January 11, 1999

MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles McMahon, Douglass Barker, Carolyn Webber, Margaret Crisler, and Galen Stearns. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Girl Scout Cookie Week is now!

LIAISON REPORTS: Margaret Crisler reported that the Planning Board is in the process of holding public hearings on the proposed zoning amendments. The Planning Board will reconsider the citizen’s petition regarding used car lots and gas stations at their public hearing on January 19th. Initially there was a problem with the petition. Mrs. Crisler also noted that they are working on the village district center.

The web site address for the Town is

Carolyn Webber stated that the open house on Sunday at the new museum and town hall was a huge success. Another open house is planned for April.

Mr. Barker stated that the State Office of Emergency Management awarded Windham a grant of $7,000 to get EM up and running in Windham. Mr. McMahon thanked Mr. Barker for his ongoing efforts along with Chief Moeckel and Chief Lipe and a small group of volunteers to set up Windham’s program.

WOMENS CLUB PRESENTATION: Ann Louise LeColst presented a gift for the Fire Department to Chief Lipe from the Women’s Club. Chief Lipe expressed his surprise and appreciation to the Club for their generous donation of an automatic external defibrillator (AED). He stated he was certain this would save lives and thanked them for the needed equipment. He expressed his belief that this presentation also was being done in memory of their former member, Beverly Kinhart, who recently passed away.

Mrs. LeColst stated that at their September meeting Deputy Fruchtman showed the club the AED the Fire Department presently has and they were truly impressed. She thanked members for their fundraising efforts and thanked all those who purchased items from the Club. Thanks to Willie Shoemaker for procuring the AED in memory of Beverly Kinhart.

MINUTES: Mr. Baker motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve minutes of 12-28-98 as submitted. Passed 4-0-1 with Mrs. Crisler abstaining.

BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR JOB DESCRIPTION: Mr. Stearns motioned and Ms Webber seconded to approve the building maintenance supervisor and revised maintenance custodians’ job descriptions as submitted by Mr. Sullivan. Mr. Barker asked that the supervisor serve on the joint loss committee. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Stearns motioned to approve the job description for the Administrative Assistant to the Town Administrator. Mr. Barker seconded. Passed unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan told the Board that only one bid was received for the computer maintenance contract. Mr. Sullivan recommended that the Board disapprove all bids and continue on a case by case basis. He stated he has vendors available. Mr. Stearns motioned to deny all computer maintenance bids. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. McMahon requested that a letter be sent to the Historic Committee to remove the tree in front of Searles Building.

It was suggested that the State Representatives and Senators be asked to make themselves available to discuss the school funding issue. Things are now happening daily - invite them to our meeting for update, possibly early in February. Mr. Stearns requested that when one of our representatives submits a bill, to please give us a copy. Mr. Sullivan stated this is already happening.

Mr. Barker noted that if conversations seem disconnected tonight, it is because these items have been discussed previously at budget hearings and Board members were merely following up.

Mr. Sullivan noted that on January 25th the Board will hold a public hearing on Emergency Lanes. Notices to all property owners will go out tomorrow.

DEVLIN LAND: Mr. McMahon stated that the Town has had a 10 year lease with Robert Devlin on a 12 acre parcel and it will be up on April 1st. Parcel contains the Herbert Ballfield. Lease contains option for Town to purchase land for $100,000 which would allow the Town to close in the Foster’s Pond area. Conservation Commission last year worked with Eric Nickerson for a land swap around Foster’s Pond in an effort to protect the area surrounding Foster’s Pond. The Town also has the option to renew the lease for another ten years, but the purchase price of $100,00 would not then be binding.

Mr. McMahon noted that monies for a purchase could come from new taxation, Conservation Land Acquisition Fund or land swap. Parcel contains a lot of wetlands and Mr. McMahon asked if recreation wanted to keep it for a ballfield. He further stated that if the lease is renewed, the Devlins will require stricter guidelines for use. Mr. Sullivan noted that the men’s softball league built and maintains the field.

Mr. Sullivan stated that the former assessor said the land was worth $90,000 to $110,000. It is presently landlocked but easement could be gained from Londonderry Road. At least one buildable lot would then be available.

Nancy Surette, Chairman of the Conservation Commission asked the Board questions regarding lease conditions, appraisal of the land, disposition of the railroad bed, the priorities the Commission has in determining land to purchase and projects they are presently involved in. She stated that this year the Commission collected $172,000 from current use and $13,000 last year and we must be careful with these funds. We cannot pay $100,000 but can contribute to preserve path around Foster’s Pond. Mrs. Surette asked if it were possible to work with Mr. Devlin to purchase the easement or renew lease.

Doug Barker read contract regarding purchase - can buy if we renew lease, however, probably not at $100,000. Mr. McMahon stated that he spoke with Mr. Devlin and he expressed no interest in an easement as of five o’clock today.

Mary Devlin stated she had 2 points - she strongly urged the Town to buy property to surround Foster’s Pond, and that this parcel abuts my land and if the Town does not purchase it, she will consider purchasing it from her brother. She also asked the Board that if they renew lease, have standards of behavior on that ballfield. Talk to residents in the area concerning the problems.

Wayne Morris, Bernie Rouillard and Rick Hancock also spoke regarding the State’s ROW, variance needed for any buildable lots and funding possibilities if land were to be purchased.

The Board agreed to have Nancy Surette and David Sullivan meet with Mr. Devlin and discuss possible resolutions to this matter. They will report back to the Board at the January 25th meeting.

Margaret Crisler noted that abuse of field, drinking, and rude behavior at the softball field need to be controlled. Discuss with recreation - enforcement issue. Mr. Sullivan stated that the men’s softball league understands - any more problems no more use of this field.

BOARD OF HEALTH: Mr. Barker motioned and Mrs. Crisler seconded to recess the Selectmen’s Meeting and convene as the Board of Health. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Flanders stated that two well waivers for septic system - one on owner’s lot and one on neighboring lot were being requested by Dennis Root. The Board had a revised plan but noted it did not have a revised date. Mr. Flanders explained details of the plan to Board members. All abutters have been notified - Mr. Barker discussed lack of proof that abutter had received certified letters. It was noted that it takes at least 20 days to be notified by the Postal Service if the letter was not claimed

Charles McMahon, noted in all other cases, we have had abutters agree or have received green cards proving they received these letters. Mr. Root stated that he could have had abutters sign showing their agreement if I knew you wanted it. Letter sent to the abutters was read into the record by Mr. Flanders. Letter in response from Cynthia Jancks, an abutter, was read stating notice was received and she has no objection to the requested waivers.

Mr. Stearns motioned to approve the two waivers as requested. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler and Ms Webber. Mrs. Crisler requested plans be signed by engineer and date when the plan was revised. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Barker motioned to close the hearing of the Board of Health. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mr. Barker motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to go into non -public in accordance RSA 91-A:3, IIa, c and e. Roll call vote - all members - yes. Subjects are personnel, reputations and union negotiations.

The Board, Mr. Sullivan and Chief Moeckel were in attendance regarding a personnel issue. Chief Moeckel updated the Board and he will follow-up.

The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance in the session regarding reputations. Mr. Barker motioned to approve a hardship abatement. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance in the session regarding union matter. Ms Webber motioned to ratify the tentative agreement with the Municipal Union to be presented at Town Meeting. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously. The contract calls for a 3% COLA and a new configuration for step increases.

The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance in the session regarding personnel. Mrs. Crisler motioned to promote Mr. Barlow to the position of Building Maintenance Supervisor. Mr. Barker seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Barker motioned to adjourn. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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