MARCH 2, 1998

MEMBERS PRESENT: Ralph Williams, Douglass Barker, Charles McMahon, Carolyn Webber and Margaret Crisler. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present.

Meeting commenced at 7:40 pm.

FIRE STATION DESIGN COMMITTEE REPORT: The Committee members are Chief Lipe, Galen Stearns, Alan Winsor, Ronald Coish, Ronald Hoegen, Bob Cummings, Jay Tokanel and Don Worthington.

Galen Stearns, Chairman, began the presentation by outlining the various studies that have been done since 1985 which establish the need for a new station. Chief Lipe then discussed the following items:

    the committee's charge;
    the committee's focus and objectives;
    the visits they have made to other newly constructed stations in various states and the functional space needs for the facility.

He noted that the biggest complaint they heard while visiting other newly built stations was they still did not have enough space.

Chief Lipe expressed the committee's appreciation to both Landry Design Group and Wrenn Associates for their assistance and guidance.

Galen Stearn and Bob Cummings presented the layout of the building and explained the code requirements. They had an artist's rendition of the building which is brick; has 16,342 square feet in area and its estimated cost with water supply and road improvements is 2.24 million dollars.

The Board discussed the water supply - the Board asked if the pricing was for a water cistern or water pond. The Committee stated it was a cistern. It was suggested that a water pond may be more cost effective and should be researched. Also there was discussion on the bay areas regarding types of maintenance which could be performed.

Mr. McMahon noted that the cost is more than envisioned by the CIP. The Committee stated that they are aware of this and that is why they are meeting with the Board now. They stated that they do not want to blind side anyone but they do feel this proposed station is needed. They stated that they felt this was a better estimate than in earlier building projects and they have already made cutbacks. It was also noted that the CIP has never been adjusted for inflation since its inception.

It is also hoped that the Town can get help from the State in financing the improvements required for Route 111.

It was the Board's consensus that the Committee continue its work and that they and the Board have several workshops over the next few months in order to have the complete package ready for the 1999 budget cycle.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Williams made the following announcements:

  • Candidates Night is March 5th at the Town Hall
  • Elections will be held on March 10th at Center School from 7 am to 8 pm
  • Town Meeting is March 14th at Golden Brook School at 9 am.
  • Town Reports are available at the Town Hall and Library.

Mr. Sullivan thanked Wendi Devlin for all her work on the report.

POLICE COMMITTEE UPDATE: Chief Moeckel informed the Board that the elevator has arrived and will take about two weeks to install. He said there are presently six crews working on the station.

Chief Moeckel told the Board that the Committee has met and reviewed the video security bids and are very close to a decision. It is between two companies. Mr. Barker motioned to authorize Chief Moeckel to award the video security bid in the best interest of the Town at a price not exceed $12000. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

LIAISON REPORTS: Ms Webber reported that the Cemetery Trustees had met and discussed when Memorial Day should be celebrated and the wells.

Ms Webber also attended a meeting of the Housing Authority. She stated that she is not a liaison to this committee but was interested. She was very impressed by the committee's work and feels confident that the Town will have affordable elderly housing in the near future.

CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Barker motioned to approve the minutes of February 23rd, the payroll of March 3rd and the Manifest of March 2, 1998. Ms Webber seconded. Passed with Mr. McMahon abstaining from the approval of the minutes as he was not present at that meeting. CORRESPONDENCE: Letter received from the Department of Transportation stating that paving will be done this year on Route 128 from the Pelham Town line to the Londonderry Town line and on Route 111A from South Lowell Road to Route 111.

Letter of resignation was received from Russell Wilder from the Conservation Commission.

Memo received from Doug Barker regarding Emergency Management volunteers.

Copy of a letter from Doug Barker to Margaret Case regarding Rock Pond Road was received.

Copy of a letter from Doug Barker to the Office of Emergency Management requesting a meeting to discuss procedural matters concerning funding mechanisms for areas in the proposed new fire station for emergency management.

Request received from the Strawberry Festival Committee for use of the Town Hall and green on June 6, 1998 and authorization to display signs publicizing the event in and around the Town Center. Also included is an application for Parade Permit to authorize closure of a section of No. Lowell Road which needs to be signed. Mr. McMahon moved for approval of the requests stated above. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

Letter received from Tom Furlong, Director Rock Pond Improvement Association, which has been referred to the Planning Department for action.

NEW BUSINESS: Chief Lipe asked the Board to approve the Loss Management and Safety Policies which the Safety Committee was required by law to develop. The Board has had these policies for their review.

Mr. Sullivan suggested that the Safety Policy be amended to list the composition of the Safety Committee by position rather than name and to replace Section XI: Amendments with "This Policy may be amended from time to time by majority vote of the Board of Selectmen" as in the Infection Control Policy. Mr. Barker suggested that on page 7 item No. 12 the word service be added after rescue. Mr. Barker motioned to adopt the policy with the above referenced changes. Mr. McMahon seconded. Passed unanimously.

The Board discussed Infection Control Policy and decided to table this matter until Dr. Sabato is able to review it as the Board was concerned especially with confidentiality issues.

Mr. Sullivan requested that the Board approve the job description for the Maintenance Engineer position and he further requested that they change the title to include "custodian" as specified in the union contract. Mr. McMahon motioned to approve the job description for the Maintenance Custodian. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mr. Barker motioned to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa and c. Mr. McMahon seconded. Roll Call Vote - all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance. Subjects were personnel and reputations.

PUBLIC SESSION: First Session - Personnel - Mr. McMahon motioned to hire the person recommended by Mr. Sullivan as the full time maintenance custodian pending successful background and medical reviews. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

Second Session - Reputations - The Board discussed logistics of an upcoming Public Hearing.

Mr. McMahon motioned to adjourn. Mr. Barker seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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