November 1, 1999

MEMBERS PRESENT: Douglass Barker, Margaret Crisler, Carolyn Webber, Galen Stearns and Christopher Doyle. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to go into non-public sessions in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIb and c. The subjects were personnel and reputations. The Board, Mr. Sullivan and Town Treasurer, Robert Skinner, were present for the first session. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were present for the remaining sessions.

Mr. Barker announced that the Board had discussed the financial status of the town funds with Mr. Skinner. Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Skinner will follow-up.

Mr. Barker reported that a discussion was held on the hiring of a temporary part-time secretary for the Planning Board, due to the resignation of Mona Feciuch. Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve the hiring of a temporary part-time secretary for the Planning Department/Planning Board, pending a background check. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on union negotiations.

The Board discussed the appointment of another representative to the Rockingham Planning Commission. Mr. Stearns moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to appoint Annette Stoller to the RPC. The vote was 4 to 1 in favor, with Ms. Webber opposed.

EAGLE SCOUT AWARDS: Gail Webster, Cemetery Trustee Chairman, and Supt. John Drury presented Certificates of Achievement to Matthew Parsons and Carl Difranco, who have completed their Eagle Scout projects at the cemeteries.

Ms. Webster and Mr. Drury commended Matt for his excellent work in repainting the hearse house, laying stones and putting edging around the family benches, and refurbishing each of the four entrance gates at the Cemetery-on-the-Plains. Carl was commended for building a 100-foot brick wall at the children's section of the cemetery. Ms. Webster said the wall would be beautified and dedicated in the spring.

Ms. Webster, Mr. Drury and the Board praised the Scouts for their accomplishments and dedication to these projects. Each Scout was advised to be proud of their deeds and to continue this attitude in future endeavors. The Scouts thanked their parents, the cemetery personnel, their leaders and fellow scouts for their support and assistance during their efforts to successfully complete their projects.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Town's Financial Condition - Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on the status of the town's financial condition and tax rate. He said that with no new taxes coming in, the Town could operate financially for about six weeks. He said that the date to set the tax rate was tentatively scheduled for November 10th, with bills to be mailed on November 19th having a due date of December 20th. If the bills do not include the State education tax, another bill will be subsequently mailed. He also said that, based on present data, the tax rate should decrease by $2.25 with all school monies in place. Otherwise, the tax rate could possibly increase. Mr. Barker noted that the Tax Collector would gladly accept any prepayment of taxes without tax bills being received.

Condolences - Mr. Sullivan extended condolences to the family and friends of Catherine Curtin who passed away unexpectedly on October 21st. Mrs. Curtin served as Planning Department Secretary for the past sixteen years.

New Police Captain - Chief Moeckel announced that, effective December 1st, Patrick Yatsevich will begin duties as Windham's first Police Captain. Chief Moeckel said he is a veteran of police work having served for 18 years with the Claremont Police Department and one year with the Atkinson Police Department. He was selected from a group of candidates due to his good qualities and experience in the law enforcement field.

Coat Drive - Mrs. Crisler announced that the Windham Woman's Club will be holding its annual coat drive on November 6th, from 10 am to 1 pm at the Town Hall. The coats collected are distributed to various agencies who help the poor and homeless.

LIAISON REPORTS: Ms. Webber reported that the Historic District Commission/Heritage Commission discussed the Bartley House and a proposed lease agreement at their last meeting. The Commission is also preparing three articles for the Town Warrant. She also said that Mr. Thorndike is preparing a map depicting historical sites in the Town.

Mrs. Crisler reported that the Planning Board continues to meet weekly. She said work has begun to create a new district around Wall Street to be known as the Business Technology District. The Planning Board is working with the CIP sub-committee to finalize CIP plans.

She noted that the Sisters of Mercy have submitted plans for a proposed elderly housing complex on the Searles Castle grounds. The Board is awaiting comments from the HDC. Ms. Webber said that the comments have been forwarded to the Planning Board.

Mrs. Crisler announced that the Christmas Tree Lighting will be held on December 5th, at 4 pm, at the Town Common.

Mrs. Crisler said that the Recreation Committee has approved the building of dugouts and bleachers at Rogers and Tokanel Fields by scouts working on their Eagle Scout badges.

Mrs. Crisler reported that Shirley Pivovar is the coordinator for social events at the Senior Citizens Center. She announced the annual Seniors Christmas Party will be held on December 8th at Castleton. All senior citizens over 55 are eligible to attend.

Mrs. Crisler also announced that Rudy Pivovar will conduct a flower arranging class on November 10, at 1 pm, at the Town Hall.

She also reported that the chemical toilet at Searles Building had been screened in as requested by the Historic District Commission.

Mr. Barker - Mr. Barker reported that the fourth quarter payment of the Emergency Management grant in the amount of $1,055 had been received. He said plans are underway to make application for a grant in the year 2000.

FIRE STATION UPDATE: Chief Steve Fruchtman informed the Board that the Fire Station construction is ahead of schedule and that the building should be secured by Thanksgiving. He said that brickwork is underway and the steel should be delivered next week. He said that, at present, work seems to be under budget but nothing has been returned to the project budget at this time.

Chief Fruchtman also said that the department had conducted a very successful training burn recently, and that the public showed extreme interest in all phases of the operations.

GRIFFIN PARK UPDATE: Rick Hancock, Griffin Park Committee Chairman, explained the revised scope of work which was proposed for the new bids recently received. Five bids were received and Mr. Hancock said the committee recommended that the bid be awarded to the low bidder, David White Co, in the amount of $526,500.

Mr. Stearns moved and Ms. Webber seconded to accept the recommendation of the Griffin Park Committee and award the contract for Griffin Park to David White Co. in the amount of $526,500. Passed unanimously.

It was agreed that Mr. Hancock and Mr. Sullivan would coordinate an official groundbreaking for Griffin Park.

CORRESPONDENCE: Bond releases - Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to release the sum of $95,017.00 to Barton Hope LLC for Blossom Road, retaining the sum of $16,897.00. Passed unanimously. Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to release the sum of $9,288.20 to Ron Coish for Cochran Farm and Newfound Roads, retaining the sum of $8,750.00. Passed unanimously. Mrs. Crisler moved and Mrs. Stearns seconded to release the sum of $40,875.00 to Barton Hope LLC, retaining the sum of $21,322.00. Passed unanimously.

Two letters were received from the Salem-Plaistow-Windham MPO concerning support for the Windham bicycle facility, and project applications for the Transportation Enhancement Advisory Committee's review and consideration for funding.

MINUTES: Mr. Stearns moved and Mr. Doyle seconded to approve the minutes of October 18th. Passed 4 to 1, with Ms. Webber abstaining.

OLD BUSINESS: An advertising sign for Searles School & Chapel was discussed. The sign will have a burgundy background and beige copy and be 3 ft by 4 ft in size. Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve the Searles sign pending approval by the Planning Board. Passed unanimously.

Town Report Cover - Mr. Sullivan asked the Board's endorsement of having a contest for the Town Report cover. He said Mrs. Devlin has suggested that students at Center School be asked to submit pictures depicting what Windham means to them. Mr. Sullivan said that one picture would be selected for the front cover with a $50 gift certificate to be awarded to the winner, and another picture selected for the back cover with a $25 gift certificate to the winner. Other entries will be placed throughout the report. The Board was pleased with the idea and gave it full endorsement. Mr. Stearns suggested that pictures of the winning students also be included on the inside covers.

Turtle Rock Road - A discussion was held on the status of Turtle Rock Road. Mr. Sullivan said that he is waiting for a response from Mrs. Deluca that the road is ready for inspection to determine if it meets the requirements for an emergency lane.

Mrs. Crisler commented on problems arising from pedestrians trespassing on private roads. She said that legal opinions indicate that a private road is the same as a private driveway, and should not be used by the public without permission of property owners.

When questioned, she said several complaints had been received about use of Jordan Road, which is private. She said that property owners could be liable for any injuries sustained by persons on these private rights-of-way, and this could even affect the town. Mr. Sullivan indicated that this matter had been referred to Chief Moeckel. She asked Mr. Sullivan to discuss this problem with department heads.

Mr. Tom Furlong, who lives on a private road on Rock Pond, reinforced Mrs. Crisler's concerns, noting that persons are trespassing on private rights-of-way even though they are posted in many instances.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan informed the Board that he would be unable to attend the annual NHMA meeting and another voting delegate would have to be appointed. Mr. Stearns moved and Ms. Webber seconded to appoint Mrs. Crisler as the voting delegate for the NHMA meeting. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Stearns moved and Mr. Doyle seconded to adjourn into workshop session to discuss Board of Health Rules of Procedure and Sewage Regulations with Bruce Flanders, Health Officer.

Meeting adjourned at 11 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine Keefe

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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