April 27, 1998

MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles McMahon, Douglass Barker, Margaret Crisler and Galen Stearns. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Carolyn Webber was absent due to illness. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mrs. Crisler stated that the orchid on display is a pansy orchid and it won second prize at the orchid show. It is raised by Mr. Crisler.

Mrs. Crisler announced that the Garden Club voted unanimously to work with the Police Department on the landscaping of the new police station. Also the Garden Club will hold their annual plant sale on Saturday, May 16th at the Town Common.

Mrs. Crisler reminded everyone that the Strawberry Festival will be held on June 6th.

Mr. Sullivan noted that the Town Clerk's Office will be open this Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm due to illness. He apologized for any inconvenience this may cause.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mr. Barker told the Board that the plans for the reuse of the lower level of the old police station are ready for review - various committees will be using this area.

Mr. Barker told the Board that the Emergency Management exercise went well last week and they learned a lot.

Mrs. Crisler reported that the new Cable Studio is operational and have produced their first show there - Windham Watch with Mary Griffin regarding the proposed ABC program.

Mrs. Crisler noted that the Planning Board is presently meeting every week. They did a site walk of Castle Reach on Saturday. Also the water study sub-committee is developing a five year plan to ensure water supplies.

Mrs. Crisler stated that Star Vector had asked the Board of Adjustment to review part of the Planning Board rejection of the plan - the Board of Adjustment did not uphold the Planning Board's decision in one area.

Mrs. Crisler reported that the Technical Committee is working with Mr. Bailey on the video monitoring systems for the Transfer Station and also assisting with the E-mail problems at the Library. She reminded all board and committees to submit their minutes for the Windham Webpage.

Mrs. Crisler reported for Recreation that the tennis nets are up; that the issuing of fishing keys was delayed due to problems with the dam and also the yoga class has 55 participants.

PINNING CEREMONY: Fire Chief Lipe, as is the Fire Service tradition, performed the pinning of Jay Moltenbrey as a new Lieutenant. Lt Moltenbrey has been with the department for 11 years. The Chief and Board congratulated Lt Moltenbrey.

CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Barker motioned to approve the minutes of April 13th and the manifest of April 27th. Mr. Stearns seconded. Mrs. Crisler amended the minutes of April 27th to add - "The Board agreed to contact all members, whenever feasible, for decision making." Motion passed unanimously as amended.

CORRESPONDENCE: Letter of resignation received from Bud Sweetser from the Planning Board effective April 15th. Mrs. Crisler moved to accept Mr. Sweetser's resignation with regret. Mr. Stearns seconded. Mr. Barker requested a thank you letter be sent to Mr. Sweetser. Motion passed unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS: Re-codification of the Ordinance Book was given to the Board earlier for their review of the format. Changes to individual ordinances will be made as needed. A vote will be taken on this at the next meeting.

Mr. Sullivan told the Board that he had six telephone calls regarding the location of a new post office. Some of the calls were from property owners who wished the Board to endorse their land for the post office to purchase. He asked the Board if they wanted to review the possible sites and if they wanted to speak with the property owners.

Mrs. Crisler noted that the Planning Board had discussed the proposed sites and asked Mr. Turner to look at the sites for comments. The Board agreed to check the parcels for site distance and traffic flow but would not endorse any properties. Mr. McMahon suggested that they discuss this further in non-public later this evening and the other members agreed.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan told the Board that he had several requests from committees and residents inquiring as to whether they could take bushes or items from the house at Griffin Park. (The Town now has possession of the buildings.) The Board agreed to recess this meeting until Thursday evening at 6:00 pm to meet at Griffin Park to inventory the property and then make their determination.

Mr. Barker informed Mr. Sullivan and the Board that he would be scheduling Emergency Management discussions on the Board's agenda in the near future - annual certification and other matters.

Mrs. Crisler asked the other members to consider appointing an alternate liaison to the Cable Board as sometimes the site walks done by the Planning Board would be the same time as Cable meets.

MEMORIAL DAY: Mort Pearlman met with the Board to give a status report on the plans for the Memorial Day Program. The parade will be held on May 25th at 9:30 am beginning at Center School and ending at the Cemetery on the Plains.

Mr. Pearlman noted that this may be the last year that the Pinkerton Academy band participates as Hampstead may have a parade. Mr. Ek told Mr. Pearlman that as Windham's students now go to Salem High School and Hampstead's go to Pinkerton, that he felt if Hampstead had a parade, it would be appropriate for Pinkerton to participate there. Mr. Pearlman suggested that the Board appropriately thank Pinkerton for their many years of participation - a letter or plaque.

POLICE UPDATE: Chief Moeckel reported that they will be moving into the new station Wednesday afternoon and welcomed all volunteers to help. He told the Board that the punch list is still being worked and they are still awaiting some items but overall are in good shape.

Mr. Barker noted that Chief Moeckel hopes to be able to turn the old station over to the school department next week.

Mr. McMahon questioned when the public open house would be held. Chief Moeckel said that the open house would be sponsored by the Police Association and a tentative date is May 13th. The date for the dedication has not yet been set.

RECREATION COMMITTEE: Frank Farmer of the Recreation Committee, met with the Board to discuss irrigation of Rogers Field. Mr. Farmer told the Board that he had met with Gail Webster, Cemetery Trustee, and John Drury, Cemetery Superintendent, and they decided the well in the Cemetery on the Plains is not sufficient to do the ballfield.

Mr. Farmer requested the Board's permission to start procuring a well at Rogers Field. Mr. Barker motioned to authorize the Recreation Committee to proceed with the installation of a well at Roger's Field. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan reminded the Board of the two memos given to them for comments by Friday. The Board stated that he could move forward with these items: lease for the old police station and option for lease of ten acres of town land with the Housing Authority.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Barker motioned to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIe. Mr. Stearns seconded. Roll Call vote - all members - Yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance. The subject was a legal matter.

Mrs. Crisler moved to instruct the Tax Collector to hold in abeyance the tax deeding on 17-M-37A and 8-A-19 due to liability issues. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

The Board discussed the cable negotiations and requested an update from the Cable Board at the May 11th meeting.

The Board discussed the locations proposed for the Post Office and agreed not to take a position on any parcel and not to meet with landowners involved.

WORKSHOP: The Board held a workshop with Mr. Sullivan to discuss goals and policies for 1998.

The Board recessed at 11:00 pm until Thursday, April 30th at 6:00 pm at Griffin Park.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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