DECEMBER 28, 1998

MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles McMahon, Douglass Barker, Carolyn Webber and Galen Stearns. Margaret Crisler was attending the Public Hearing on the Zoning Amendments and arrived at approximately 7:10 pm. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Police Officer Stephen Moltenbrey explained to the Board, that as part of his job he participates in various community activities. This summer he attended a bicycle rodeo run by two Windham Boy Scouts working on their Eagle project. Officer Moltenbrey stated that the rodeo was run extremely well, emphasizing safety and inspecting equipment. Officer Moltenbrey congratulated Eric Foster and presented him a certificate for his work.

Police Chief Moeckel introduced Windham's newest police officer, Edward Fedele. Officer Fedele started the first of the month and will be attending the Police Academy for the next 12 weeks.

LIAISON REPORTS: Carolyn Webber reported that the Historic District Commission/Heritage Commission has scheduled two meetings and have not had a quorum. Ms Webber asked that anyone interested in the history of Windham to volunteer by contacting Mr. Sullivan, Town Administrator.

MINUTES: Mr. Barker motioned to approve the minutes of December 14th amended to correct Mr. Sullivan's email address to [email protected]. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS: Not all members of the Board were able to attend the scheduled road tour. The members who did not attend, will be making the tour at a separate time.

Mr. Barker, Emergency Management Director, stated that the Emergency Management Plan is nearing completion. A draft should be ready for the Board's review in approximately four weeks.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. McMahon suggested that the Board consider having the finalized budget put on the Town's Website for residents to review.

Mr. McMahon also told the Board that he had received a call from Peter Griffin telling him that the State is going to start working (public hearing, etc. with construction to begin in 2003) on widening Interstate 93 in January. Mr. Griffin will meet with the Board on January 25th to give an update on this matter.

Mr. Sullivan informed the Board that the Public Hearing concerning private roads will be held on January 25th and their semi-annual update with Town Counsel will be that night. Also, Town Counsel will attend the public hearing on private roads.

Mr. Sullivan also told the Board that he would be sending letters to residents on South Shore Road to see what interest there is in having a sewer connection from Salem.

Mr. Barker motioned to recess the Selectmen's Meeting and convene the Board of Health. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

PUBLIC HEARING - BOARD OF HEALTH: The Board of Health met to consider a request by Dennis Root for two waivers to allow a leach area for lot 16-P-198 to be located 77 feet from the well on lot 16-R-184D rather than 100 feet as normally required, and also to allow the proposed leach area on lot 10-P-198 to be located 75 feet from the existing well on that lot.

After initial discussion, it was discovered that an abutter had not been notified as required. The Board agreed to have the matter resubmitted, in order to notify all abutters, and reschedule for January 11, 1999.

The Board of Health meeting was adjourned and the Board of Selectmen's meeting was reconvened.

PRESENTATION: Police Chief Moeckel presented a certificate to Chad Dow for his work on the bicycle rodeo. Chad is also working on his Eagle project and the Chief stated the rodeo was excellent, covered all aspects of biking safety and well run.

Mr. Barker motioned to adjourn. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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