June 7, 1999

MEMBERS PRESENT:Douglass Barker, Margaret Crisler, Carolyn Webber, Galen Stearns and Christopher Doyle. David Sullivan, Town Administrator was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Barker welcomed Robert "Cory" Nicholson, a college intern, working in the Town for the summer.

Margaret Case, Cable Advisory Committee Chairman, requested permission for Windham to join together with 8 other towns for legal services required due to Harron Communication being sold to Adelphia. Mrs. Case explained that two public information meetings will be held, in Londonderry and Merrimack. Attorney fees should be under $1000 per town. The Board stated that the Town Administrator can sign for the fees. The Towns will make sure Adelphia knows all aspects of the cable franchise, however changes cannot be made to the franchise. A public hearing will also be held in Windham on July 26th.

Margaret Case also told the Board that Rock Pond Road is in terrible shape and no action is being taking to fix it. She gave them pictures depicting the conditions. She noted that the Road Agent has been filling the potholes and constantly cleaning the catch basins. Mr. Devlin, Road Agent, agreed with Mrs. Case that the road needed work. Mr. Barker stated that the Paver Report does not rate Rock Pond Road as deficient as other roads in town.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler reported that the Planning Board approved the proposed assisted living facility behind the Presbyterian Church on Church Road. Also, the Sisters of Mercy conceptual plan for elderly housing was presented. The School will present their plan on June 23rd. They plan to start work early in July.

Ms Webber reported that the Cemetery Trustee met and have 2 eagle scouts doing projects in the cemeteries. Also, the Cub scouts planted flowers on the plains.

Mr. Barker reported that the Reuse Committee met to discuss the reuse of the Fire Station. Their report is due July 15th.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Fruchtman reported that Firefighters Savard, Mistretta and Zins have all successfully completed a three week course in Concord. FF Zins finished first in the class.

Chief Fruchtman told the Board that Associated Telecommunications Consultants has agreed to allow Windham to use space on the tower they are proposing to construct in Londonderry. The agreement would provide for free installation and access with Windham providing their equipment.

The Chief reported that the Town will be participating in the Kawasaki Jet Ski Watercraft Loan program. He extend thanks to FF Don Worthington and Robert Pica of Windham Kawasaki for their efforts in setting up the program. This will allow the Fire Department to have free use of a Kawasaki Jet Ski watercraft as a rapid deployment vehicle until August 7th. Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to authorize the Fire Department to enter into agreement with Kawasaki for their Jet Ski Watercraft Loan program. Passed unanimously.

Chief Fruchtman told the Board that on the Memorial Day Weekend there was a serious accident involving an off road vehicle. The new F-350 pick-up truck was used to its fullest. He also noted they responded to a small house fire where no smoke detectors were installed and a resident was transported for smoke inhalation. The Chief stressed the need for detectors and stated if you have any questions or problems installing smoke detectors, please call the department for assistance.

So far this year, the department has made four water rescues. This is a higher number than usual. The Fire Department will sponsor a Summer of Safety. They will offer boating safety information, will work with beach personnel on safety issues and remind all residents that flotation devices are available at the station for free. In the Fall, they will sponsor a Citizens Fire Academy that will teach basic safety procedures. Also, the Joint Loss Management Committee started training infectious disease today for all employees.

Chief Fruchtman thanked Boy Scout Troop 266 for their assistance during the Strawberry Festival.

TURTLE ROCK ROAD- EMERGENCY LANE: Mrs. DeLuca, Robert Devlin, Alfred Turner, Douglass Barker and Carolyn Webber had met and done an on-site inspection of Turtle Rock Road to discuss repairs necessary to have the Town sand and plow the road. Mrs. DeLuca had provided the Board with the listing of the Town requests and what action had or would be taken to comply with the requirements. Mr. Turner went though the list describing his comments on the proposed solutions and in some instances requesting more detail. Mr. Devlin expressed his concerns and stated that his plows are 13 feet wide and he recommended the road width to be 15 feet. Mr. Devlin also noted that he uses a combination of salt and sand when treating the roads. Ms Webber stated that she thought only sand should be used in order to protect Cobbetts Pond. Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded, motioned that if and when the Town accepts the road, the same salt/sand mixture used in all other areas of the town will be used. With Mrs. Crisler reluctantly agreeing, the motion passed 4-1 with only Ms Webber opposed.

After lengthly discussion, Mrs. Crisler motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to have Mrs. DeLuca, Mr. Turner, Mr. Devlin, Mr. Doyle and Ms Webber to meet and work out the solutions with Mr. Doyle and Ms Webber being delegated as thee Board of Selectmen agents to have make the final decision on any disagreements. Passed unanimously.

GRIFFIN PARK UPDATE: Rick Hancock, Griffin Park Chairman, updated the Board on the Griffin Park Master Schedule. Presently they are in the presolicitation phase. They are also finalizing the hiring agreement for the consultant. Revised site plan is in the works and at this time are not scheduled with Planning Board yet. They are working on a lighting plan before going before the Planning Board.

STEWARDSHP COMMITTEE: Peter Griffin and Sally De'Angelo, members of the Stewardship Committee, told the Board that the Committee is now 5 years old and will be re-evaluating their goals. Some of their accomplishments to date are: establishment of design review process; applied and received a grant for bike trails and worked on transportation goals, notably the New Hampshire Railroad Revitalization Program. The Stewardship Committee with meet on June 24th at the Searles School at 7 pm - it is an open forum and all interested persons are urged to attend. The Committee would welcome new members with new ideas for the future of Windham.

ENDORSEMENT OF LIBRARY PLAN: The Nesmith Library is planning an extension of the brick walkway. Mr. Stearns motioned to endorse the Nesmith Library walkway extension as proposed. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE/MINUTES: Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve the minutes of May 17 and 24th. Passed unanimously.

Notice was received that the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance has selected the Searles School and Chapel project a winner of a 1999 Preservation Achievement Award.

A letter of resignation from the Highway Safety Committee was received from John O'Connor. Ms. Webber motioned to regretfully accept John O'Connor's resignation. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously. Volunteers are needed for this committee. Please contact Mr. Sullivan if you are interested in appointment to this committee.

OLD BUSINESS: Mrs. Crisler stated that the Technical Committee is very enthusiastic to proceed with David Wilson's, owner of Open Archieve, offer to archive the town records on CD Rom. Mr. Sullivan stated that he had met with Mr. Wilson's assistant last week. Mr. Wilson has hired an intern and the town will pay for one day of the intern's salary to process the Town's records. This will be coordinated with the Town Clerk and a signed agreement with be processed.

Mr. Sullivan reminded everyone that on June 21st the deliberative session of the special town meetin to consider the proposed ordinances will be held at 7:00 pm at Town Hall. - Voting will be on July 27th at Center School from 8 am until 8 pm

Mr. Sullivan explained to the Board that an additional $5,000 will be required to have the Town Hall computer system Y2K compliant. He will be working with the Technical Advisory Committee to get the best pricing.

Mr. Barker announced the Summer meeting schedule for the Board and noted that those persons needing an appointment with the Board, especially for approvals, should plan accordingly. The Board will meet on June 21st, July 12 and 26th, August 9 and 30th and September 13th.

NEW BUSINESS: Ms Webber discussed an incident on the footbridge at the Town Common at which a foot injury occurred. The bridge will be repaired.

Mr. Barker told the other Board member that at their meeting on June 21st, he will present the Emergency Management Plan for approval and annual concurrence of said plan. He will provide a copy for their review prior to the meeting.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIb, c and d. Roll Call- all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance in all sessions. Subjects were hiring, reputation and land acquisition.

Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on police personnel matters.

Mr. Doyle motioned to approve the hiring of four call firefighters subject to background check and physicals. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Doyle motioned to approve the hiring of Erin Gumbel as an intern in the Planning Department for the summer. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Stearns motioned to approve the hiring of the following lifeguards and camp assistants: Kori Maroon, Colleen Gallagher, Tricia Costa, Brian Gallagher, Audra Chamberlain, Molly McGinnis, Jodie Alosso, Sandra Hardy, Stephanie Pliskin and Bethany Maroon. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan updated the Board of a potential sale or lease of a small strip of Town land.

The Board approved a new pay scale for call firefighers instituted by Chief Fruchtman and Mr. Sullivan.

Mr. Stearns motioned to appoint Tony Pellegrini as an alternate member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and to appoint Bruce Breton as a regular member filling Mr. Pellegrini's position. Mr. Pellegrini asked to be appointed as an alternate rather than regular member. No second.

Mr. Sullivan informed the Board that Richard O'Loughlin respectfully declined his recent appointment to the Conservation Commission.

Mrs. Crisler motioned to appoint Tony Pellegrini as an alternate member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and to appoint James Sullivan as a regular member filling Mr. Pellegrini's position. Ms Webber seconded. Passed 4-1 with Mr. Stearns opposed.

Ms Webber moved to adjourn. Mr. Stearns seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately midnight.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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