MEMBERS PRESENT:Douglass Barker, Margaret Crisler, Carolyn Webber, Galen Stearns and Christopher Doyle. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.
LIAISON REPORTS:Mrs. Crisler reported that the Planning Board is continuing its work on the Master Plan. They are working with the Rockingham Planning Commission on a targeted block grant - 50/50 grant program. A Public Hearing has been scheduled for the Board to approve the grant funding.
Ms Webber updated the Board on the Capital Improvement Committee's process.
FENCE BIDS:The following bids were opened on September 23, 1999 for partially fencing the rear and west sides of the Transfer Station:
American Fences
Penney Fence & Erection Co.
Fences Unlimited
Wayne Bailey, Transfer Station Manager, recommended that the bid be awarded to Penney Fence & Erection Company for the bid price of $4,840.00 plus $540.00 for an additional 40 feet of fence - total cost - $5,380.00. Mrs. Crisler motioned to award the bid to Penney Fence & Erection Company for $5,380.00. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.
Mr. Stearns requested that the fence be reviewed after installation to see if it is working and to review the need for the barbed wire.
LIBRARY SIGN:J. Gross, Library Trustee Chairman, requested permission from the Selectmen to install a granite sign at the driveway entrance to the Nesmith Library, with a downward pointed beam from an existing light pole. Cost to be borne by the Library.
Mr. Stearns motioned to approve installation of the granite sign for the Library. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.
Debbie Desrosiers requested permission to install a flag pole at the end of the new walkway and patio at the Library. The pole will be supplied by FLOW. Ms Webber motioned to approve the installation of the flag pole with the condition that it be no higher than the flag pole at the Police Station. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.
CORRESPONDENCE:Mrs. Crisler motioned to release the total Road Bond on Londonderry/Kendall Pond Roads to H & B Homes, Inc. in the amount of $5,000. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.
NEW BUSINESS:Mr. Stearns noted that he felt the area near the intersection of Meetinghouse Road and Easy Street were in need of attention from the Highway Safety Committee. Specifically, he noted the possible need for striping and/or signage.
MINUTES:Ms Webber moved to accept the minutes of September 27th as presented. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.
WORKSHOPS:The Board, Mr. Sullivan and Fire Chief Fruchtman met in a workshop session to discuss EMS protocols.
The Board and Mr. Sullivan met in a workshop to discuss budgeting and long range planning.
NON-PUBLIC SESSION:Mr. Stearns motioned to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa. Mr. Doyle seconded. Roll Call Vote - all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance. Subject was personnel.
An employee evaluation was discussed.
Mr. Stearns motioned to adjourn. Ms Webber seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 11:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
David Sullivan
Town Administrator
NOTE:These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.