MEMBERS PRESENT: Ralph Williams, Douglass Barker, Charles McMahon, Carolyn Webber and Margaret Crisler. David Sullivan, Town Administrator was also present. Meeting opened at 7:40 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Williams congratulated Laura Marcille on her recent "hole in one".

Mr. Williams thanked the Garden Club for their efforts with the landscaping of the new library and the plantings in the island at Cobbetts Pond and Lowell Roads.

ODYSSEY OF THE MIND PRESENTATIONS: Mr. Williams presented certificates of commendation from Governor Shaheen and the Board of Selectmen for their performance in the Worlds Competition of the Odyssey of the Mind finals to the OM Team. Their project required them to build a balsa wood and glue structure weighing no more than 35 grams and to put as much weight on it as possible. Team members were: Brett Ferguson, Greg Callanan, Brett Marks, Matthew Parsons, Stephanie Pliskin, Delea Mowatt and Jennifer Trott. The team presented the Board a picture of themselves with Senator Gregg in Washington, DC.

PUBLIC HEARING: The Board held a public hearing to consider the acceptance of a donation to the Police Department of a finger print machine from the Windham Police Association.

Chief Moeckel stated that the Association is donating an inkless finger printing machine valued at approximately $600. Mr. McMahon motioned to accept the donation of the finger printing machine with gratitude. Mr. Barker seconded. Passed unanimously.

POLICE BUILDING UPDATE: Chief Moeckel told the Board that the members of the Police Department have been reviewing the office layouts of the new station.

Chief Moeckel further stated that bids had been received on the excavation work which includes land clearing, cellar hole, septic, well, hot top, ledge removal, fencing and some landscaping. He said that Wrenn Associates are reviewing the bids and requested that the Board approve the GMP (Gross Maximum Price) on this phase. Mr. McMahon moved to approve Wrenn Associates proposal of the GMP. Mr. Barker seconded. Mr. Wrenn explained how the process would work to fast track this project. He stated that he would be working with the committee to get the best prices on each bid. Reports would be given to the Board detailing bids and the decisions. Mr. Sullivan stated that the contract with Wrenn Associates states that the Board will award bids and asked if this process was changing. The Board stated that they have no problem with this method as long as they received the reports. Motion passed 4-1 with Mrs. Crisler opposed as she had not read the document.

AUDIT REPORT: Robert Vachon of Vachon & Clukay, reported that the Town is in excellent financial condition - a healthy fund balance and low debt. He commended Mr. Skinner on his management of town funds.

SOUTHEASTERN LANDS COMMITTEE: The Southeastern Lands Committee is a subcommittee of the Conservation Commission. Members are: Doris Mowson, Renee Solomon, Wayne Bailey, Dan Rogers, Linda Barreira, Kathy Shea, Regina McLaughlin and Nancy Surette. Three members were there to present their plan to the Selectmen. Also present was Phil Auger, Rockingham County Forester.

Doris Mowson gave the introduction stating their goals and objectives. She stated that the committee is striving to achieve the goals and objectives set forth in the Master Plan while controlling the tax rate. Further, to protect more current use and undeveloped land with conservation easements. By this, they will provide protection to the Town of Windham from the costly impact of too much residential development. The area they are currently looking to protect is a 1,000 acre area bordering Route 111A, Interstate 93, Marblehead Road, Griffin Park and Salem and Pelham lines.

Nancy Surette showed slides depicting the beauty and resources in the area. They hope to have a path to Griffin Park, especially for use by children thus avoiding them walking on Range Road.

Linda Barreira gave the main presentation stating the committee's mission, goals, action plan, etc. They asked the Board to support a Warrant Article they will be proposing to designate a Town parcel at the end of Bayberry Road (17 acres) as Conservation Land. Mr. Williams, Ms Webber and Mrs. Crisler support this, however, Mr. McMahon and Mr. Barker want to walk the land and consider other town land needs before deciding. Mr. Williams informed that they would not be taking an official vote until budget hearings, however at this date the consensus of the Board was to support the article.

The Committee hopes to acquire this land through gifts, bequests, conservation easements, bargain sale of land, land swaps, etc. The Committee is in the process of creating a package for those landowners who are interested in conserving land. Mr. McMahon stressed the importance of notifying all land owners whose land is being considered.

Phil Auger from the Rockingham County Cooperative Extension Office reported on studies which had been done in New Hampshire and agreed to provide some of these to the Board. He noted that it is not just wetlands that are being considered for protection but also highly developable lands.

Tim Roache, Chairman of the Conservation Commission, thanked the Committee for its excellent presentation. The Committee will present this plan to the CIP, Master Plan and Planning Board.

CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Barker motioned and Mr. McMahon seconded to accept the Animal Control Report for August. Passed unanimously.

The Planning Board has approved and recommended that the Selectmen authorize the release (full or partial) of the following road bonds:


$ 25,473





Mitchell Pond




Cochran Farm




Mr. Barker motioned to release the bonds as read by Mr. Williams. Mr. McMahon seconded. Passed unanimously.

Letter received from the Board of Adjustment regarding the responsibility of the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Williams noted that no member can have any direct contact with anyone coming before them until the actual meeting.

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Barker asked Mr. Williams the status of the Armstrong Building Reuse grant application. Mr. Williams stated the person in charge was on vacation last week and he will check again this week.

Mr. Williams stated that Town Counsel had written a letter stating that the Fire Chief did have the authority to stop an occupancy permit from being issued if water supply was a problem. Mr. McMahon disagreed with that opinion. Mrs. Crisler asked Mr. McMahon what if anything the CIP was doing about providing enough water in all areas of town, especially existing areas. Mr. McMahon stated they are not addressing the building of any fire ponds but are providing for the purchase of tankers.

Mr. Williams stated that no one can speak for any board - individuals can only have private conversations and any agreements or decisions are reached by votes of the boards. Mr. Case stated that Mr. Richardson, Chairman of the Planning Board, had met with Chief Lipe, however no decisions or agreements were made. Mr. Case further stated that decisions of the Planning Board are based on regulations.

Mr. Barker suggested that the Planning Board, Board of Selectmen, Fire Chief, and Director of Planning meet in a workshop to discuss these issues. Workshop was scheduled for October 6th at 7:00 pm.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Barker requested that Mr. Sullivan and the Cable Coordinator meet to redesign the Board's meeting table configuration to allow members to see each other.

Mrs. Crisler asked if there were monies available to provide new law books governing the Board of Adjustment and Planning Board as they are working with out of date ones. Mr. Sullivan will follow up.

Mr. Sullivan told the Board that Ronald Hoegen, Fire Fighter/Fire Inspector, requested their permission for the Fire Department to solicit funds to purchase materials for Fire Prevention Week. Mr. McMahon so moved. Mr. Barker seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan announced that a Public Hearing will be held on September 22nd at the Town Hall regarding Searles Road layout at 8:00 pm.

Also on September 22nd at 7:45 pm Mr. Brillhardt from the DOT will explain the work the State will do on the Park and Ride - construction of a shelter.

Mr. Sullivan updated on the progress of the installation of the traffic signal at Fellows Road and Route 111 and also the culvert. Mr. McMahon expressed his disappointment in the culvert as he feels it will not handle a flood situation.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mr. Barker noted that a subcommittee of the Armstrong Reuse committee had met and the full committee will meet on September 18th.

Mr. Barker stated that there will be an Emergency Management Committee meeting on September 11th at 1:00 pm at the Town Hall.

Mrs. Crisler stated that recreation is now meeting twice a month - one meeting as a workshop on organizational issues and a regular business meeting. There is a new recreation informational telephone line 870-9020 giving all activities and contact persons. Tom Case questioned the cost of this phone line.

Also, Mrs. Crisler stated that Dr. Roberts for UNH had evaluated the ballfields in town for the committee.

Mrs. Crisler reported that the Planning Board is still dealing with a heavy workload. A Master Plan sub-committee has been formed with Diane Gardner as Chairman.

Mrs. Crisler will attend the Library Trustees meeting later this week and report on the dedication plans.

Mr. Williams reported that the Cable Committee is still working on the upcoming renewal of the cable franchise.

Mr. Sullivan noted that the newly hired studio coordinator has left for another position.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Case stated that the Recreation Committee had invited the Community Band to their meeting to play for them and only part of the Committee was there (others were inspecting ballfields). He felt this was not appropriate.

Chief Moeckel stated that the Crimeline of Southern New Hampshire will be conducting a telephone campaign and it has been approved by the Attorney General. They will be sponsoring the Harlem Rockets on November 21st at Salem High School. Mr. Case asked what percentage the telemarkers receive - Chief Moeckel replied that he did not know.

WORKSHOP SESSION: The Board held a workshop to discuss their rules of procedure.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mr. Barker motioned to go into non-public sessions in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II, a, c and e. Mr. McMahon seconded. Roll Call Vote - all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance in all sessions. Subjects were personnel, reputations and legal.

PUBLIC SESSION: The Board discussed a personnel matter and Mr. Sullivan will follow-up.

The Board discussed two legal matters - Mr. Sullivan will follow-up on one and the Board authorized Attorney Campbell to attend one day of court regarding the Consumer Water case.

The Board reviewed three department head evaluations.

The Board discussed a matter involving reputations. No decisions.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.


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