September 15, 1998

MEMBERS PRESENT:Charles McMahon, Douglass Barker, Carolyn Webber, and Margaret Crisler. Galen Stearns and Town Administrator David Sullivan were not present due to previously scheduled appointments. Meeting commenced at 7:04 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Margaret Crisler reminded everyone of the Apple Festival to be held at the Golden Brook School this Saturday, September 20th. Mr. McMahon announced the date for the special Town Meeting which will be held on Thursday, October 8, 1998 at the Center School at 7:00 PM. The purpose of the meeting will be to consider a proposed ordinance dealing with public indecency, and regulations regarding motion picture arcade booths. Ms. Crisler suggested, and with the concurrence of the Board will ensure that these items are supplied to Mr. Forde for posting on the Town's website. Mr. McMahon also announced that the formal dedication of the new Police Station will be held on Sunday, September 27th from 2-4 pm.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler reported that the Planning Board is working on proposed zoning amendments and is asking for input. She also reported that the Cable Advisory Board will be putting an article in the Windham Independent explaining the terms of the new cable contract with Harron Communications. Lastly, she said that the Planning Board and the CIP Committee would be meeting on September 23rd to discuss the CIP for the next year and beyond. Ms. Webber reported that the Historic District Commission did not have a quorum at their scheduled meeting last week and therefore no meeting was held. The Cemetery Trustees have requested that the large bushes in front of Town Hall be moved to the Cemeteries for re-planting. Ms. Webber made a motion seconded by Mrs. Crisler to approve the request. Motion passed 4-0. Mr. McMahon updated the Board on last week's CIP meeting and the presentations made at the meeting.

CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Barker moved to approve the minutes of the August 31st meeting with one small correction on page 2, in the fifth paragraph from the bottom, that change being to change "EMS" to "EM" and to approve the manifest of September 14th. The motion passed 4-0.

CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from the Planning Board to the Board regarding the Nashua Rd. railroad bed was read. The Planning Board is in favor of the proposed acquisition and granting of the requested easement. Letter received from Police Chief Moeckel regarding the proposed regional emergency react team. The Board will set up a meeting with the Chief to discuss the matter. Mr. McMahon read the recycling report prepared by Mr. Bailey and commended all for our continued fine rate of recycling which is 46.3% and above the state average.

OLD BUSINESS: Chairman McMahon conducted the lottery for cordwood to be cut from Griffin Park. The following names were drawn:

    Thomas Corvi; John Costanzo; Robert Dalwet; Gary Eberhardt; John Goclowski; Harvey Kellogg; Michael Koch; Mark Pesci; Carolyn Webber; and Eric Whitaker.

The Town Administrator will notify the winners. Mr. Barker noted that Town Counsel will prepare a hold harmless agreement for this activity and that appropriate coordinators would supervise the activity to be held on October 10 or 17 depending on weather.

The organization chart was reviewed and several corrections were offered to include the following groups: Historic Committee, Museum Trustees, Heritage Commission. The Board wants the reporting line for committees and boards to be solid and not dotted. Mr. Barker will work with Mr. Sullivan to communicate the exact requests. Motion to approve with the above changes made by Mr. Barker and seconded by both Ms. Webber and Mrs. Crisler. Motion passed 4-0.

NEW BUSINESS: Several items were mentioned to be brought forward for the next meeting:

Mr. Barker indicated that he would have a memo on Emergency Management for the Board to consider.

Ms. Webber asked Mr. Sullivan to prepare an update to the board on the "year 2000" (Y2K) computer preparations.

The Board asked Mr. Sullivan to follow up on the clean up of the training burn at Griffin Park and to give a report and cost estimates at the next meeting.

The Board also asked that appropriate parties be consulted regarding the two large apple trees at Griffin Park and this matter be on our next agenda.

A question was asked if the Garden Club would be able to do a planting plan for Griffin Park. Mrs. Crisler also wants to ask the extension service and the Griffin Park Committee for their advice and will follow up.

Mr. McMahon announced a possible meeting on September 21st with the Salem BOS regarding the Route 28/111 intersection improvements. Mrs. Crisler mentioned that this issue has to be resolved given the construction activity in the area.

Other items on the 9/28 agenda will include a Bd. of Health hearing, our review of audit reports, approval of appointment guidelines, and board appointments.

Mrs. Case, Chairperson of the Cable Advisory Board, introduced Mr. T. O'Rourke from Media One and they explained the proposed agreement between the Town and Media One which would provide cable hook-ups to residents that are now able to be served by Harron Cable. This would allow Media One to connect their systems in Salem and Derry together. Mrs. Crisler motioned and Ms. Webber seconded the motion to approve the agreement. Motion passed 4-0.

INTERVIEWS: The Board interviewed Ms. Annette Stoller for a position on the Planning Board. Mr. Barker reminded everyone that the BOS will be making appointments to various boards and committees at their 9/28 meeting.

Announcements: Mrs. Case announced that everyone should take a look at cable channel 52 after the first of next week. Something new is going to be added.

Mr. McMahon stated that the Board has contracted with the New Hampshire Chiefs of Police Association to conduct a study and review of our Police Dept.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Barker made a motion to go into Non-public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II a, b and c. Seconded by Ms. Webber. Roll call vote - all members - yes. Subjects were reputations and personnel.

First session: In Mr. Sullivan's absence, Mr. Barker updated the Board on a reputations issue. No follow up action is required.

Second session: Again, in Mr. Sullivan's absence, Mr. Barker updated the Board on the status of a hiring matter. Mr. Sullivan will continue to work on this matter.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Barker

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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