DECEMBER 1, 1997

MEMBERS PRESENT: Ralph Williams, Douglass Barker, Charles McMahon, Carolyn Webber and Margaret Crisler. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was ill. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mrs. Crisler motioned to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIc. Mr. Webber seconded. Roll call vote - all members - yes. The Board members were in attendance. Subject was reputations.

PUBLIC SESSION: Public meeting began at 8:00 pm. Mr. McMahon was not present as he was ill. Mr. Williams stated that the non-public session regarded reputations and no decisions were made.

Mr. Williams presented Certificates of Appreciation to Stan and Marcia Levy for their volunteer work over the past years for many town organizations. They are moving to Texas - the Board thanked them and wished them luck in the future.

Mr. Williams announced that the Christmas Tree lighting will be held on Sunday, December 7th beginning at 3:00 pm.

Mr. Williams stated that the Board had met in non-public session on November 24th at the Searles School. Due to an administrative error, the meeting had not been posted by the Town Administrative staff. The Board was unaware of this until they met with the second to last person. Mr. Williams noted that the Board spoke to the Town Administrator about the meeting not being posted and also to Town Counsel. This meeting was a factfinding meeting and no decisions were made - so according to Counsel, there is no problem. The Board stated they regret the error.

POLICE COMMITTEE UPDATE: Chief Bruce Moeckel gave the Board the following update on the Police Station construction:

Two scrub pines have been taken down; the basement floor has been cemented; the load bearing walls are presently being built in conjunction with the plumbers and electricians; two propane tanks for gas have been set up and hopefully the basement will be enclosed by Friday.

Mr. Barker asked Chief Moeckel about the sign at the site. Chief Moeckel stated wording is being added to the sign for clarification and that he is comfortable with the location of the sign.

POLICE DEPT ISSUE: Chief Moeckel announced that the Police Department will again this year be participating in the Toys for Tots drive for Christmas. They look forward to everyone participating again this year.

The Chief asked the Board for permission to waive the bid process and continue to work with R & R Communications on the Tower move. Mr. Barker moved to waive the bid process and continue working with R & R Communications. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

Chief Moeckel explained to the Board, that the Department's copier had broken down and it is not worth fixing - extensive electrical problems. Chief Moeckel obtained the following quotes on new copiers:

Zerox $4,360 $408 Maint. Agreement
Konica 4,500 395 Maint. Agreement
Canon 4,984 558 Maint. Agreement

Chief Moeckel requested that the Board approve purchase of the Konica copier for $4,500 with $1,500 to be paid from the 1997 budget and, if approved at the Town Meeting the remainder paid in March. If Town Meeting does not approve the purchase, the machine would be leased. Mr. Barker moved to purchase the Konica for $4,500 with the maintenance agreement for $395. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Barker asked the Chief if the Board needed to take any further action on Officer Comeau's grant application. The Chief stated he would try to contact Officer Comeau. (Later, the Chief stated he could not reach him.)

Mr. Barker asked the Chief if he had any change orders that needed approval. He stated not tonight but probably at their next meeting.

Mr. Barker asked about the generator - the Board decided to discuss it under old business.

FELLOWS ROAD GUARDRAIL: Mr. Turner told the Board that he had obtained two quotations for extending the guardrail on Fellows Road - one from Penney Fence and the other from Fences Unlimited. He recommended accepting the one from Penney Fence. Ms. Webber motioned to award the bid to Penney Fence in the amount of $2,372. Mr. Barker seconded. Passed 3-0 with Mr. Williams abstaining. Guardrail to be installed in early January.

CONSERVATION COMMISSION PRESENATION: Students from University of New Hampshire Natural Resources class have been working with the Conservation Commission to survey, design and map trails on the Town owned Gage land. The students explained their objectives, their actual work and their recommendations.

They discussed non-motorized trails that could be used for cross country skiing and hiking, hunting; tree harvesting; trail maps; markers for interesting or historic sites and involving the students. They also referred to the Boy Scouts as actually making the trails.

The Board and Russ Wilder thanked them for their thorough and very helpful study.

BID AWARD - HVAC - ARMSTRONG BLDG: Only one bid was received for HVAC needs of the Armstrong Building and due to the costs, Mr. Sullivan recommended that it be rejected and that the Board allow the Reuse Committee to enter into a sole source bid negotiation with a local company to see what cost we can get the job completed for. The Board's consensus was to have Mr. Sullivan and the committee do as described above.

CAROL PYNN - ARMSTRONG BLDG SIGN RECOMMENDATION: Ms Pynn suggested that two signs be placed at the Armstrong Building - one in front - ARMSTRONG MEMORIAL BUILDING WINDHAM MUSEUM and one to the left or right of the walk to the side door (which will now be the main entrance) - WCTV 51 STUDIO MAIN ENTRANCE HISTORICAL MEETING ROOM.

Mr. Williams noted that Mr. Armstrong had called the Historical Meeting Room the Memorial Room to honor soldiers from Windham. Mr. Barker stated the front sign should say The Windham Museum and would the Cemetery Trustees be included on the sign.

Gail Webster, Cemetery Trustee, stated that the Cemetery Trustees offices will not be housed in the Armstrong Building.

After much discussion, it was agreed that the front sign verbage would be - ARMSTRONG MEMORIAL BUILDING THE WINDHAM MUSEUM and the second sign verbage would be - MEMORIAL MEETING ROOM and studio verbage would be recommended by the Cable Committee at the next meeting. Ms Pynn will obtain prices for the signs.

THOMAS CASE: Mr. Case stated he had planned to discuss the Board's meeting at Searles School on November 24th, however, he deferred this discussion.

Mr. Case stated that today was the deadline for signing up for the Senior Christmas party at Castleton on December 10th. If anyone still wished to attend, he will keep a standby list and if anyone who has signed up and cannot attend, please let him know. Also, he asked everyone to bring donations to the Shepherd Food Pantry.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler reported that the Planning Board will consider Star Vector on December 3rd at Center School and Water's Edge on December 17th. The Board also voted to support impact fees and will be drafting an ordinance regarding these fees for Town Meeting approval. Mr. Williams noted that impact fees are not taxes and should not be called such. He also noted that these fees would not have much impact on the cost of a new school.

Mr. Case noted that there is no difference between workshops and meetings and he thought the Board might address this in their Rules of Procedure but he did not see anything. Mrs. Case noted that the doors at the Selectmen's Meetings could be closed but not locked to cut down on outside noises.

Mrs. Crisler stated that the deadline for citizens petitions for Zoning Amendments is December 10th. They are to be presented to the Board of Selectmen for acceptance.

The Technical Committee will hold a HML class on December 4th at 6:30 pm at the Library.

Mr. Williams reported that the Cable Committee worked on revisions to the Cable RFP Franchise.

Mr. Williams noted that a Holiday Concert will be held at Searles School on December 5th presented by the Historic District Commission.

Ms Webber stated that the Cemetery Trustees could not hold their meeting as only one trustee was in attendance. The Board is presently advertising to fill the vacancy created by Mrs. Levy's resignation.

CONSENT AGENDA: Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve the minutes of November 17th and 24th, the payrolls of November 25th and December 2nd and the manifest of November 24th. Mr. Barker seconded. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: The Board of Selectmen will meet on December 1st, 15th and 29th at the Town Hall.

A letter of resignation was received from Rocco Ciesco from the Cable Advisory Board due to personal commitments. Mrs. Crisler motioned to accept Mr. Ciesco's resignation with thanks and regret. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

A letter of resignation was received from Rudy Pivovar from the Recreation Committee. Mrs. Crisler motioned to accept Mr. Pivovar's resignation with thanks and regret. Ms. Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

Letter received in support of the firing range from David Vincent of Mockingbird Hill Road.

OLD BUSINESS: CABLE FRANCHISE SPECS - Mr. Barker stated he had just three minor edits to propose to the specifications. Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve the specifications with minor edits. Mr. Barker seconded. Passed unanimously.

ACCEPTANCE OF CONSERVATION GIFT: Mr. Barker motioned that in accordance with RSA 36:A-5, the Board accept the conservation gift of land from Dolly Andrews. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

GENERATOR: The generator that was obtained from the Sisters of Mercy is presently not being used and will not survive the winter under present conditions. After much discussion, Mr. Barker motioned to authorize Mr. Sullivan to survey town and school needs and then dispose of the generator in the best interests of the Town. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unaimously.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Barker told the Board that the Highway Safety Committee recommended the placement of stop signs on Floral and Greenway Roads and installation of 2 handicapped Child signs on Tokanel Road. Mr. Barker moved to approve the signs as described above. Mrs Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

Ms Webber questioned signage on Cobbetts Pond Road. Mr. Barker will follow-up.

Mr. Case noted a Slow Children sign has disappeared from Sharon Road. Mr. Barker stated the Highway Safety Committee will look into this at their next meeting.

The Board agreed to table the last agenda item - Fire Department as a Blue Cross Provider.

Mrs. Crisler motioned to adjourn. Ms. Webber seconded. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis

NOTE:These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.

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