December 29, 1997

MEMBERS PRESENT:Douglass Barker, Charles McMahon, Carolyn Webber, and Margaret Crisler. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Chairman Ralph Williams was excused. Meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Barker at 7:30 pm.

Mr. McMahon motioned to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II c. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Roll call vote - all members - yes.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION The Board members and Mr. Sullivan met in a non-public session for the purpose of interviewing two candidates, Ms. Jill Moe and Mr. Carl Luhrmann, to fill the Cemetery Trustee position vacated by Mrs. Levy. There were no decisions made at this time.

PUBLIC SESSION The Board reconvened in public session at 7:45 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Barker reminded the public and those in attendance that the Town Hall and Building Department will be closed on Friday, January 2.

Mr. Barker announced that budget workshops will begin on January 5, 1998, and invited those interested in watching to check the posted schedule for the order of the discussions.

Mr. Barker discussed concerns relative to the recent snow storm and various problems which arose, including several inoperable vehicles, numerous vehicles sliding off the roads, and a limited number of outside contractors available to assist. He explained that the event had been a particularly difficult one, with accumulations coming quicker and heavier than predicted. It was felt at the time that priority should be given to assisting the school busses in transporting the students. He indicated that he had spoken to the Road Agent, who is attempting to find ways to improve response to a storm of this magnitude.

Mrs. Crisler took a moment to show the Board and members of the public some of the orchids that she has cultivated.

GRIFFIN PARK HARVESTING Mr. Sullivan outlined a recent discussion between himself and Bay State Forestry, the company contracted to conduct the harvesting. He explained that the actual harvesting will reap in excess of $17,000 in revenues to the Town, however the stumpage will cost $2,300/acre, or approximately $25,300, resulting in a net cost to the Town of $8,300 to $9,000. He presented three alternatives to the Board for consideration: move forward on the project and authorize the expense of $9,000, conduct the harvesting only at this time or, conduct the harvesting now and fund the stumpage by vote of the 1998 annual Town meeting through surplus monies funded for the Griffin Park engineering costs. Mr. Sullivan indicated that he felt that the third option presented was the best alternative. After some discussion, Mr. McMahon moved to authorize the wood harvesting at this time, and to retain the stumps pending Town meeting in March. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Crisler, and passed unanimously. Mr. Sullivan concluded by noting the work on this project will begin on or about January 8, 1998.

POLICE COMMITTEE UPDATE Chief Moeckel outlined the progress at the new Police Station. He noted the plumbing installation is progressing, the furnace is in and functioning, and the well pump has been installed. Also, a slab roof is in place over the Dispatch area and stairwells.

Chief Moeckel went on to explain to the Board that the guaranteed maximum price for building expenses on the project will be $1,115,218. After some discussion, Mr. McMahon moved to accept $1,115,218 as the guaranteed maximum price of the project, with a second by Mrs. Crisler. Motion passed unanimously.

AWARD PRESENTATION Mr. Steve Short, a representative of Liberty Mutual Insurance was in attendance to present the Fire Mark Award. He gave a brief explanation of the history of the award, and announced that this year's recipient was Lt. William Brown. Lt. Brown was unable to attend the presentation, however, the Board did extend their congratulations to him.

LIAISON REPORTS Mrs. Crisler informed the Board that the Recreation Committee has arranged to conduct hatha yoga classes. The classes will run January 14 to March 25, and will be held Wednesday mornings from 9:30 - 10:30, and Wednesday evenings from 7:30 - 8:30. Interested individuals should submit a check payable to "Town of Windham" to the Town Hall, and indicate on their check whether they prefer the morning or evening class. The cost for the eight week class will be $35 ($25 for seniors). Mrs. Crisler also indicated that the Committee is still looking into arranging adult education classes, but no decisions have been made at this time.

Mrs. Crisler reported the following dates relative to the Planning Board: on January 7, the Board will conduct a public hearing on the proposed zoning amendments; on January 14, the Board will discuss the plan proposed by Star Vector Corporation; and on January 21 the Board will discuss the proposed Water's Edge plan.

Mrs. Crisler reported that Dick Forde, of the Technical Advisory Committee, has requested that any committee who wishes their minutes displayed on the web page submit them in disk form to expedite the process. Any information for the Committee should be dropped off at the Police Station.

CONSENT AGENDA Mrs. Crisler requested a correction to the December 15 minutes on page 4 under Liaison Reports, to reflect that the future courses being considered by the Technical Advisory Committee will be conducted in conjunction with the Recreation Committee. Mr. McMahon moved to accept minutes of December 15 as amended, payrolls of December 23, 30, and 31, and the manifest of December 22. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Barker read a letter from Planning Board Chairman, Bruce Richardson, requesting any further discussions relative to his performance as Chairman be conducted in public session with him present.

OLD BUSINESS Mr. Sullivan requested that the Board approve the following quotes for the Armstrong Memorial Building: Controlled Systems in the amount of $21,000 for the HVAC system; Eastern Alarm in the amount of $4,610 for the fire alarm system; and LeveLine Builders in the amount of $4,800 for the wood refinishing. Mr. McMahon made a motion to approve $21,000 to be expended from the general fund for the HVAC system, and Mrs. Crisler seconded. The motion passed unanimously. After further discussion, Mr. McMahon moved to expend $4,800 from the property maintenance trust, and $4,610 from the general fund for the wood refinishing and alarm respectively. Seconded by Ms. Webber, and passed unanimously.

The Board reviewed the proposed signs for the Armstrong Memorial Building as submitted by the Historic District Commission. It was the consensus of the Board that the signs are appropriate and attractive as proposed.

Mr. Sullivan recommended that the Board reject all bids received for cleaning services for the Town buildings and, alternatively, hire both a full-time, 40 hours per week and a part-time, 20 hours per week custodian. He explained that the cost to hire these two individuals is approximately $5,000 more than the lowest bid for contracted cleaning services.

A lengthy discussion followed in which Chief Moeckel expressed his support of Mr. Sullivan's proposal, and Ms. Webber expressed concerns that a part-time individual should not be necessary. She requested that a job description and schedule for the custodians be submitted to the Board.

Mr. McMahon motioned to reject all bids, and Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously. Mr. McMahon then moved to instruct Mr. Sullivan to advertise for both positions, and submit job descriptions to the Board, with a second by Mrs. Crisler. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Crisler requested an update from Mr. Sullivan on the disposition of the generator. Mr. Sullivan informed the Board the school had indicated that they did not want it, and that he would now contact the Sisters of Mercy to inquire whether they would like to re-acquire it. He indicated that if the Sisters declined, he would dispose of it as he sees fit.

NEW BUSINESS The Board discussed a request for approval to obtain boat agent status from Nault's Windham Honda at 60 Range Road. Nault's has recently become a watercraft dealer, and wishes to further accommodate their clientele by registering their boats at the time of sale. Mr. McMahon moved to authorize the request, and Ms. Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan outlined a recommendation from Chief Lipe to the Board that the Town become a Blue Cross provider for ambulance billing purposes. He explained that the "allowed amount" paid by Blue Cross is equal to or higher than the Medicare amounts currently charged by the Town. Mr. McMahon moved to approve Chief Lipe's recommendation. Ms. Webber seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Barker presented the following recommendations from the Highway Safety Committee for the Board's approval: installation of enter and exit signs at Searles Chapel, and installation of "School, 200 ft." sign on east side of Route 111A before the Route 93 overpass relative to the Windham Cooperative Kindergarten. Mr. McMahon moved to refer the latter to State of NH DOT, and to approve the former. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously. Mr. Sullivan will contact Division 5 to request installation of the school sign on Route 111A.

Mr. Sullivan explained to the Board that due to funds remaining in the 1997 budget, various department heads have requested authorization to expend those funds for projected purchases in 1998. Chief Moeckel has requested the approval of a proposal in the amount of $4,750 to Systematics, Inc., for purchase of a high density filing system. There were three proposals submitted for this item, the aforementioned, as well as NE Business Systems in the amount of $5,656 and Nord-Plan in the amount of $7,107.76. Also, the Chief has requested $3,100 to pay the balance due on the copier, $450 to purchase a plain paper fax machine, and $815 towards the tower at the new station. Mr. McMahon motioned to accept the proposal of Systematics, Inc., as well as the additional requests, for a total expense of $9,115. Seconded by Ms. Webber. Passed unanimously.

Chief Lipe requested the following expenditures: $727.10 for the purchase of fire safety videos, $1,150 for the purchase of 7 SCBA face masks; $1,268 for the purchase of 4 training tables/10 chairs; and $4,495 for the purchase of a Konica copier, bringing the total expenses to $7,640.10. Mrs. Crisler moved to approve as requested, and Mr. McMahon seconded. Passed unanimously.

Wayne Bailey, Transfer Station Manager, requested $9,800 for the purpose of overhauling one live bed trailer. Mr. McMahon moved to approve the request, with a second by Ms. Webber. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan thanked Tom Case and Barbara Coish for all their efforts in, once again, conducting an enjoyable and successful Christmas party for the senior citizens.

Mr. McMahon moved that Mr. Sullivan draft a letter to the Attorney General requesting an update on the status of the investigation relative to the complaint filed by Mrs. Crisler. Ms. Webber seconded. Passed unanimously. Mr. Sullivan will draft and forward said letter.

The Board extended their wishes for a Happy New Year to all.

Mr. McMahon moved to enter into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II c, seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Roll call vote - all members - yes.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION Mr. McMahon moved to appoint Jill Moe as a Cemetery Trustee, filling the unexpired term of Mrs. Levy through March, 2000. Motion was seconded by Ms. Webber. Passed unanimously.

The Board and Mr. Sullivan also discussed an abatement of taxes on a parcel of land previously donated to the town. Mr. McMahon moved to grant a full abatement of taxes due on the portion donated to the Town, and Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

Meeting ended at 10:00 pm.

David Sullivan
Town Administrator

NOTE:These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for their approval.

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