NOVEMBER 3, 1997

MEMBERS PRESENT: Ralph Williams, Douglass Barker, Charles McMahon, Carolyn Webber and Margaret Crisler. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Williams made the following announcements:

BankBoston will be closing their branch in Windham in December.

A Retirement Party for Deputy Chief Wallace is being held at Castleton on November 14. Tickets can be purchased from the Town Clerk - cost is $30 per person.

The Planning Board hearing on the proposed firing range has been postponed until November 19th.

Congratulations were extended to the Woman's Club for collecting over 400 coats for the needy.

Also the Woman's Club is selling Town Collectibles, replicas of Searles Building and the Fire Station are available. Cost is $20 each with profits to go towards the scholarship fund. The collectibles may be purchased through Willie Shoemaker or at the Common Man.

WATER ISSUE: Fire Chief Lipe gave a presentation to the Selectmen and members of the Planning Board regarding a water supply design model entitled "Town of Windham Fire Department Objective Based Water Supply / Fire Protection Design".

Chief Lipe discussed fire safety goals, unique aspect of occupants or the facility being protected, identification of potential hazards, definition of appropriate fire scenarios, performance objective and criteria, suitable calculation methods, proposed solutions, assessment of the proposed solution and approval of the proposed solution.

Chief Lipe then gave a detailed description of the time/water model. This model broke down fire fighting into five categories on the timeline and showed what is done in each category and the water required to do it. This model is based on a 2400 square foot structure. He also showed a map of the town depicting where water supplies are and what areas do not have a water supply within a one mile radius.

Fire Marshall Bliss explained the standards and answered questions from the Board members. Topics included unfunded mandates, liability issues, planning board consideration of water supply needs, possible solutions (cisterns, sprinkler systems, purchase of tanker, etc), mutual aid and what other area towns are doing.

The following residents and Planning Board members questioned the Board, Chief Lipe or Fire Marshall Bliss: Bruce Richardson, James Epperson, Kenneth Dushane, Jim Sullivan, Betty Dunn, and Bud Sweetser.

After all questions were answered, the Board agreed to ask the Planning Board to work with the Selectmen and Fire Department to resolve these issues in writing and incorporate their resolutions into the Town's regulations. The Board thanked Fire Marshall Bliss for his input.

POLICE COMMITTEE UPDATE: Mr. Williams announced that this item is tabled as Chief Moeckel advised the Board that he was unable to attend.

The Board is in receipt of a letter from the School Board expressing interest in being able to use the Police Station when it becomes available.

Marcia Unger, Chairman of the School Board, stated that she wished to exchange information with the Board regarding future use of the Police Station. She stated that the Board would be very interested in using the building for the developmentally handicapped students. They would then use the O'Hare classrooms to alleviate the overcrowding in Golden Brook School. She further questioned if they were allowed to use the building what the conditions would be, i.e. rent, purchase, free use. Mrs Unger also asked if the town had pressing needs and if they would require the building.

The Board discussed whether the Police Station should be used by the Planning Department until a new Fire Station is built and the old station becomes available for the Planning Department. Mr. Williams suggested that the Bartley House would be used by committees in need of space.

Mr. McMahon stated he felt the school's need for the building is more urgent that the Planning Department's at this time.

After much discussion, Mrs. Crisler motioned to send a letter to the School Board stating that the Police Station will not be available for them this spring but possibly it will be available sometime in the future predicated on Town Meeting approval of a new Fire Station. Ms Webber seconded. Motion passed 3-2 with Mr. McMahon and Mr. Barker opposing.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler reported that the Planning Board had walked two sites last Saturday. She repeated that the proposed Gun Shop hearing has been postponed until November 19th.

Mrs. Crisler stated that Recreation will hold the Annual Christmas Tree lighting on December 7th.

Mr. Williams stated that he did not attend the Cable Meeting as he was out of town.

CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. McMahon motioned to approve the minutes of October 20th as presented. Mr. Barker seconded. Passed 3-0-2 (Mr. Williams and Mrs Crisler abstaining).

Mr. Barker motioned to approve the minutes of October 27th as presented. Mr. McMahon seconded. Mr. Williams amended the minutes to add the estimate for Griffin Park is $1.1 million Turnkey. Passed 5-0 as amended.

Mr. Barker motioned to approve the payrolls of October 28th and November 4th and the manifest of October 27th. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Letter received from the DOT regarding work to be done at the intersection of Route 111A and Langdon Road. Mr. Sullivan will coordinate the response with other department heads.

Letter received from the Cemetery Trustees regarding reuse of the Police Station.

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Barker motioned to approve the plan for Griffin Park as submitted at their workshop on October 27th. Mr. McMahon seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. McMahon motioned to extend the charge of the Griffin Park Committee similar to that of the Police Building Committee. Mr. Barker seconded. Passed unanimously. Mr. McMahon recongratulated the committee for their professional work. Mr. McMahon stated that the committee is working on a written charge that will be presented to the Board for approval.

Mr. Barker asked Mr. Williams the status of the grant application for the Armstrong Building. Mr. Williams stated it has not been awarded to date but that we are still in the running.

Mr. Sullivan announced the followed bid openings on October 31st:

Gary Carbonneau $19,600.
Leveline Builders 20,744 to 22,744.

Leveline Builders $4,800


Bay State Forestry Services 15% of selling price plus $4. Per cord
Foreco $30 per hour plus cost

The various committees involved will review these bids next week and make recommendations to the Board.

Mr. Sullivan stated that the Conservation Commission will be hosting a deed signing on November 7th a conservation easement donated by Dolly Andrews.

Mr. Sullivan asked the Board if the town offices could close the day after Christmas and New Year's. Mr. McMahon motioned to allow the town offices to close on December 26th and January 2nd with employees using earned time. Mr. Barker seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan noted that town offices and the Transfer Station will be closed on Tuesday, November 11th.

Mr. Williams stated that a larger area rug for the entrance of Town Hall was needed. Mr. Sullivan will follow up.

NEW BUSINESS: The Board discussed a proposed Snow Policy which was first discussed last year with no decision.

Areas discussed were: Items damaged in Town's right-of-way; liability of utility boxes in Town's right-of-way; number of inches of snowfall before plowing begins; who investigates damages and parking during snowfalls.

It was suggested that the Road Agent and Board meet and resolve these issues.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. McMahon motioned to go into non-public session in accordance with RSAA 91-A:3, Ia and d. Mr. Barker seconded. Roll Call Vote - all members - yes. The Board, Mr. Sullivan and an employee were in attendance in the first session and the Board and Mr. Sullivan were in the other sessions. Subject were personnel and legal.

PUBLIC SESSION: The Board discussed an employee issue - no decisions.

Mr. Sullivan updated the members on the Factfinder's Report for the Police Contract. Mr. Barker motioned to accept the Factfinder's Report and present it to Town Meeting for approval for the Police Union Contract for 1997-98. Mr. McMahon seconded. Passed unanimously.

Town Counsel had completed research on titles for properties that had been offered for donation and had previously been through the required public hearing process. Due to problems with the title search, Mr. Barker moved to reject the offer on a parcel, 3-B-355. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Barker moved to accept the offer of a land donation of parcel 22-R-250. Mr. McMahon seconded. Passed unanimously.

The Board agreed to have Mr. Barker be the Selectmen representative in the interviewing process for hiring of a deputy fire chief.

Mr. Barker motioned to adjourn. Ms Webber seconded. Meeting adjourned at 12:30 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis

NOTE: These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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