September 13, 1999

MEMBERS PRESENT: Douglass Barker, Margaret Crisler, Carolyn Webber, Galen Stearns and Christopher Doyle. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mrs. Crisler reminded everyone that the Applefest will be held on September 26th at Golden Brook School. The event is sponsored by the Garden Club, Woman's Club, and Windham Community Band with other organizations also participating.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler reported that the Planning Board elected the following new officers: Keith Goldstein, Chairman; Russell Wilder, vice-Chairman; and Annette Stoller, secretary. She reported that Star Vector has been scheduled for September 15th, and that the Board will meet on September 29th due to the heavy work load.

Mrs. Crisler reported that the Technical Advisory Committee was very busy. She indicated that the Committee had received a quote of $7,000 from East Coast Manufacturing for parcelization of Windham's tax maps, including overlays for wetlands, etc. She said the committee voted to recommend to the Selectmen that they proceed with digitalization of the tax maps and consider in next year's budget.

Ms Webber reported that the Historical Commission has under consideration a proposal from the Windham Garden Club to do a beautification project at Searles School. The Commission will request Tri-Town Landscare to remove existing borders in preparation for the work.

Ms Webber indicated that a report from the Historic District Commission would be forthcoming.

Mr. Barker stated that the third quarter grant payment of $1,588 had been received and there was $1,400 left in grant funds for the fourth quarter.

Mr. Barker said that Fire Chief Fruchtman and Mr. Sullivan surprised him with a mock Emergency Management drill with shelter setup, etc. recently. Mr. Barker also announced that he had been elected vice-Chairman of the Collective Haz-mat District, and was congratulated by the Board.

GRIFFIN PARK UPDATE: Rick Hancock, Griffin Park Committee Chairman, updated the Board on the status of the Griffin Park project. He said that the committee is working to descope the project or basic specifications to bring the costs within the $700,000 budget figure. He said the committee plans to rebid the project in October with bids due in November.

Mr. Stearns moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to endorse the Committee's recommendation to rebid the Griffin Park project. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Barker noted that copies of several letters written by Mr. Turner, Planning Director, to property owners in violation of the Right-of-Way Ordinance were received. Mrs. Crisler said that she had visited the various properties and found that Mr. Turner was justified in sending out the letters. Mr. Barker urged property owners with structures in the town rights-of-way to contact the Planning Department for assistance in correcting the problems.

Letter was received from the State Department of Revenue Administration announcing the distribution schedule for the school state education adequacy grants. Windham's grant amounts will be $2,343,988 to the School District and $43,680 to the Town for administrative costs (software, etc).

Letter from DRED, Division of Forests and Lands, concerning the proposed conveyance of a portion of the Rockingham Recreation Trail to the Town of Windham. The letter indicated that the Town would be required to accept three restrictions in the deed before the State would finalize the conveyance.

Request from James Derderian to release balance of road bond for Coachman Road. The figure to release was not listed and had not been received from the Planning Board, although the road has been accepted. Mr. Stearns moved and Ms Webber seconded to release the balance of the road bond for Coachman Road pending release request from Planning Board. Passed unanimously.

Road bond release received for Stations 0+00 to 18+50 on Nottingham Road. Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to release the road bond for Nottingham Road in the amount of $11,760 to Ashwood Homes. Passed unanimously.

Notice received from Salem-Plaistow-Windham MPO concerning revised agenda and related materials for meeting scheduled for next Thursday.

Copy of minutes received from Windham Historical Commission indicating that the Commission voted to endorse the use of Searles School for emergency use as part of the Emergency Management Program. Mr. Barker said that he will request an inspection of the building by the Red Cross to determine its adequacy as an emergency shelter. Mr. Stearns moved and Ms Webber seconded to authorize Searles School to be used as an emergency shelter. Passed unanimously.

MINUTES: Mr. Stearns moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to approve the minutes of August 30th. Mr. Sullivan offered an amendment to the "Highway Safety Committee Recommendations", paragraph 3, page 4, to eliminate "a 25 MPH speed limit" (North Lowell Rd). Motion passed unanimously as amended.

NEW FIRE STATION UPDATE: Chief Fruchtman updated the Board on the progress of the new fire station, noting that the footings, frost walls, etc have been installed, and exterior and interior materials will be delivered shortly. He also said the electrical, mechanical and elevator bids had been awarded last week, all under bid.

He informed the Board that three people had indicated interest in purchasing some 1500 yards of fill from the site. When questioned, Chief Fruchtman said that cooperation between the committee, Mr. Turner, and himself has been excellent and communications between everyone is working successfully.

ATLANTIC WASTE: Pat Norton, of Atlantic Waste, and Wayne Bailey, Transfer Station Site Manager, approached the Board with the recommendation that residents use clear plastic bags for trash and recyclables. It was their opinion that this would result in better recycling practices, and eliminate the need to open bags which is costly and dangerous to the workers.

Mr. Norton said that Atlantic Waste would like more people to recycle, and clear bags would assist in not having to open bags and leaving them at curbside. Mr. Bailey said that the clear bags are available at local stores and are not expensive, and any program would take time to implement.

The majority of the Board supported the proposal, but felt that they should not mandate the use of clear plastic bags for trash and recyclables. It was agreed that the proposal should not be implemented until the public has an opportunity to express their opinions. The subject will be on the meeting agenda on November 15. Mr. Bailey urged people to comment on the issue, but said he preferred their input in writing.

OLD BUSINESS: Mrs. Crisler said she is still pursuing the matter of appointing a Tree Warden for the town, and will continue her efforts to formally accept all roads through the deed process.

BOARD OF HEALTH PUBLIC HEARING: Mrs. Crisler read the Public Hearing Notice "The Board of Selectmen, acting as the Board of Health, will take action to adopt the Tattoo Ordinance, recently approved by the voters at a Special Town Meeting, on Monday, September 13, at 8 pm, Town Hall."

Mr. Stearns moved and Mr. Doyle seconded to recess as the Board of Selectmen and convene as the Board of Health. Passed unanimously.

Bruce Flanders, Health Officer, indicated to the Board that he has developed forms and fees relative to the Tattoo Ordinance. It was agreed that a separate hearing would be required to establish the fee schedule. Mr. Flanders will provide schedule and forms to Mr. Sullivan.

Mr. Stearns moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to accept the Tattoo Ordinance as approved by the voters at a Special Town Meeting on July 27th. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Stearns moved and Mr. Doyle seconded to adjourn the Board of Health hearing and reconvene as the Board of Selectmen.

OLD BUSINESS (Cont'd): Mr. Doyle said he has samples of forms from the Boston Police Department which the Board could review in conjunction with the Vehicle Maintenance Policy.

WATER BIDS: Mr. Sullivan informed the Board that four bids had been received for providing bottled water to town facilities, and noted that one of these bids was for water purifying systems only.

Mr. Sullivan recommended that the town accept the bid from Vermont Pure Springs, as they were the low bidder at $3.25 per bottle and hold the state contract.

Mr. Stearns moved and Mr. Doyle seconded to recommend any future contracts for bottled water be awarded to Vermont Pure Springs at $3.25 per bottle. Passed unanimously. Ms Webber recommended that the town obtain a water analysis report from the company.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan advised the Board that the office staff is working on revising the Town Hall Rules and Regulations and will be available for review by the Board in the near future.

He also advised the Board that it would be necessary to hold Selectmen's meeting each Monday evening beginning September 27th due to the workload and budget preparation.

Mrs. Crisler warned the Board that software police are checking on municipal licenses and Mr. Sullivan is presently putting the Town's in the vault. Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to request the Technical Advisory Committee to draft a procedure for software. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Crisler said that plans submitted by the School Board have indicated security cameras on the exterior of the buildings due to criminal activities, such as vandalism. She felt the Town should consider this type of security for town facilities.

Ms. Crisler moved and Ms Webber seconded to request the Technical Advisory Committee to work with the School Department and Police on security cameras (i.e infrared) for next year's budget. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Crisler noted that one more executive chair was needed for the Planning Board meetings. Mr. Sullivan will handle.

Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to direct Mrs. Crisler and Mr. Sullivan to work with the Technical Advisory Committee to develop a firm schedule for full use of our telephone systematical switch (i.e. 24 hour voice mail, group outgoing trunks, lines (2-way) for EM emergency use, system instructions in sections) and to report to Board of Selectmen no later than October 18. Passed unanimously.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Stearns moved and Mr. Doyle seconded to go into Non-public Session under RSA 91-A:3, IIc. Roll call vote - all members - Yes. The subject was personnel. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were present.

A department evaluation was reviewed, Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on the Police Captain process, and a union grievance was discussed. Mr. Stearns moved and Mr. Doyle seconded to deny the grievance.

BOARD OF HEALTH WORKSHOP: The Board and Mr. Flanders met in workshop session to discuss Board of Health rules and procedures and amendments to the Town Sewage Ordinance.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine Keefe

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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