JUNE 22, 1998

MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles McMahon, Douglass Barker, Carolyn Webber, Margaret Crisler and Galen Stearns. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present.

Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Barker announced that the Police Association will be hosting the 39th Army Band on July 8th at 7:30 pm at Golden Brook School.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mr. Barker reported on the following committees:

SNH HAZMAT District met and elected officers and worked on the 1998/99 budget.

Mr. Barker, Mrs. Crisler, Mr. Turner and FF/Inspector Hoegen attended a DOT meeting in Exeter on June 18th regarding various highway issues. Windham issues discussed included Route 28/111 and the traffic lights at Fellows Road. Mr. Turner will be the point of contact.

The State EM Office requested the amount of damages Windham incurred due to the recent storms - Estimate is $150,000. Ms Webber reported that the Historic District Commission discussed the Master Plan with Bernie Rouillard. They also discussed special building codes for historic buildings. They will be advertising for museum trustees to get the museum up and running. Also they have submitted an inventory list of 55 historic sites and maps to the Rockingham Planning Commission. Also the Commission still is in need of an additional member. Anyone interested, please contact David Sullivan.

Mrs. Crisler reported that Recreation and the Fire Department will be holding CPR classes on July 18 and 19th. Call the Fire Department at 434-4907 to register. Also Park Place Bowling Center, in conjunction with Recreation, will be offering discount bowling during the summer on Tuesdays from 2 - 5 pm at $1 per string. Recreation will also sponsor a Field Day on the fourth of July.

Mrs. Crisler stated that the Cable Board will meet on Saturday, June 27 and the Technical Committee will meet June 25th.

Mrs. Crisler also reported that the Planning Board is planning two site walks and on July 1st Camelot continuation and Castle Reach will be on their agenda. The Salem Planning Board will be discussing Wall-Mart on June 23rd.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Mr. Barker, as Emergency Management Director, addressed the following items with the Board:

  • Requested a motion to re-approve the Town's EM plan dated October 6, 1997. Mr. Stearns motioned to have the Board sign the Annual Concurrence form for Emergency Management. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.
  • Requested a motion to authorize him, in his capacity as EMD, to have standing authority to file for funding reimbursement from the State Office of EM as we now qualify for 50% reimbursement (as we have had 4 exercises and an approved plan) for the original stocking of EOC supplies and field expenses. Mrs. Crisler motioned to appoint Mr. Barker as agent to work with David Sullivan to do filings for EM reimbursements. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.
  • An EM Meeting was held on Friday, June 19th at the SAU which was hosted by Ray Raudonis. Mr. Barker updated the Board on the Committee's work. Department heads will meet to discuss the recent storms and how best to handle these situations in the future. Ms Webber stated that she felt that the State did a good job last week - no flooding at Route 111 and Center School, however it was noted by others that not all other areas faired as well.
  • Mr. Barker stated that he will be contacted by Mark Campbell of Harron Communications regarding their emergency broadcast systems.
  • Mr. Barker requested that he be allowed to make minor changes to the EM Plan, which contains a lot of boiler plate information from FEMA, which needs to be tailored to Windham's needs. He assured the Board, that all major changes would come before the Board for approval. The Board stipulated that Mr. Barker could make minor changes as needed.
  • Mr. Barker, Deputy EMD Lipe and Mr. Sullivan requested the Board's concurrence to create the position of Assistant to the Director/Dep Director in the EM organization. He recommended that Rene Santerre fill this position. The Board agreed.
  • Requested that Ms Santere be hired for clerical support to assist with minutes and EM plan updates. The Board agreed.

CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Barker moved to approve the minutes of June 2, 1998. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Barker motioned to approve the minutes of June 8, 1998. Mr. Stearns seconded. Mrs. Crisler proposed the following amendments to said minutes:

    Page 1, last paragraph add after in "to allow remote" production....
    Page 2, first paragraph, 4th line, delete "remotes" and add "access user licenses"...
    Page 2, sixth paragraph, add at end of paragraph "The proposed well and septic sites would minimize disturbance of wetlands."
    Page 3, third paragraph, second line, add after units "on Mammoth Road".

Mr. Barker motioned to accept Mrs. Crisler's amendments. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Barker motioned to approve the minutes of June 15, 1998. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Mr. Barker noted that Joan Tuck, Town Clerk, was present in the second non-public session. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Barker motioned to approve the manifest of June 22, 1998. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING BOARD: The following members of the Planning Board spoke on the feelings about the recent Planning Board appointments and gave their comments: Thomas Case, Bruce Richardson, John Spinney and Alan Kachanian. At the conclusion of Mr. Spinney's remarks, he resigned from the Planning Board effective immediately. Attached to the minutes of this meeting are copies of their remarks.

Mr. Case noted that the van for the senior citizens has arrived and is having the lift installed.

Various Board members defended their appointments as made in the best interest of the Town. Board members stated that they made compromises during selection of the members and they hoped all members would remain on the Planning Board and that Mr. Spinney would reconsider his resignation. Mrs. Crisler noted that the case against her husband has been settled.

Mr. Richardson asked the Board if they would reconsider their appointments. The Board voted 4-1 (Mr. McMahon opposed) not to reconsider.

Mr. Richardson further asked the Board if they would consider any possible conflict of interest by Mrs. Crisler. Chairman declared the point moot.

THOMAS FURLONG: Mr. Furlong spoke with the Board regarding control of the dam on Moeckel Pond which regulates the water level of Rock Pond. He was very concerned that the ecology of the pond is being disturbed by the mishandling of the removing of the boards from the dam on Moeckel Pond during the recent storm. Mr. Furlong asked if there was anything that the Board could do. The Board noted that it has no authority as the dam is privately owned.

The Board also heard concerns from Susan McGuire, Mr. Nickels, Barry Moeckel, Wayne Morris and Ron Gagnon. It was agreed that this matter concerns more than just one dam but the whole area - Cobbetts Pond, Collins Brook, Moeckel Pond and Rock Pond. There is a need for better communication between all parties especially in emergency situations.

The Board took the matter under advisement to review jurisdiction and understand what other parties may be interested. Mr. Furlong will be kept advised.

CORRESPONDENCE: Memo received from Chief Moeckel stating that LoJack will be installed free of charge along with any repairs in one of our new cruisers. This is an anti theft system which is being introduced in southern NH and there will be a press release later this month by the State Police regarding this.

Press release received from the Recreation Committee inviting all residents to the annual field day events on the 4th of July.

Letter received from Fire Chief Lipe regarding safety concerns in the present Fire Station.

OLD BUSINESS: Griffin Park Committee - The Griffin Park Committee, following a meeting with the Selectmen on May 11, 1998, drafted the following proposed charge for their committee as presented by Rick Hancock, Chairman of the Committee:

  1. Serve as 'gate keeper' and work with the Board of Selectmen, Town Administrator and organizations to utilize the existing facilities.
  2. Coordinate with the Town Administrator to handle the 1998 Site Preparation Tasks and ensure that the Park is maintained in a safe and legal manner.
  3. Make preparations to support construction on the Park to include:
    1. Finalize the Technical Specification for all elements of the Park.
    2. Finalize the Independent Cost Estimate.
    3. Finalize all Engineering Plans and Drawings.
  4. Assist the Town Administrator in developing Requests for Proposal documentation.
  5. Work with the Capital Improvement Committee to program funding for the 1999 Town Meeting

Mr. Barker suggested that in numbers 2 and 5, the dates be eliminated, thus not committing to those years. Mr. Sullivan recommended that the paragraphs be changed as follows: #1 become #4, #2 become #5, #3 become #1, #4 become #2 and #5 become #3 with a lead in sentence ..Following all forestry activities.

The Board agreed to hold in abeyance approval of the proposed Site Preparation Tasks until the logging is complete.

The Board and Committee members held a lengthy discussion which included funding through CIP, increasing the CIP, timing of development of the park, and the committee needing dates to schedule their work.

Mr. Barker motioned to approve the charge as described by Mr. Sullivan with dates eliminated. Ms Webber seconded. Discussion continued. Mr. Barker motioned to move the question. Ms Webber seconded. Mrs. Crisler motioned to amend Mr. Barker's motion to include the 1999 Town Meeting date. Amendment passed 3-2 with Mr. Barker and Ms Webber opposed. The motion as made by Mr. Barker and amended passed 4-1 with Ms Webber opposed.

For clarification, the final charge as accepted by the Board is as follows:

  1. Make preparations to support construction on the Park to include:
    • Finalize the Technical Specification for all elements of the Park.
    • Finalize the Independent Cost Estimate.
    • Finalize all Engineering Plans and Drawings.
  2. Assist the Town Administrator in developing Requests for Proposal documentation.
  3. Work with the Capital Improvement Committee to develop a funding plan for vote at the 1999 Town Meeting.
    Following the completion of the forestry work as well as the building removal,
  4. Serve as 'gate keeper' and work with the Board of Selectmen, Town Administrator and organizations to utilize the existing facilities.
  5. Coordinate with the Town Administrator to handle the Site Preparation Tasks and ensure that the Park is maintained in a safe and legal manner.

Mrs. Griffin asked if the Board would please notify her as to the dates on which the buildings at Griffin Park will be removed. Mr. Sullivan assured her that he would contact her prior to any action.

Sisters of Mercy - The Board received a letter from York Cumberland Housing who is serving as a consultant for the Sisters of Mercy's application to HUD funding to develop rental housing for very low income elderly on their Searles Road campus. The letter requested that the Board send a letter expressing support for this program and possibly waiving some local fees. Mr. Barker motioned to send a letter endorsing the project but not to eliminate any fees. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously. Mr. Sullivan will send the letter of endorsement.

Location of Post Office - Ms Webber stated she had safety concerns with one of the proposed locations for a new post office. The Board decided not to discuss this and to let it go through the normal processes of Planning Board review. A letter will be sent to the Post Office without any comments concerning the future location of a new facility.

Cable Franchise - Mrs. Case told the Board that the Cable Board is still working on a new franchise contract.

Mr. Sullivan told the Board that he had been advised by Town Counsel that he had discovered while doing a title search on Parcel 16-L-101, which had been offered for donation to the Town, that this parcel could not be accepted by the Town as it was sold to the State in 1963. A letter will be sent to the offering party informing them of this development.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Stearns told the Board that he wished to discuss signage at the new complex. The Board agreed to have this on their next agenda.

Mrs. Crisler asked Mr. Sullivan to schedule a Technical Summit for the Board and the Technical Committee.

Mr. Stearns motioned to adjourn. Ms Webber seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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