March 9, 1999

MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles McMahon, Douglass Barker, Carolyn Webber, Margaret Crisler and Galen Stearns. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7 PM.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Barker made a motion to go into Non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIb. Seconded by Mr. Stearns. Roll call vote - all members - Yes. The subject was personnel. The Board, Mr. Sullivan, and Fire Chief Lipe were present.

PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. McMahon announced that the Board supported the recommendations of Chief Lipe to promote the following call firefighters to full-time positions: Ralph DeMarco, will fill vacancy created by retirement of present firefighter on March 29; Scott Zins, appointment dependent on Town Meeting approval; Tim Dunn, temporary appointment to augment a two-man shift until the appointment of a Deputy Chief.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. McMahon reminded everyone that Tuesday was election day - polls will be open from 7 AM to 8 PM at Center School - and Saturday, March 13, is the town’s deliberative session at 9 AM at Golden Brook Road.

Mrs. Crisler announced that Town Reports are available at Town Hall.

CABLE RECOGNITION AWARD: Margaret Case, Cable Advisory Board Chairman, presented Programming Director awards to Jim Bulen and Arthur Baker, who have been responsible for several cable programs on flowers. Both men are members of the Windham Garden Club’s Video Committee, and Mrs. Case commended them and the committee for their excellent work. Their names have been added to the Programming Director plaque which hangs in the cable studio.

LIAISON REPORTS: Ms. Webber reported the Historic District Commission met with the Museum Trustees.

Mr. McMahon questioned the status of the tree at Searles Building, and

Mr. Sullivan stated he understood the HDC intended to retain the tree.

Mrs. Crisler said the ski program sponsored by the Recreation Committee is very successful.

She also reported that the Planning Board is meeting every Wednesday, and they recently approved an Elderly Housing complex with 80 units on Mammoth Road.

She reported the Technology Advisory Committee is still working with library personnel, and plan to work with department heads on technology issues in the future.

Mr. Stearns commented on the recent developments in the Claremont case, and urged residents to contact their Senators relative to their upcoming vote on the income tax.

CORRESPONDENCE: Letter received from State Department of Transportation announcing that the state will be conducting geotechnical explorations in the areas involved in the Route 111 By-pass project.

Wayne Morris submitted a letter of resignation as representative to the Rockingham Planning Commission. Mr. Stearns moved to accept Mr. Morris’ resignation with regrets. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Passed unanimously.

EMERGENCY LANES PUBLIC HEARING: Mr. Sullivan read the Public Hearing notice to consider designating Horne and Turtle Rock Roads as emergency lanes which would give the Board authority to perform winter plowing activities.

Mr. Barker explained that he, Planning Director Al Turner, Road Agent Bob Devlin and Deputy Fire Chief Steven Fruchtman visited both roads to determine if the roads met the established criteria for an emergency lane status.

Reports on both roads were prepared and deficiencies listed. Ms. Webber moved to add "access to a dam" under section 3 of the emergency lane public need criteria. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Mr. Stearns questioned the need for this addition. Motion was defeated 2 to 3. Mr. Barker, Mr. McMahon and Mr. Stearns opposed.

Turtle Rock Road - Mr. Barker stated that Turtle Rock Road does meet criteria for public need as it has water access. The access, according to Deputy Chief Fruchtman, is located at 56 Turtle Rock Road. He said the department could get a truck to within 10 feet of the water. A discussion on school bus access was curtailed when it was pointed out that declaring a road an emergency lane was for emergency vehicles only, which did not include school buses.

Mr. Devlin indicated that he could not plow the access at 56 Turtle Rock Road as he does not have the equipment and the ground base is not suitable for plowing. He also noted that the grade steepness to the water would be doubtful for fire equipment use.

Mrs. Crisler moved to accept criteria No. 2, water access, for Turtle Rock Road. Seconded by Ms. Webber. Motion passed 4 to 1, with Mr. Barker abstaining.

A list of 13 deficiencies, which would require corrections, was read and discussed. The following gave comments during the discussion: Mrs. DeLuca, Mrs. Bemister, Mr. Bemister, Mrs. Schreiner, Mrs. Case, Mr. Turner, Deputy Chief Fruchtman, Mr. Devlin.

Mrs. Crisler suggested that criteria for "camp roads" be established, which might allow for private road residents to petition for a layout as a town road. Under the emergency lane law, she pointed out that just one resident’s objection can stop the declaration of an emergency lane. Mr. Barker suggested that the list of deficiencies be given to the residents for review. He said that the town group would be willing to meet on-site to discuss the problems with the residents and the remedies involved. Mr. Turner suggested that the residents retain a contractor to review the criteria and problems prior to meeting with the town. Mrs. DeLuca agreed to serve as representative for the residents during this time period.

Ms. Webber moved to accept Turtle Rock Road as an emergency lane dependent on meeting the minimum road condition criteria as outlined at previous meeting. Seconded by Mr. Stearns. Passed unanimously.

Horne Road - Mr. Barker stated that Horne Road does not meet the public need criteria, as there is no usable water access according to the Fire Department. Ms. Webber stated that there are two gates which would give water access.

Mr. Stearns moved that Horne Road does not meet public need criteria and is not suitable for emergency lane declaration. Seconded by Mr. Barker. Passed by 3 to 2 vote, with Mrs. Crisler and Ms. Webber opposed.

CHURCH STREET: The Board discussed the proposal to close Church Street from North Lowell Road to Route 111, with one-way traffic entering from Route 111 only. This proposal was a recommendation from the Highway Safety Committee due to the signal lights now in service at North Lowell Road and Route 111.

It was pointed out that a right-hand slip lane was needed on North Lowell Road to expedite traffic onto Route 111 to avoid a bottleneck in front of the town facilities. Also, that the signal lights would need adjusting to allow more cars to exit North Lowell Road at one time. Mr. Turner said that he had not met with the State Department of Transportation to get their input on the proposal. Ms. Webber made a motion to table the matter and ask Mr. Turner to contact the DOT. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

NORTH POLICY STREET/ROUTE 111: Cliff Sinnott and Dave Pelletier, Rockingham Planning Commission, presented a conceptual plan for road improvements to North Policy Street and Range Road. Mr. Sinnott said that this project was originally part of the Route 111 By-pass plan, but RPC felt that the need for easing the traffic congestion in this area was urgent and interim improvements were needed now.

The proposal would involve work within the existing right-of-way and include a stacking lane for left-hand turns onto North Policy Street from Range Road heading west. Mr. Pelletier indicated that Salem intended to extend the median strip at Old Rockingham Road to eliminate left-hand turns onto Range Road.

Mr. Case, RPC representative, said that this project has been moved to third on the TIP list and application should be expedited. Opposition was expressed to making Old Rockingham Road one way. Mrs. Beaulieu, owner of 4 Range Road and Carol Pynn, Historic District Commission chairman, questioned how this project would affect the road width, etc. Mr. Sinnott stated that the plan was only conceptual and no engineering studies had been done.

Ms. Pynn stated that this section of Range Road was eligible for historic recognition and the project should not infringe on the historic neighborhood. Mr. Turner said that this project would be less devastating and have less encroachment on the area than the Route 111 By-Pass proposal. He added that if this plan works, then this part of the By-Pass may not be needed.

It was the consensus of the Board to support this conceptual plan by the RPC.

MINUTES AND MANIFEST: Mr. Barker made a motion to approve the minutes of February 22nd and manifest of March 8th. Seconded by Mr. Stearns. Passed unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan announced that sealed bids for a Fire Department Utility Vehicle had been opened on March 5, and were as follows:

Deluca/Woodworth Ford, Andover, MA $28,038.85 Net
Regan Ford, Haverhill, MA 25,837.00 Net
Gladstone Ford, Londonderry, NH 27,825.65 Net
Newman Ford, Salem, NH 27,257.50 Net
Grappone Ford, Concord, NH 28,065.00 Net

Mr. Sullivan said the bids were being analyzed by the Fire Truck Committee.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Barker stated he felt the Board should revisit the mechanics of the emergency lane criteria.

Mr. Barker and Mr. Stearns presented Mr. McMahon with farewell gifts from the Board as this was his last official meeting. Mr. Barker and the Board thanked Charlie for the time and efforts he has given the Town as a Selectman.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Barker made a motion to go into Non-Public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIc. Seconded by Mr. Stearns. Roll call vote - all members - Yes. The subject was a legal matter. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were present.

PUBLIC SESSION: The Board and Mr. Sullivan discussed a proposed lease agreement from the Housing Authority. Mr. Sullivan will follow-up with a revised draft and submit it to the committee for review.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be a re-organizational session on March 15th at 7 PM. The next regular meeting will be on March 22nd at 7 PM.

Mr. Stearns motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Ms. Webber. Meeting adjourned at 11 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine Keefe

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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