
Old Fire Station Renovations 45,000
SAU Bond 13,534
School Renovation Bond 746,758
Master Bond
(Combined, Library, Police, Griffin Park and Fire Station)

The total for CIP for 2000 is $1,387,597.00 which is $350,000 less than the total items above due to use of Impact fees.

The Board, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Goldstein discussed some items. Mr. Goldstein stated that the CIP is set up more reader friendly this year. The complete plan through 2007 is available at the Town Hall for review.

Mr. Barker complemented the CIP Committee on their work and the thoroughness of the presentation. Now the Board will begin using this plan in the budget process. Mr. Goldstein acknowledged the CIP Committee members - Mr. Wilder, Mr. Stearns, Mr. Horrigan, Mr. Coish, Mr. Gumbel, Ms Webber, Mr. Morris and Mrs. Unger and thanked them for their valuable work.

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan gave an update on the emergency lane status for Turtle Rock Road. He reported that representatives of the town did a site walk of Turtle Rock Road last Tuesday. Although residents have made a great effort, some further improvements are still required. Mr. Sullivan noted that a letter was sent to Mrs. DeLuca, who is representing owners on Turtle Rock Road, and they are requesting the Board take no action at this time. They will continue to make the required improvements - hope to have them complete in the next few weeks.

Mr. Sullivan stated that the budget workshops will be held as follows:

    December 2, 6, 9 and 14th.

Meeting on December 2, 6 and 14th will be at the SAU at 7:00 pm and the December 9th meeting will be at the Town Hall beginning at 8:00 am and running through the day.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan stated that on Wednesday, December 8th , Adelphia will hold a public meeting at the Cable Studio to address the state of the art in cable services and hear anyone experiencing problems with their service.

Mr. Sullivan told the Board that the Town of Pelham Selectmen are holding a Public Hearing to consider the location of a regional transfer facility on their incinerator site. Mrs. Crisler will try to attend to address Windham's concern - traffic on town roads. This meeting is tomorrow evening at 6:30 pm at the Pelham Town Hall.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mrs. Crisler motioned to go into non-public sessions in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa,c and e. Mr. Doyle seconded. Roll Call - all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance. Subjects were personnel, reputations and a legal matter.

Personnel - Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve the hiring of a secretary for the Board of Adjustment and Conservation Commission pending the medical and background checks. Passed unanimously.

On another personnel issue, Mr. Sullivan will follow up with the employee.

Reputations - Two items were discussed regarding reputations - Mr. Sullivan and Mrs. Crisler will each follow up on one of the items.

Legal - The Board discussed a legal matter and Mr. Sullivan will follow up.

Ms Webber motioned to adjourn. Mr. Doyle seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 11:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Davis
Administrative Assistant

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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