November 15, 1999

MEMBERS PRESENT: Douglass Barker, Margaret Crisler, Carolyn Webber, Galen Stearns and Christopher Doyle. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Sullivan, Town Administrator, stated that the tax rate has been set but it is not official yet. He stated that it is good news - where we expected it. Tax bills are due to go out late this week or early next week. The new rate is $18.20 - town portion at $4.24 is up $.60 as no surplus was applied, county at $.99 is down $.15, and school share at $12.97 (6.81 local and 6.16 state) is $2.90 less than last year, for a combined decrease of $2.50.

Mrs. Crisler displayed a prize winning orchid.

Mr. Barker read a memo from Police Chief Moeckel stating that it had come to his attention that a matter concerning his department had been discussed at the Board's last meeting without his knowledge or presence. He noted that he checks the Board's meeting agenda prior to each meeting to see if there are items dealing with his department. He requested that department heads be notified, prior to any discussions that concerns their departments.

Mrs. Crisler stated that she was the selectman who brought up the issue Chief Moeckel was referring to at the last meeting - use of private roads. She read her letter apologizing to Chief Moeckel for not notifying him prior to the meeting that she would be addressing the matter of public use of private roads. Her letter explained the issue, how it was brought to her attention and the law governing the use of private roads. Mrs. Crisler's letter is attached.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler reported that Shirley Pivovar is now the Recreation's activity chairman for the Senior activities and she scheduled a class last week to make a Thanksgiving center piece. The instructor was Rudy Pivovar, who donated all the supplies. The class was open to all 55 years of age and older. Another class is scheduled for December 6th at 1:00 pm at the Town Hall. There is a sign up sheet at the Town Hall and if you register and are unable to attend, please call to cancel.

Mrs. Crisler stated that Planning Board had a workshop scheduled last week but a quorum was not present.

Mrs. Crisler further noted that two ground breakings were held recently - one for Griffin Park and the other was for the assisted living facility being constructed behind the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Crisler said that the developer for the assisted living facility stated that he was impressed with the professional manner in which the Planning Board conducted their meetings and that Mr. Turner was very courteous and helpful.

Ms Webber reported that the Historic District Commission/Heritage Commission met last week and reviewed plans for additions to the Presbyterian Church and several other plans. They also heard citizens remarks on a recent Board of Adjustment decision.

Ms Webber also reported that the Cemetery Trustees had met and discussed possible construction of a mausoleum for the interment of ashes - they will present this to the CIP next year. They also discussed acquiring more land for cemetery use and reviewed their budget.

Mr. Doyle, also a member of the Board of Adjustment, stated that the recent Board of Adjustment decision referred to above, has been reheard. The Board viewed the site and noted that there are commercial buildings in the area. Thus there is presently a commercial characteristic to the area. Mrs. Crisler and Ms Webber noted that they have a problem with this decision. Mr. Stearns noted that the Selectmen can request an appeal to the Board of Adjustment and he would recommend they do. Ms Webber motioned to have the Selectmen appeal to the Board of Adjustment for reconsideration of their decision regarding a proposed card shop on Range Road. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed 4-0-1 with Mr. Doyle abstaining.

FIRE STATION UPDATE: Chief Fruchtman reported that the construction is progressing well - by end of next week the full roof should be up and floors will be poured very soon. Rough coat paving is done but is not the final cut. Mr. Doyle toured site and stated it will be a great facility.

The Chief extended congratulations to the whole fire department for their work over the last, busy three weekends - the department has done a great job!

Chief Fruchtman told the Board that Americacorpe is interested in having the Fire Department as a host community for Manchester college students interested in firefighting as a career. The Chief stated that Town Counsel is reviewing this proposal. Board members expressed their support of such a program, provided medical concerns and training are fully addressed before any live participation. The Board endorsed the concept, pending complete information.

CLEAR PLASTIC BAG DISCUSSION: Wayne Bailey, Transfer Station Manager, explained that in the monitoring of trash brought in by vendors and noticing some level of non-compliance, a contractor suggested that the mandatory use of clear plastic bags could make infractions easier to detect. He further noted that it does make the opening of the bags safer. When you put your trash out, it is no longer yours and not private. Mr. Bailey suggested that use of the clear bags is primarily a safety issue.

Mr. Barker noted the names of the persons who wrote letters to the Board expressing their views on using the clear bags - Tom Case, Richard Horrigan, Mr. & Mrs. Horaj, Bryan Ehrhart, Brad Chase, Mr. & Mrs. Preston, Mr. & Mrs. Roulet, Mary Kate Conboy and Gary Carbonneau. None of these letters were in favor of the use of clear bags. Ms Webber motioned to dismiss this subject from further consideration. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Stearns noted that the use of a personnel shredder is an excellent means for protecting ones' privacy and shredded paper is recyclable. Mr. Barker noted that, although the Board does not endorse the use of the clear plastic bags, private contractors can make their own regulations.

Mr. Sullivan noted that the letter from Mary Kate Conboy is noteworthy, as she is a fifth grade student. He commended Mary for her interest in the town government and encouraged her to continue to participate.

CORRESPONDENCE: Letter received from the Department of Transportation regarding upcoming surveying for the Route 111 By-Pass.

Letter received from the Department of Transportation denying our request for a crosswalk on North Lowell Road. They denied the request based on their established criteria which, at this time, we do not meet.

Letter of resignation from the Recreation Committee was received from Louise Peltz. Mrs. Crisler motioned to accept Mrs. Peltz's resignation with regret. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously. The Board thanked Mrs. Peltz for all her work with the committee.

Two road bonds were approved for partial release by the Planning Board.

Mrs. Crisler motioned to release $73,663.00 for Partridge Road and retain $45,308.00. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Crisler motioned to release $25,936.00 for Searles Road and retain $87,200.00. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

MINUTES: Mr. Stearns moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to accept the minutes of November 1st as presented. Passed unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS - SEARLES SIGN: The Historic Committee requested that the Board reconsider their decision that they have to go before the Planning Board for approval for placement of a temporary sign at Searles School. The Board discussed other signs, that the sign is temporary, Planning Board concern with signs, and timing of Planning Board consideration. Ms Webber motioned to deny the request for reconsideration with hopes of getting this matter on the Planning Board agenda in the near future and to waive the Planning Board fees. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

TOWN REPORT BIDS: Mr. Sullivan announced that the following bids were received for the printing of the Town Reports. He noted that under Senate Bill 2, two separate warrants will have to be printed and mailed. The bids were as follows:

Docunet $ 11,092
Wharf Printing 15,146
Armstrong Graphic 8,000

Mr. Sullivan recommended that the bid be awarded to Armstrong Graphics for a price not to exceed $9,500, which would allow an option for full color cover. Mr. Stearns motioned to award the bid to Armstrong Graphics for a total cost not to exceed $9,500. Mr. Doyle seconded. The Board discussed the design of the final warrant - to designate it, very clearly, as final. Motion passed unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan told the Board about the meeting with Tennessee Gas earlier today. Also present at the meeting was Al Turner, Rex Norman, Chief Moeckel, Chief Fruchtman and Robert Devlin. Tennessee Gas has plans to change some of their lines (replace with larger ones) in the spring of 2000. Tennessee Gas will be meeting with Selectmen on December 13th.

Mr. Sullivan told the Board that their budget books will be ready the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. The first budget session is scheduled for December 2nd.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mrs. Crisler motioned to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa and d. Mr. Stearns seconded. Roll Call Vote - all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance in both sessions. Subjects were hiring and land acquisition.

Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to approve the hiring of Virginia Gray as Secretary to the Planning Director, effective December 1, 1999. Passed unanimously.

The Board is interested in pursuing a possible land swap. Mr. Sullivan will follow-up.

Mr. Stearns motioned to adjourn. Ms Webber seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Davis
Administrative Assistant

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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