FEBRUARY 1, 1999

MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles McMahon, Douglass Barker, Carolyn Webber, Margaret Crisler, and Galen Stearn Stearns. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mrs. Crisler displayed a Jewel Orchid, which she stated is grown for its beautiful foliage.

Mrs. Crisler noted that a reception for the new librarian is being held tonight at the Library.

Mr. Barker urged all residents to watch Channel 51 on Wednesday at 7:30 for an informational presentation of the proposed new Fire Station.

LIAISON REPORTS: Ms Webber reported that the Historic District Commission/Heritage Committee is making suggestions to the Planning Board for Historic preservation in proposed subdivisions.

The Commission is exploring the reuse possibilities for Bartley House and Senior Center buildings.

Mrs. Crisler stated the Planning Board is meeting every Wednesday. Consideration of the Adult Book Store was continued to February 17th.

Mrs. Crisler noted that the Technical Committee again reminds all committees to submit their minutes to the Web master, Dick Forde.

Mrs. Crisler stated that the Recreation Committee is meeting tomorrow night and considering adult activities.

TOM CASE: Mr. Case, Rockingham Planning Commissioner (RPC), reported that the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is working with the RPC in sending out RFP’s to study interim improvements to the intersection at Rte 111/ No Policy Street. Mr. Case requested the Board send a letter supporting this project to the RPC.

The Board discussed this road situation and the possibility of Wal-mart contributing to this project. Mr. Barker moved to have the Board send a letter of support for sending the RFPs to study interim improvements that will have minimal impact, no land taking, and that the Board will be contacted to consider any recommended improvements. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMITTEE: Mr. Barker stated that the Highway Safety Committee had met and made recommendations for the Selectmen as noted below.

Mr. Barker motioned to leave the stop sign at Thomas and Gertrude; have Road Agent cut brush on the northerly side of Glenwood and to install a stop sign on Glenwood at Nottingham. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Barker motioned to post the speed limit for 25 MPH at both ends of Heritage Hill Road and to install 'S' curve signs at lot # 18 and Lot #35 heading downhill or in an Easterly direction. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

The Board did not approve any action to improve the lighting at Rte 111/Fellows/North Lowell Roads pending the reply from PSNH as to their recommendations.

It was agreed that Mr. Sullivan would schedule a public discussion at a future Selectmen’s Meeting on a recommendation to change Church Street to one-way from Route 111.

The item regarding a 'No left turn on red arrow' was not approved as the Board felt there were already too many signs. The Board further suggested that other similar signs be removed on Route 111. Mr. Barker will refer this matter to the NHDOT.

Mr. Barker presented the Board some 'Policy' suggestions. The Board will discuss these items after they are addressed by the Highway Safety Committee.

Tom Furlong and Mrs. Crisler asked why signs approved in 1998 were still not installed. These questions were regarding Marblehead and Glance Road and Mr. Barker will follow up.

PETER GRIFFIN: Mr. Griffin, Town Moderator, stated that the polling hours for election day, March 9th will be 7:00 am til 8:00 pm at the Center School.

Mr. Griffin then addressed the Board in his capacity as President of the Regional NH RR Revitalization Committee. He told the Board that the rail project in New Hampshire is coming to fruition. Studies are underway to have rail transportation between Boston/Portsmouth/Kittery and Portland with stops in Exeter and Plaistow. The line between Nashua/Manchester/Concord is now in the funding stage. There are other routes also being discussed. Mr. Griffin stated that he believes it is time for New Hampshire to rethink the transportation system and not simply rely on highways. With the planned reconstruction of Interstate 93 and Route 3, Mr. Griffin noted that rail transportation would be a second mode of travel.

Mr. Case stated that the Rockingham Planning Commission is placing their emphasis on bus transportation at the present time.

CORRESPONDENCE: Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve the release of the following road bonds:

Searles Road, partial release of $220,858.00; Stonehedge Road, partial release of $13,500.00; Stoneywyke Road, partial release of $23,920.00 and Beacon Hill Road, full release of $1,000.00. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

Letter received from Representative Janet Arndt regarding the House’s actions regarding possible solutions for school funding as required by the Claremont decision.


OLD BUSINESS: Mrs. Crisler stated that she had attended a meeting last week in Salem regarding Wal-mart and the traffic situation. She stated the meeting went well. Mr. Turner is attempting to set up a meeting with Windham and DOT.
PRIVATE ROAD CRITERIA: Mr. Sullivan gave the Board members copy of Salem’s rules regarding their procedures on private road plowing and sanding.

Mr. McMahon noted that the Board will determine the criteria of public need and criteria of the road to be plowed if deemed an emergency lane.

Board members discussed possible public need as required by the RSAs water source and water rescue were mentioned. The following residents spoke regarding their roads and what public need they serve: Mrs. DeLuca, Bud Sweetser, Tom Furlong, Laureen Schreiner, Carl Meinelt, Marianne Bemister, Matt McCabe, Keith Goldstein and Laurie Telly. Needs described included water source, water rescue, emergency vehicle access, upgrading of seasonal homes, school bus routes, access to dam and forest fires.

Ms Webber motioned to set the public need criteria to accept roads as emergency lanes for those roads which provide access for water source, water rescue and that provide access to fight forest fires. Mrs. Crisler seconded. After discussion, Ms Webber amended the motion to eliminate roads that provide access to fight forest fires. Mrs. Crisler seconded as amended. Motion defeated 2-3 with McMahon, Barker and Stearns opposed.

Mr. Stearns motioned to accept public need criteria for private roads to be declared emergency lanes as road which need school buses to pass over and through them to gain access to a public road and roads which allow fire trucks to draw water from the Pond. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

The Board then discussed the condition an emergency lane would have to be in to be plowed. Conditions discussed included road width, slope, drainage, surface and barriers. Ms Webber noted the following conditions should be considered: minimum width of 12-15 feet, surface graded gravel or paved, ROW 19-21 feet, adequate turnaround, adequate drainage, yearly inspection by road agent, hazards on side of road removed or flagged, parking on street prohibited or cars towed, and only sand is to be used. The Board reached a consensus to use the criteria as described by Ms Webber when accessing each road as to its acceptability for plowing. The Board noted that any costs for improving private roads to acceptable conditions will be borne by the abutters.

OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan told the Board members details on the upcoming public hearing on the budget on February 9, 1999.

Mr. Sullivan stated that he and some department heads will be participating with the school in Groundhog Shadowing Day - having students shadow an employee for a few hours.

Mr. McMahon pointed out the new sign depicting the web address:

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Stearns motioned to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa. Ms Webber seconded. Roll Call Vote, all members yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance. Subject was personnel.

The Board discussed a personnel matter. Mr. Sullivan will follow-up.

Mr. Stearns motioned to adjourn. Ms Webber seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 11:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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