March 22, 1999

MEMBERS PRESENT: Margaret Crisler, Carolyn Webber, Galen Stearns and Christopher Doyle. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was away on business. Mr. Barker was not present due to illness. In Mr. Barker's absence, Mrs. Crisler chaired the meeting which commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Stearns announced that the Odyssey of the Mind Regional Meet was Saturday and Windham had 9 teams participating - 7 placed in the State Finals. Great Showing! State finals are on April 10th.

Mrs. Crisler noted Windham Garden Club won first place at the Orchid Show this weekend.

LIAISON REPORTS: Carolyn Webber attended the Cemetery Trustees meeting at which a Scout Project was discussed allowing scouts to adopt a grave and learn about the family. Also discussed was the Memorial Day Parade. It was noted that the cemeteries will open officially on 4-15-99 so clean up will be starting. If you have placed anything in the cemeteries you want, please collect it immediately.

Mr. Doyle stated that the Cable Committee had met on Saturday. Checks were received from Harron and Media One. Office hours for the studio vary daily, however the core hours are noon to four pm each day.

Mr. Doyle stated that the Zoning Board of Adjustment will hear a case regarding the Sisters of Mercy tomorrow evening at the Building Department.

Margaret Crisler stated that the Planning Board is still meeting weekly working on the Master Plan and hearing plans on three more proposed subdivisions which will contain 35 houses.

Mrs. Crisler noted that the Superior Court upheld the Planning Board decision on the Star Vector Case.

INTERVIEW: The Board interviewed Richard O'Loughlin for a position on the Board of Adjustment.

CONSENT AGENDA: Mr Stearns motioned to approve the minutes of March 15, 1999. Mr Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

Ms Webber motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to approve manifest of March 22, 1999. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Letter received from Friends of the Windham Library (FLOW) regarding Strawberry Festival plans and activities to be held in June.



WORKSHOP WITH GRIFFIN PARK COMMITTEE: The following members of the Griffin Park Committee met with the Board of Selectmen - Rick Hancock, Kate Pocklington, Neil Gallagher, Louise Peltz , Jonathan Coish, Ralph Titus, and Eric Nickerson.

The Board addressed a memo from the Committee requesting the appointment of an additional member to the committee, namely Samuel Maranto. Mr. Stearns motioned to appoint Mr. Maranto to the Committee. Mr. Doyle seconded. Ms Webber questioned if this appointment should be contingent on a review of rules of the committee composition. Other Board members expressed the view that the Committee could be expanded by one as the Board established the committee. Passed unanimously.

The Board and the Griffin Park Committee discussed the stipulations of approval for the Griffin Park Site Plan by the Planning Board. These included the lighting plan (which is presently not funded), driveway permit from the State, 100' setback requirement from the property lines, buffer zone and signage. The group also discussed the bid process, scheduling of construction, infrastructure (conduits and poles).

Mrs. Crisler stated that the site plan was only conditionally approved by the Planning Board earlier and they now required additional items before final approval.

Mr. Stearns suggested a note on the plan for the Planning Board showing lighting now in plan and the proposed infrastructure and that any additional lighting will be presented to them for site plan approval.

Further discussion included landscaping noting that the Committee is working with the Garden Club and possibly providing access to Johnson's farm and adjoining residential area.

A plan depicting signage is required by the Planning Board for approval. Also it was noted that the driveway plan is going to the State for approval.

The Board and Committee reviewed the Committee's charge item by item. Item number ten - "To work in developing and holding fundraising events to acquire other monies needed to complete the development of the Park, including funding for lights, fences, etc." was changed to state that the Committee will do no fundraising but if other groups do they will work with the Town Administrator to utilize any contributions to complete development of the park. It was further noted that individual members of the committee could work on fundraising projects.

The Board congratulated the committee on their work before and at Town Meeting. Mr. Stearns motioned to approve the charge with Item 10 amended. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS - Ms Webber motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa and b. Roll Call Vote - all members - yes. Subjects were personnel and hiring.

The first session was with the Board and Chief Moeckel in attendance. Subject was a personnel matter and Chief Moeckel will follow-up.

The second session was regarding the hiring of a deputy fire chief. Mr. Stearns motioned to approve a conditional offer of employment for deputy fire chief pending background and medical checks. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Doyle motioned to adjourn. Ms Webber seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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