DECEMBER 14, 1998

MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles McMahon, Douglass Barker, Carolyn Webber, Margaret Crisler and Galen Stearns. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.


LIAISON REPORTS: Margaret Crisler reported that the Planning Board has finished the zoning amendments to be voted on in March. She noted that they will be published in the Windham Independent and are also on the web site. They did not feel they had sufficient time and information to propose a growth ordinance, thus none will be proposed this year. The first public hearing on these zoning amendments will be on December 28, 1998 at the Town Hall. This hearing will be on Channel 51 live and will also be replayed numerous times before the election.

Mrs. Crisler reported that the Technical Committee is pleased with the tower. The Committee also would like guidance from the Board of Selectmen as to how to deal with privacy issues in this public age.

ACCEPTANCE OF COMPUTER POLICIES: Mr. Sullivan stated that the Board has had three computer policies for their review. They are: Computer Use and Information Policy; Computer Virus Policy and Hard Disk Backup and Restore Procedures. Mr. Sullivan further explained that these policies are in the town format and would be implemented by the department heads and then they would promote them in their respective departments. Mr. Sullivan answered various questions from the selectmen.

Mr. Barker motioned to accept the Computer Use and Information Policy, Computer Virus Policy and Hard Disk Backup and Restore Procedures and put them into effect. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

MINUTES: Mr. Barker motioned to approve the minutes of December 7, 1998 with the following amendments: Page one - add the well at Roger Field produces 15 gallons per minute and is 610 feet deep and page 2- change award license agreement to approve license agreement. Mr. Stearns seconded. Motion passed 4-0-1 with Mr. Barker abstaining..

CORRESPONDENCE: The Board received a citizen’s petition requesting "To see if the Town will vote to limit the number of gas stations and used car sales businesses by requiring a minimum distance of one mile between gas stations and one mile between used car sales businesses. Distances to be calculated by measurements over Town or State Roads and shall be taken from the nearest lot line. This would apply to all roads, Town and State within the boundaries of Windham, NH , with the exclusion of Route 28".

Mr. Barker motioned to accept the petition and forward to the Planning Board. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan noted that the bids for printing of the Town Report were announced last week. When reviewing the bids, it was noted that Stateline Graphics was not the low bidder as their total price was $5909. Therefore, Mr. Sullivan recommended the bid be awarded to the low bidder, DocuNet, who has done the report in recent years. Mr. Stearns motioned to award the bid for the Town Report to DocuNet for the bid price of $5,600. Mr. Barker seconded. Mr. Sullivan noted that this year color may be added to the cover and possibly other areas. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan told the Board that he sent memos to the Conservation Commission asking if they were interested in purchasing the area off the Nashua Road railroad bed from Robert Devlin which consists of 12 acres and includes the men’s softball field. The land is available for $100,000 or the Town could continue the lease for 10 years. Mr. Sullivan stated that the Conservation Commission would be interested in obtaining an easement to Foster’s Pond but not the whole piece.

Mr. Stearns and Mr. McMahon felt the Conservation Commission might want to reconsider this decision and obtain the land. Cherie Howell, a member of the Conservation Commission, stated that Mr. Sullivan’s statement was correct - that the Commission was interested only in an easement and was considering other parcels to acquire. Ms Howell agreed to ask the Commission to address this again. The Board agreed to have a joint meeting with Conservation, Recreation and the Men’s Softball League to ask for their input regarding acquiring this land.

Mrs. Crisler reminded Mr. Sullivan to acquire and install signs showing the Town website - Mr. Sullivan noted that e-mail has been installed at the Town Hall and his address is d

Mr. McMahon asked Mr. Sullivan if there were plans to redo the safe in Town Hall. Mr. Sullivan replied that the safe had been rearranged and felt they could hold off for a year on any renovations.

Mr. Sullivan requested the Board’s permission to close Town Offices on December 24th at noon. Mrs. Crisler so moved. Mr. Barker seconded. Passed unanimously.

ALADDIN ROAD: Nancy Williams told the Board that the blasting on Route 28 is causing problems for the residents on Aladdin Road. She stated the problems were wells failing, pumps breaking and cracks in foundations and driveways. She said she filed a claim with the drilling company’s insurance agent and was denied. She requested that the Town revoke the drilling permit.

Mr. Turner and Mr. Flanders of the Planning Department explained the procedures they had to follow, the action they had taken with the company and suggested that the residents take civil action.

The following residents testified to their concerns: Tavernini, Down, Abate, Brikiatis, Kenyon, LeBlanc and Colbert.

After much discussion and questions, it was stated that persons wishing to fill out a damage claim, should contact Mr. Turner. Mr. McMahon stated that anything that happened before today is a civil matter. The Town will review the permitting process for blasting and ask for more sensors in the blasting areas. Ms Webber asked that Town Counsel be asked if the Town could not issue any further permits to this company while claims were pending. Mr. Sullivan will keep Nancy Williams informed on this matter.

WORKSHOP - PRIVATE ROADS: Mr. Sullivan told the Board that he had received petitions from residents of fifteen roads to declare their roads as emergency lanes for the Town to plow and sand. Mr. Sullivan stated that Mr. Turner, Mr. Devlin, Deputy Chief Fruchtman, Chief Moeckel and himself had toured these roads today. He told the Board that some roads were in fair shape and others in terrible shape.

He suggested the Board tour the roads and then set their criteria for declaring any road an emergency lane. The Board agreed to tour the roads on Saturday, December 19th at 8:00 am. The Road Agent and Fire Chief will be asked to participate in the tour.

Mr. Stearns motioned to adjourn. Ms Webber seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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