OCTOBER 6, 1997

MEMBERS PRESENT: Ralph Williams, Douglass Barker, Charles McMahon, Carolyn Webber and Margaret Crisler. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:10 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Mr. Williams made the following announcements:

The Library grand opening was held on September 28th and was a huge success.

Congratulations to Betty Dunn for passing the bar exam.

The ground breaking for the new police station was held earlier today.

Mr. Williams read a letter from Deputy Fire Chief Willard Wallace announcing his retirement from the department. A retirement party will be held honoring Deputy Wallace on November 14th at Castleton. Cost is $30 per person. The public is invited and tickets are available at the Town Clerk's Office. The Board accepted Deputy Wallace's resignation with regret.

Mr. Barker stated that he had received notice from Emergency Management that they will hold a workshop in Salem on October 10th regarding emergencies involving dams.

Mr. Williams requested that anyone needing to visit the Griffin Land call Mary Griffin in advance of the visit.

LIAISON REPORTS - Margaret Crisler stated that Recreation is meeting twice a month with focus on reviewing and preparing of budgets. They are looking to fund the Community Band next year.

CONSENT AGENDA - Mr. McMahon motioned to approve the minutes of September 22nd and the payrolls of September 30th and October 7th. Mr. Barker seconded. Passed unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS - Mr. Barker stated that the Board had the 4th draft of the Emergency Management Plan and asked if they were ready to approve. Mr. McMahon motioned to approve the EM Plan. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

Appointment Rules of Procedure - The Board had some changes to make and asked Mr. Sullivan to consolidate the package before final approval.

NEW BUSINESS - Griffin Park Forestry Specifications - Mr. Sullivan explained to the Board that several foresters who spoke with him after receiving RFP for a Forest Management Plan for the Griffin Park, stated that doing a Forest Management Plan would not a wise use of money as the Town already has a plan for the land use. They suggested doing a timber harvest which could bring in revenues of up to $25,000 and then have the National Guard do the clean up in the spring. Mr. Sullivan suggested that the Board rescind their vote for a Forest Management Plan and but out specification for bid for a timber harvest. Mr. Barker moved to rescind their prior vote and approve the timber harvest as described in Mr. Sullivan's memo of October 2nd. Mr. McMahon seconded. Passed unanimously. It was noted that these bids were due in after the Griffin Park Plan would be reviewed by the Planning Board and did not have to be accepted. The National Guard would not be doing any work before next spring.

Mr. Sullivan announced that an Andy Griffin Memorial Fund has been established to purchase a flag pole for the new police station.

Mr. Barker motioned to authorize Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Bailey to dispose of the 1981 pick up from the Transfer Station by sealed bid or auction. Mr. McMahon seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Williams recessed the regular meeting.

WORKSHOP SESSION - The Board, Mr. Sullivan, Alfred Turner, Planning Director, Planning Board members - Bruce Richardson, Tom Case, John Spinney, Bernard Rouillard and Wayne Morris, Fire Chief Lipe and FF/Inspector Hoegen met in a workshop session. The agenda of this workshop was as follows:

1. How better to optimize Mr. Turner's position.

2. Concerns regarding internal workings with the Planning Board and staff.

3. Concerns regarding the water supply needs of the Town.

4. Discussion relative to new legislation (RSA 676:4, I [c] [1]).

The Board will schedule a workshop with Fire Marshall Bliss, Planning Board, Chief Lipe, FF/Inspector Hoegen and Town Counsel on October 27th or November 3rd to discuss water supply needs.

Also Mr. Sullivan, Mrs. Crisler, Mr. Turner, Mr. Richardson and Town Counsel will meet and get an interpretation of the new legislation.

The Workshop was ended and the regular meeting was resumed.

HIGHWAY SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS - Police Chief Moeckel and William Russell, Highway Safety Committee Chairman, met with the Board to discuss the recommendations made by the Committee at their last meeting.

Mr. Barker moved to approve the following recommendations:

(1) Marblehead Road: #97-21
(a) Install a 25 mph speed limit sign on Marblehead Road just after Bramley Hill Road.
(b) Install a 25 mph speed limit sign on Marblehead Road at the Pelham Town line heading from Windham.

(2) Londonderry Road: #97-23
(a) Paint a double yellow centerline along the entire length of Londonderry Road and the portion of Kendall Pond Road which is a continuation of road at the Londonderry end.

(3) Bridle Bridge Road at Hudson town line: #97-26
(a) Install two (2) "School Bus Turn Around" signs near gas station

(4) Londonderry Road: #97-28
(a) Install two (2) sets of double chevron signs going East just after Fordway Extension, near #122 Londonderry Road.

(5) Meetinghouse Road: #97-30
(a) Install two (2) sets of double chevron signs (for both directions) in southeast curve below Easy Street.

(6) Fellows Road and Route 111: # 97-35
(a) Install a temporary "Right Turn Only" sign on Fellows Road to eliminate left turns from Fellows Road onto Route 111 until the planned traffic signals are installed.
(b) Install a new high pressure sodium street light on existing power pole between Route 111 and Collins Brook.

Road Agent handle the following

(1) re-install 30 mph speed limit signs on Fordway Ext. at Derry town line. These have been missing for some time. # 97-25

(2) cut brush near #7 Balmorra Road to restore safe sight line as you exit Galway Road. #97-29

(3) cutting brush on southeast corner of intersection of Farmer and Turtle Rock Roads. #97-2

The State handle:

(1) striping of a center line and stop line on Depot Road. #97-24

(2) Install a "stop ahead" sign on Cobbetts Pond Road near intersection with Range Road; change the current "Yield" sign to a "Stop" sign; and paint a stop line at the request "Stop" sign and a yellow center line on Cobbetts Pond Road for approximately 100'. # 97-31

(3) Install a "No Passing Zone" on Route 111 in front of Transfer Station entrance. #97-33

(4) Review the timing of the delayed green light at the signals on Route 111 and Exit 3. #97-34

Mr. McMahon seconded. Chief Moeckel expressed reservations about approval of #97-35. The Board agreed to delete this item for the present. Mr. Williams stated that he did not think #97-31 was necessary. The Board agreed. Motion passed unanimously with the deletion of #97-31 and #97-35.

Mr. Russell told the Board that residents on Marblehead Road expressed concern regarding ledge cropping out of the road around the old landfill area.

The Road Agent is looking into this problem and will submit a plan. For the 1998 budget.

POLICE STATION - Chief Moeckel told the Board that he was informed today that Wrenn Associates need to award the concrete bids and need authorization to release the funds. The Board stated that the Committee should approve this. Mr. Sullivan asked for clarity on who awards bids - Board or Committee. It was agreed that the Board would release blocks of money and the Committee award the bids. Mr. Sullivan will prepare an amendment to the Construction Management contract to clarify this procedure.

CORRESPONDENCE - Letter received from Gary Nichols, Coordinator of the Windham Middle School Earth Shuttle Annual Road Race, announcing that the race will be held on October 19th at 9:30 am at Golden Brook School.

Memo received from the Planning Board stating that Roger Hohenberger, Wayne Morris, Dick Gumbel, Charles McMahon, Eric Nickerson and Jay Gross were appointed as members of the Impact Study Group. Their charge is to determine if there is justification for School Department impact fees based upon need for new schools due to new development, and the ability of the town to supply funds for construction through normal channels. Conclusion should be a financial determination of need only, not recommendation for or against impact fees.

Request received from Planning Director and Planning Board to release a partial road bond on Longmeadow Road. Mr. McMahon motioned to release $56,393.00 as requested. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

Request received from Planning Director and Planning Board to release a total road bond on Lowell and Westchester Roads. Mrs. Crisler motioned to release $1,100.00 as requested. Mr. McMahon seconded. Passed unanimously.

Letter received from Michael Ryan of 11 Lancaster Road regarding increasing vandalism and reckless speeding in the Lancaster/Castle Hill Road area. Mr. Barker suggested trying the portable radar sign in that area.

OTHER BUSINESS - Mr. Sullivan told the Board that the Cable Committee needed to have their comments on the bid specifications by October 17th.

Mr. Sullivan also reminded the Board that he and Mr. Fedele, Assessor, would be in Concord tomorrow to get the tax rate and asked if , as in the past, the Board wished to use surplus to keep the tax rate level. They were in agreement.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION - Mr. McMahon motioned to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa, c and e. Mr. Barker seconded. Roll Call Vote - all members - yes. The subjects were personnel, reputations and legal. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance in two sessions and only Board members in the session dealing with a legal matter.

PUBLIC SESSION - Personnel - Mr. Sullivan received guidance for contract negotiations and will follow up. Also the Board gave guidelines for the process of hiring a deputy fire chief. The Board reviewed an employee evaluation.

Reputations - The Board agreed to waive interest from a lien.

Legal - No decisions.

Mr. McMahon motioned to adjourn. Mr. Barker seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 11:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis

NOTE: These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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