September 27, 1999

MEMBERS PRESENT: Douglass Barker, Margaret Crisler, Carolyn Webber, Galen Stearns and Christopher Doyle. David Sullivan, Town Administrator was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Stearns moved and Ms. Webber seconded to go into Non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, IIc. Roll call vote - all members - Yes. The Board, Mr. Sullivan, Animal Control Officer Alfred Seifert, Deputy ACO Charles Butterfield, and Police Prosecutor Cathy Baumann were present. The subject was personnel.

Mr. Barker stated that a personnel issue was discussed, and Mr. Sullivan will follow-up.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mrs. Crisler reported that the Apple Festival on Sunday was a huge success, and the music of the Air Force Band and Windham Community Band was excellent.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler said that the Planning Board is meeting every Wednesday, and the following plans were approved at the last meeting: Star Vector, Sports Shop on Range Road; Car Wash on Ledge Road; Italian restaurant on Range Road. She said two of the property owners had agreed to pay for the Opti-Com system at the Route 111/111A intersection.

Mr. Bailey, Transfer Station Manager, announced that November 15 is "America Recycles Day" and that contest entry pledge cards are available at Town Hall. Mr. Bailey also announced that Saturday is Hazardous Waste Collection Day in Nashua. He said that volunteers are needed to work at the site (jobs are not hazardous) which would save about $1,000 on the budget. Anyone interested, please contact Mr. Bailey.

Fire Chief Fruchtman announced that the week of October 3rd is Fire Prevention Week. He said that various programs are planned with high visibility at the schools, and invited residents to also visit the station. He said he also attended a very interesting program, sponsored by the Community Action for Teen Safety (CATS), at Castle College.

FIRE STATION UPDATE: Chief Fruchtman asked the Board to approve a temporary identification sign for the new Fire Station on Fellows Rd. He said the plywood sign is 48" by 96" and would be installed with the assistance of Mr. Turner, Planning Director. He said that Bonnette, Page & Stone would provide a directional sign. The Board advised Chief Fruchtman to proceed with the installation of the sign.

Chief Fruchtman updated the Board on work at the new station stating that construction on interior and exterior walls was underway, the well is being drilled, and the cistern site is being prepared. He said that the GMP would be under $1,900,000.

AUDIT REPORT: Robert Vachon, of Vachon, Clukay & Co., reported to the Board that the Town continues with a very positive fund balance and cash position. He said there was no management letter, and commended the Town for its progressive government and sound financial management. He noted that other New Hampshire towns are envious of Windham's position of having managed its tax rate and total general long-term debt.

Mr. Vachon gave the Town an "A". Mr. Barker commended Mr. Sullivan, Town Treasurer Robert Skinner, and department heads for their excellent financial management of town funds.

FIRE STATION REUSE COMMITTEE REPORT: Mr. Sullivan informed the Board that the Fire Station Reuse Committee had completed their task and recommended that the upper floor of the existing station be renovated for use by the Planning Department. He said the committee was comprised of Mr. Barker, Ms. Webber, Mr. Turner, Allan Barlow and himself. He said the vote was 4 to 1 in support of the recommendation.

He said the estimated cost was $75,000 for removing walls, new heating system, etc. Mr. Sullivan indicated that the CIP had allocated $43,000 towards the renovation cost, with the balance of $32,000 already in a Capital Reserve Fund. Tentative plans were on display, which indicated an open-space concept for the upper floor allowing more room for circulation of employees and counter use for the public. There will be ample room for files and meeting accommodations. The garage area would be used for storage, as asbestos would have to be removed before other uses are contemplated. It was noted that the building is structurally sound.

Mr. Turner explained the need for moving the Planning Department to the Fire Station, citing lack of storage, deteriorating building conditions, lack of security, lack of space for the public, and lack of meeting rooms.

Ms. Webber and Mr. Stearns maintained that the administration in Town Hall should move to the Fire Station and the Planning Department utilize the Town Hall. They felt that the Town Hall offices were too cramped and the station would have more usable space. Mr. Sullivan said that the square footage was only slightly larger than Town Hall, and there were no funds in the CIP for a vault or asbestos removal.

Following further discussion and comments from the public, Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Doyle seconded to adopt the recommendation of the Reuse Committee to move the Planning Department to the existing Fire Station, and recommend to the CIP Committee that $43,000 be allocated towards the renovation costs. Motion passed by 3 to 2 vote, with Mr. Stearns and Ms. Webber opposed.

MINUTES: Ms. Webber moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve the minutes of September 13th. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Bond release received from Planning Board for Beacon Hill Road. Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to release a road bond in the amount of $10,080.00 to H & B Homes Inc for Beacon Hill Road. Passed unanimously.

Letter received from J. Gross, Library Trustee, informing the Board that Library Trustee Lucie Lachance had resigned her position. Mr. Gross also noted that under State law, it was the Selectmen's responsibility to appoint a new Trustee to fill the vacancy until elections in March, 2000. Mr. Stearns moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to accept Mrs. Lachance's resignation with regrets and wish her well in her future endeavors. Passed unanimously.

Letter received from Superintendent's office announcing that the joint meeting between the School Board and Selectmen has been scheduled for October 5th, 7:30 pm, at Town Hall. One of the items on the agenda will be a discussion on the educational funding situation with State Senator Arthur Klemm and other members of the legislative delegation.

Mr. Barker received a notice from the DOT announcing a public hearing on October 5 concerning an update of the 10-year road plan for the State. Mr. Case will update the Board on Windham's projects at their next meeting.

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Barker reminded the public that the Board and Mr. Bailey are still seeking comments on the use of clear garbage bags vs. black bags.

HIGHWAY SAFETY - SIGN - A request for a "Slow Children" sign on Hayes Hart Road was discussed. Ms. Webber suggested that plowable speed bumps be installed as she felt they were more effective than signs. Mr. Stearns said the bumps should be checked out first, and sign should be installed in interim.

Mr. Stearns moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to install a "Slow Children" sign between 2 and 4 Hayes Hart Road. Passed unanimously.

TOWN HALL RULES & REGULATIONS - Mr. Sullivan explained to the Board that the Town Hall Rules & Regulations have been revised, i.e. "public use Fridays through Sundays only". Also included is a list of town organizations which are exempt from paying rental fees. The practice of gaining access to the Town Hall from Fire Department personnel when offices are closed will continue until Fire Station is vacated, when another alternative will be sought.

Mr. Stearns moved and Ms. Webber seconded to approve the revised Town Hall Rules & Regulations as written, with the exception of Republican Party which is to be deleted from list. Passed unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS: RIGHT-OF-WAY ORDINANCE WAIVERS: Requests for waivers from the Right-of-Way Ordinance were received from two residents who have fences erected in the town right-of-way. The Board was undecided what action should be taken. Mr. Turner and Mrs. Case both indicated to the Board that the Town could be liable for any damage or injuries caused to the motoring public if the fences remained in the right-of-way.

Mr. Doyle moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to allow the fences to remain, subject to recording deeds noting that fences are in town right-of-way for future owners information. Mr. Doyle cast only vote. Mr. Case questioned whether these fences would be grandfathered.

Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Doyle seconded to lay the subject on the table pending contact with Town Counsel as to legality and liability of the waivers. Passed unanimously.

RENAMING STREETS - A memo from Mrs. Crisler concerning street names was reviewed. She said that a meeting with the Fire Chief, Police Chief and Mike Notini of the TAC focused on changing several street names to avoid confusion when calling 911.

Street names considered to be duplicates were: North Bissell Camp Road - South Bissell Camp Road; North Shore Road - South Shore Road - West Shore Road; East Nashua Road - Nashua Road; North Lowell Road - Lowell Road.

Street names considered to be similar were: Country Club Road - Country Village Street; Eastwood Road - Edgewood Road; Farmer Road - Farrwood Road; Fawn Street - Fern Street; Moore Road - Morrison Road.

Ms. Webber suggested that the list be given to the Heritage Commission for recommendations of new names of historic significance. Mr. Barker recommended that a public hearing be scheduled with the residents of these roads and town officials for further discussion.

BLASTING PERMIT APPEAL - Mr. Sullivan informed the Board that an appeal from the School Administration to extend the hours for blasting at the school sites had been received.

Frank Keefe, School Clerk of the Works, said that the extension of hours was necessary because the school administration would not allow any dynamite on the project sites while children are in school for safety reasons. He said that blasting would have to be done on Saturdays and could involve two to three weeks.

Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Doyle seconded to grant an appeal from the School District to permit blasting on Saturdays and Columbus Day holiday through October 31st, and extend the hours to daylight hours. Passed unanimously.

TRAFFIC CONCERNS - Mr. Stearns requested Highway Safety to review truck traffic on Fellows Road and Range Road between the traffic lights and Common Man Restaurant. He felt the Police Department should enforce the "No Parking" ordinance or signs should be installed.

Mrs. Crisler said that the S-curve should be looked at on Heritage Hill Road. Mr. Turner said that the old committee had already sent comments to the Planning Board on this issue.

CABLE CONTRACT - Mrs. Case informed the Board that her latest information on the Cable transfer was that the closing date was scheduled for October 1st.

WORKSHOP & NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Stearns moved and Ms. Webber seconded to adjourn to a workshop session with the Windham Historic Committee; and to meet in Non-public session at 10 pm in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIc and d. Roll call vote - all members - Yes.

The Board met with members of the Windham Historic Committee to discuss Rules and Regulations for the use of the Searles Building. Revisions to the rules and fees were discussed and will be drafted by the committee and submitted to the Board for adoption.

The subjects of the Non-public session were personnel and legal. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were present.

APPOINTMENTS: Mr. Doyle moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to appoint Alternate Bruce Breton as a regular member of the Board of Adjustment to fill the vacancy created by Mr. Gattinella's resignation. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Doyle moved and Ms. Webber seconded to appoint Dr. Murray Levin to the position of Library Trustee until the March 2000 election. Passed unanimously.

LEGAL MATTER: A legal matter was discussed and Mr. Sullivan wlll follow-up with Town Counsel.

EMPLOYEE EVALUATION: The Board reviewed a department head's evaluation. Mr. Sullivan will conduct a review at a later date.

Meeting adjourned at 12:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine Keefe

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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