January 12, 1998

MEMBERS PRESENT:Douglass Barker, Charles McMahon, Carolyn Webber, and Margaret Crisler. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Chairman Ralph Williams was excused.

Meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Barker at 7:30 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Mrs. Crisler announced that there will be a class offered by the 5 Dragons Studio, in cooperation with the Windham Police Department in women's defensive tactics. There is no charge for the course, and it will be held on Friday, January 16, 1998 at 6:30 PM at the 5 Dragons Studio, 25 Indian Rock Road.

Mr. Barker extended his thoughts to our neighbors in the North country for a quick restoration to order after the severe ice storms and power outages they experienced last week.

OLD BUSINESS - Mr. McMahon made a motion to reconsider the previous decision of the Board relative to the use of the existing Police Station. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The Board will reconsider the use of the Police Station at their January 26, 1997 meeting.

POLICE COMMITTEE UPDATE - Chief Moeckel updated the Board members on the progress at the new police station. He informed the Board that currently all the block work is completed with the exception of the sally port and the lobby, the roof trusses are scheduled to be completed this week, and the brick work is continuing.

Mr. Sullivan informed the Board that the bids for the police station telephone system had been opened at 2:00 pm today, and announced them as follows:

Shared Technologies Fairchild of Canton, MA $16,650
Telcon of Wilmington, MA $8,420
York Telephone of York, ME $14,898
ACS of Nashua, NH $15,355
ICS Communications of Concord, NH $17,600
Office Work Stations of Merrimack, NH $13,670
Telnet of Salem, NH $18,310
Elcon Supplies of Merrimack, NH $16,434
Twin State of Hooksett, NH $19,872

Chief Moeckel will be reviewing the bids with the Police Building Committee. Mr. Barker requested a communications summit be arranged to discuss all communication/phone systems for the town. Mr. Sullivan will arrange this meeting for January 20, 1998.

AL TURNER - Mr. Turner informed the Board that he would like to free up some of his time spent conducting road inspections. He presented to the Board his memo of 12/12/97, proposing that the Town retain a private civil engineering firm to inspect subdivision roads during construction. He continued on, explaining that the developers would be required to pay the cost of the inspections, and the fees would be placed in an escrow account which would then be used to pay the consultant. He indicated, however, that should the Board approve this, the general fund of the Town would lose approximately $7,000 to $8,000 per year because the fees would be paid directly to the inspector.

A lengthy discussion followed in which several concerns were raised by Board members including the following: supervision of the inspections, whether this would be a temporary or permanent situation, and whether any contractors had been consulted. Mr. Turner indicated that he intended to conduct spot checks to review the inspectors' work, and that he felt the Town would not lose control of the process. He also indicated that contractors he had spoken with had no negative input on the proposal. He further explained that the engineering aspects of his position currently take 1-2 hours per day, while road inspections can take up to 5 hours per day. Mrs. Crisler spoke in favor of the proposal, while Mr. McMahon and Ms Webber spoke against. After further discussion, Mr. Barker indicated that a workshop session should be scheduled to discuss this and other issues further. The Board will continue this discussion during the budget workshop on the Planning and Development budget.

TOM DUNN - Mr. Tom Dunn, Marketing Manager of New Hampshire Property Liability Insurance Trust was present to discuss the policies and procedures of his company. Mr. McMahon questioned Mr. Dunn as to how the development of Griffin Park would affect the Town's insurance rates. Mr. Dunn indicated that the NHPLIT rates are based on net operating expenditures and would have no effect unless the operating expenses of the park added to the town's overall appropriations. He also discussed the Loss Management Services available from the Trust and encouraged the town to participate as they have in the past.

RECREATION COMMITTEE - Mr. Hancock, representing the Recreation Committee, presented to the Board a revised policy regarding fishing keys. This new policy will allow residents access to the beach all year long. He outlined four specific changes to the policy: access to Cobbetts Pond for fishing purposes would be extended from 7 months to 12 months; the gate would remain unlocked; the Road Agent would be asked to plow the parking lot during the winter months; and the fee would increase to $15/year. Ms. Webber requested the following be added to the policy - a new section #14 which states, "must adhere to State of New Hampshire Fishing rules"; require that a copy of boat registration be attached to verify that the boat is less than the length and horsepower allowed by the regulations; and that the $15 fee be noted on the contract page of the application. Mr. McMahon moved to accept the policy with amendments, and Ms. Webber seconded. Passed unanimously. Mrs. Crisler motioned that the appropriate signage be placed at the beach regarding usage regulations and indicating use at individuals own risk. Ms. Webber seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

LIAISON REPORTS - Mrs. Crisler reminded all that the plan proposed by Star Vector Corporation is scheduled for discussion at the Planning Board meeting on January 14, and that the Water's Edge project is scheduled for the 21st. A decision may be made on the Star Vector plan, however she noted that an appeal was pending at the Zoning Board of Appeals which may delay any decision.

Mr. McMahon indicated that the CIP Committee has completed a draft of the 1998 CIP plan, and is waiting for a hearing with the Planning Board. He thanked the members of the CIP Committee for their dedicated efforts.

CONSENT AGENDA - Mr. McMahon motioned to approve the minutes of December 29, 1997, the payroll of January 13, 1998, and the manifests of December 29 and 31, 1997. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE - Request received from the Planning Board to approve a partial release of a road bond for Floral Road in the amount of $14,665. Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve, and Mr. McMahon seconded. Passed unanimously

Request received from the Planning Board to approve a partial release of a road bond for Nottingham Road in the amount of $25,380. Mrs. Crisler motioned to approved, and Mr. McMahon seconded. Passed unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS - Mr. McMahon updated the Board and the public on the removal of the logs from Canobie Lake. He indicated that the process is continuing to move forward. Mr. Sullivan will be sending a letter to the National Guard providing the final information necessary to implement the removal.

Mrs. Crisler requested an update on the situation with the generator. Mr. Sullivan informed the Board that the Sisters of Mercy did not wish to reacquire the generator, and that he was discussing the possible sale of it with two interested parties.

Mr. Barker updated the Board members on two grants which are pending for the Emergency Management Plan.

Mr. McMahon requested an update on the Harris Road issue. Mr. Barker indicated that the Highway Safety Committee has plans to meet with representatives from Salem in February.

Mr. Dick Forde, member of the Technical Advisory Committee requested that the Town assist him in keeping the information on the website current, including Board minutes and legal notices, as well as any important upcoming dates.

Mr. McMahon motioned to enter into non-public session pursuant to RSAs 91-A:3, II a, c, and d. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Roll call vote, all members - yes.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION - The Board and Mr. Sullivan were present in all three sessions. The first session concerned a personnel matter. The Board discussed a tentative agreement with the Municipal Union for the 1998-1999 contract. The contract calls for a 3.5% wage increase, a capping of earned time at 100 days at the time of termination from the town, an increase of $2/week in the amount paid by the employees towards the health insurance premiums, and elimination of the Deputy Fire Chief position from the union and inclusion of the full time Custodian. Mr. McMahon moved to approve the tentative agreement and submit to town meeting for ratification. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

The second session concerned the potential sale of a piece of town owned property and the Board will discuss this matter at next week's meeting.

The third session concerned reputations. The Board discussed a matter concerning ownership of a dam and will try to meet with the parties involved.

Respectfully submitted,

David Sullivan,
Town Administrator

Note: These minutes are in draft form, and have not been submitted to the Board for the approval.

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