NOVEMBER 17, 1997
MEMBERS PRESENT: Ralph Williams, Douglass Barker, Charles McMahon, Carolyn Webber and Margaret Crisler. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.
NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Barker motioned to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa. Mr. McMahon seconded. Roll Call Vote - all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance. Subject was personnel.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Williams thanked Dolly Andrews for her generous donation of land for conservation.
Mr. Sullivan announced that Ronald Coish was chosen to receive the NH Municipal Association Volunteer of the Year Award. The Town nominated Ron for this award citing his many years of service to the Town. Mr. Coish will receive the award this week at the NH Municipal Association Annual Conference. Mr. Sullivan presented a silver volunteer coin set to Mr. Coish from the Town to thank him for his volunteer work.
Mr. Williams noted that Senator Charles Bass was at the Nesmith Library today to speak with residents.
Mr. Williams stated that the proposed shooting range will be on the Planning Board agenda on Wednesday, November 19th. He further explained that the Board of Selectmen has no authority in this matter.
JEAN MANTHORNE - HISTORIC SOCIETY: Mrs. Manthorne explained to the Board that the Historic Society, the Historic District Commission and the Cable Board have met and are recommending the following regarding the establishment of the new museum:
The name is to be "Windham Museum";
Three trustees, to be appointed by the Selectmen, would run the museum - terms to be staggered;
The Town would retain ownership, maintenance and insurance;
A trust fund would be established and
A proposed mission statement was read.
Mr. McMahon asked if the meeting room could be used for committee meetings as required - Mrs. Manthorne stated this was part of the plan.
Mr. Williams suggested that they have five trustees in order to have a more diversified representation.
Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve the recommendations with the amendments by Mr. McMahon and Mr. Williams. Mr. Barker seconded. Passed unanimously.
Mr. Williams stated that the society is looking for a volunteer with knowledge of how to set up a non-profit agency.
POLICE COMMITTEE UPDATE: Chief Moeckel gave the following update on the new station:
The foundation has been backfilled and compacted;
The driveway binder is down on both driveways;
The underground plumbing has been installed;
The elevator pit and sump have been formed and poured;
The interior footings for the block walls have been poured;
The basement area has been filled with crushed stone; and
The cement walkways in the front and side of the building are in.
CABLE BOARD - PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT: Mrs. Case, Chairman of the Board, requested permission to expend a portion of the salary budget which is remaining on equipment as detailed in their memorandum - cost $12,845. This would leave $3,400 for renovations to the Armstrong Building.
The Board then discussed the type of sign and wording for it for the Armstrong Building. Mrs. Case gave a proposal and Mr. Barker made suggestions to the wording. It was agreed that the wording would be as Mr. Barker suggested and the Committees would handle the design. The sign will read: Armstrong Memorial Building: The Windham Museum Windham Community Television.
Mr. Barker motioned to approve the request to extend $12,845 for equipment and $3,400 for renovations to the building (noting that two were estimates). Mr. McMahon seconded. Passed unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING: The Board held a public hearing to consider the acceptance of Ridgemont Road. Mr. McMahon moved to accept Ridgemont Road as a Town road. Mr. Barker seconded. Passed unanimously.
BID AWARDS: The following bids were received for timber harvesting on Griffin Park:
Baystate Forestry Services |
$4/cd wood & 15%of saw logs |
$30/ hour for services |
Mr. Barker motioned to award the bid to Baystate Forestry Services as quoted above. Mr. McMahon seconded. The Board noted that there will be no moving of soil and asked Mrs. Griffin if this would cause her any problems. Mrs. Griffin stated it would not. Motion passed unanimously. The following bids were received for a Forest Management Plan for the Gage Land, Land behind Middle School and Foster's Pond:
Baystate Forestry Services |
$8/acre ($3333) |
$4500 |
Mr. Barker motioned to award the bid to Baystate as quoted above. Mr. McMahon seconded. Passed unanimously. The following bids were received for renovations to the Armstrong Building for general carpentry:
Gary Carbonneau |
$19,600 |
Leveline Builders |
20,744 to 22,744 |
Carbonneau |
3,000 (added carpentry) |
Bid for woodwork refinishing:
Bid for alarm system:
Eastern Security |
Not to Exceed $2,000 |
Mr. Sullivan stated that tonight he is recommending the Board approve the following bids for a total of $29,800:
Gary Carbonneau |
$23,000 |
Leveline Builders |
4,800 |
Alarm |
2,000 (NTE) |
Mr. McMahon motioned to approve the bids as recommended by Mr. Sullivan and stated above. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously. The Board agreed to have Harron Communications, who is donating $25,000 toward the renovations, give their contribution to the Town and the Town will pay all vendors.
The following bids were received for the town report printing:
Docunet |
$6, 769. |
NorthStar Print Network, Inc. |
7,235. |
8,521. |
Mr. Sullivan recommended awarding the bid to Docunet - they did the book last year and their work was satisfactory. Mr. McMahon moved to award the bid to Docunet as recommended. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.
COMMITTEE INTERVIEW: The Board interviewed Jim Robinton for the Emergency Management Committee.
DAVID COMEAU - GRANT REQUEST: Police Officer Dave Comeau requested the Board's approval for a grant application to the NH Municipal Association for workout equipment for the Police Station. He explained what was required, that it would be offered to all fulltime employees and that the Police Association was contributing.
The Board will review the correspondence provided by Officer Comeau before agreeing to funding. Mr. McMahon motioned for the Board to send a letter to the NHMA endorsing the program and grant application with funding to be determined at the next meeting. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.
ROBERT COMTOIS: Mr. Comtois stated he wanted to speak to the Board to convey his concerns and questions regarding the proposed gun shop and shooting range on Range Road. This matter is before the Planning Board later this week. He asked the Board how many calls they had received and if they signed a "License to Sell Pistols and Revolvers" to Star Vector Corp and at what address. The Board replied they had received many calls and they were not certain if they had signed the license.
Mrs. Dunn asked if the Board would rescind the license - Chief Moeckel stated that he had seen it. Mrs. Dunn felt it was issued inappropriately and requested what action the Board was going to take. The Board stated it would not take any action - no copy of the license was available. Mr. Sullivan will look into this matter and Chief Moeckel will obtain a copy of the license.
Mr. Comtois stated he hoped their concerns would be given the consideration deserved as if it is approved, the facility will be here for a long time. Mr. Williams stated the Selectmen are doing this.
LIAISON REPORTS: Mr. McMahon reported on the CIP meeting. He stated that the Committee will recommend paying off two bonds with part of the fund balance. This would free money for Griffin Park in 1999. He also stated that the school will be seeking $360,000 for portable classrooms. The Board discussed what the priorities should be set.
Ms Webber reported that the Historic District Commission has changed their meeting times to 4 pm on the second Thursday of each month. They discussed the old windows and the Heritage Commission.
Mrs Crisler reported that the Planning Board will be hearing Star Vector on Wednesday, November 19th and the Town Hall has been reserved for this meeting. The hearing on Water's Edge has been rescheduled.
Mrs Crisler attended a workshop sponsored by the Rockingham Planning Commission. They have a video on growth which is available for the Planning Board. She also recommended Cable 51 show this informative video.
Mrs Crisler attended a Recreation Committee meeting - they will sponsor yoga classes and a ski program next year.
Mrs Crisler attended a Technical Advisory Committee meeting. The Committee is sponsoring a class in Hypertext Markup Language on December 4th. The new police/fire antenna is up and the committee is working on alleviating a shadow problem. The committee met with Doug Barker regarding Emergency Management and Michael Fedele regarding GIS.
Mr. Williams attended a cable meeting - they interviewed possible members.
Mr. Williams thanked Peter Chulack for his help with the Turkey Shoot which benefited the Searles Restoration. It was sponsored by the Historical Committee.
Mr. Williams announced that there will be a Christmas Concert at Searles on December 5th. He thanked Tom Porter for his donation of a grand piano.
CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. McMahon motioned to approve the minutes of November 3rd, the payrolls of November 11 and 18th and the manifests of November 10 and 17th. Mr. Barker seconded. Passed unanimously.
CORRESPONDENCE: Memo received from Dick Forde, Webmaster, announcing the class in Hypertext Markup Language on December 4th.
Letter received from the Tennessee Gas Pipeline stating they will hold a Public Awareness Meeting on December 2nd at the Tara Wayfarer Inn in Bedford. Mr. Barker and Chief Lipe will attend.
Request received from the Planning Department to release $22,580 from the road bond on Beacon Hill Road. Mr. McMahon so moved. Mrs Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.
Letters received from Stan and Marcia Levy stating they are moving to Texas. Stan resigned from the Forest Management Committee and Marcia resigned as Cemetery Trustee and the Windham Historic District Commission. Mr. Barker moved to accept the resignations. Mrs Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously. The Board thanked them for their work and wished them luck in the future.
Letter received from Virginia Long Campiola regarding the proposed gun shop and shooting range.
Mr. Barker motioned to authorize Mr. Sullivan to vote for the Town at the NHMA Annual Business Meeting. Mrs Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.
Notice received that Consumers Water Company has been purchased by Town of Hudson who will subsequently sell the non Hudson accounts to Pennichuck who will service the Windham clients.
OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Barker motioned to spend $9,500 from the Fire Department salary account for recruitment process costs for the hiring of a deputy fire chief. Mr. McMahon seconded. Passed unanimously.
Mr. Sullivan asked the Board what they wished done with the old windows from the Town Hall. The matter was tabled for 2 weeks.
NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Barker motioned to donate the remaining bookshelves from the old library to the Marconi Museum in Bedford. Mr. McMahon seconded. Passed unanimously.
Mr. McMahon motioned to allow the Canobie Lake Association to use the Searles School at the non-profit rate. Mrs Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.
NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mr. Barker motioned to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIc and e. Mr. McMahon seconded. Roll Call Vote - all members - yes. Subjects were legal and reputations.
PUBLIC SESSION: The Board and the Cable Board met to discuss cable franchise negotiations and the Cable Board will follow up.
The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance in the second session. Mrs Crisler made a motion to appoint Mr. Robinton as a member EM Committee. Mr. McMahon seconded. Passed unanimously.
Mr. Barker motioned to adjourn. Mr. McMahon seconded. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen M. Davis
NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.
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