OCTOBER 20,1997

MEMBERS PRESENT: Douglass Barker, Charles McMahon and Carolyn Webber. Ralph Williams and Margaret Crisler were excused. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:30 pm. Mr. Barker chaired the meeting.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The grand opening ceremony for Fellows Road is scheduled for October 27 at 4:00 pm.

Trick or Treat hours for Halloween are on October 31st from 6-8 pm.

Retirement party for Deputy Fire Chief Wallace will be held at Castleton on November 14th. Tickets are $30 and are available at the Town Clerk's Office.

The tax rate for 1997 is $22 per thousand - no increase from last year.

The first issue of "Townline" has been printed. This is a quarterly newsletter for residents and employees.

POLICE COMMITTEE UPDATE: Chief Moeckel updated the Board on progress of the new police station. Catch basins have been installed - little ledge removal involved. Foundation walls have been installed and insulated. The well has been installed - 300 feet with 30 gallons flow per minute.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mr. McMahon reported that the CIP Committee will meet on October 22 at 7:00 pm at the Building Department.

Ms Webber reported that the Historic District Commission met and welcomed Mim Stoltz to the Commission. She further stated that the Historic Resource List is ninety percent updated and ready for the Master Plan. Also the HDC is looking to become the Heritage Commission.

Ms Webber stated that the Historic Committee is sponsoring a Turkey Shoot fundraiser at Applewood's in the upcoming weeks.

CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. McMahon motioned to approve the minutes of October 6th, the payrolls of October 14 and 21st and manifests of October 6 and 13th. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. McMahon requested the Board's support in sending a letter to the State to have the logs removed from Canobie Lake. The letter is to be sent to Judd Gregg's office for support of this request. Mr. McMahon motioned to approve the letter. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS: A "Resolution for Participation in the Multi Year Rate Guarantee Program of the New Hampshire Municipal Association, Property-Liability Trust, Inc." was received and the Board's endorsement was requested. Mr. Sullivan explained that this resolution provides that the town agrees to continued with the Trust for the purchase of our property and liability insurance at least through June 30, 2000 - we have been doing this since 1989. By guaranteeing our continue participation, we received a rebate of 2.5% of our 1997 contribution, and a 5% rate reduction off the standard 1998-99 rates for the upcoming year which will be locked in through 6/2000. The only cause of any increases would be due to our increased exposures. Mr. McMahon motioned to endorse the resolution. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan further stated that a "Certificate of Authorizing Resolution" and "Initial and Renewal Application and Participation Agreement" from the NHMA has been received for signature. By signing these documents, the Town agrees to participate as a member of the Health Trust and will only request general medical information. The individual contact person and authorized agent to request the information is the Town Administrator. Mr. McMahon motioned to sign the Certificate. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

PRESENTATION: Joan Normington presented the Board a book entitled "Good Forestry in the Granite State" as a gift to be used by all committees to aid in the town's overall planning and development, particularly in terms of good forest management practices. The Board thanked Ms Normington for the generous donation.

CABLE EQUIPMENT: Mr. McMahon motioned to approve purchase of cable for the cable studio in the amount of $1018 (100 meters of cable). Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously. The cable will be used to connect the Town Hall with the renovated Armstrong Building.

ROCKINGHAM PLANNING COMMISSION: Tom Case told the Board that the Commission has produced several videos - the latest one is regarding growth control and it will be presented by Mr. Case to the Planning Board.

COMMITTEE INTERVIEWS: The following individuals were interviewed for appointments to the Emergency Management and Technical Advisory Committees:

Bill Wallace Emergency Management
Mike Notini Technical Advisory
Rene Santerre Emergency Management

Mr. Barker recessed the meeting and commenced the following Public Hearing.

BOARD OF HEALTH PUBLIC HEARING: Mr. Barker explained that only three of the five Board of Health members were present this evening and asked Mr. Fredette of SFC Engineering if he wished to proceed. He stated he wished to hold the hearing.

The Board of Health met to consider a variance request to allow the construction of a new septic system (1) within 100' of a neighboring well, (actual distance is 91' ); (2) within 100' of the onsite well (actual distance is 75'); and (3) to allow the septic tank to be within 30' of the onsite well (actual distance is 24'). Mr. Flanders, Health Officer, explained the waivers and recommended that they be granted. An abutter's support letter was presented. Mr. Fredette explained what existed today and although the existing system is not in failure, the proposed system is an improvement.

Mr. McMahon motioned to approve the variance. Ms. Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Barker adjourned the Board of Health Public Hearing and resumed the Selectmen's Meeting.

COMMITTEE INTERVIEWS CONTINUED: The Board interviewed Joseph Sabato and Jim Bulen for Emergency Management Committee.

UPCOMING AGENDAS: Mr. Sullivan announced the following agenda for the Selectmen:

    November 3rd - Fire Marshall Bliss at 7:00 pm with Planning Board and Fire Chief to discuss water supply and school use of Police Building.

    November 17th - Cable Franchise negotiations in non-public.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mr. McMahon motioned to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa and c. Ms Webber seconded. Roll Call - all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance in both sessions. Subjects were personnel and reputations.

PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on the hiring process for the deputy fire chief position.

Mr. McMahon motioned to appoint Mike Notini to the Technical Advisory Committee and Bill Wallace, Joe Sabato, Rene Santerre and Jim Bulen to the Emergency Management Committee. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. McMahon motioned to adjourn. Ms Webber seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

David Sullivan
Town Administrator

NOTE: These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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