Minutes of August 4, 2003

ROLL CALL: Chairman Galen Stearns called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Those present included Selectmen Roger Hohenberger, Chris Doyle, and Bruce Breton. Mr. Sullivan was also present. Mr. Carpenter was excused.

WORKSHOP: The Board held a workshop meeting with Jack McCartney, Highway Agent, to discuss various highway department matters.

Salt Bids: The following four (4) quotes were received for winter salt:

  1. Granite State Minerals - $30.89/ton

  2. ISCO (International Salt Company) - $30.89/ton

  3. Morton Salt - $32.39/ton

  4. Eastern Salt Company - $38.08/ton

Mr. Doyle moved to award the salt bid to Granite State Minerals for the price of $30.89 ton. Mr. Breton seconded. Passed unanimously.

Road Bids: The following bids were received for the reconstruction of Millstone and Crestwood Streets:

  1. Brox Industries – Dracut, MA - $131,443

  2. Pike Industries – Hooksett, NH - $137,387.50

  3. Tate Brothers – Hudson, NH - $159,000

The Board conducted a site walk on the two roads under consideration and upon return Mr. Doyle moved to award the bid to Brox Industries for the bid price of $131,443. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Passed unanimously.

Drainage Concern – Rolling Ridge Road: The Board addressed a letter from a resident of Rolling Ridge Road requesting curbing be installed for a length of twenty (20) feet near their property to alleviate a drainage problem.

 Mr. Doyle moved to have the Town reinstall a swale in the town’s right of way which has  grown in at the town’s cost or install a curb at a cost sharing of 70% / 30% (Town/Owner) with the Town’s total contribution not to exceed $1,000.  Mr. Breton seconded. Passed unanimously.

 Cul-De-Sac Plantings: The Board reviewed a request to install plantings or a small structure in the middle of a town cul-de-sac. The Board asked Mr. Sullivan to work with the residents and Mr. McCartney on developing a workable suggestion, as well as checking with Town Counsel on any liabilities.

 CIP: The Board agreed to have Mr. McCartney solicit bids for continued improvements to Rock Pond Road as well as Marblehead Road (from the old landfill to the Fletcher’s Corner area). Funds for these projects to come from the 2003 CIP allocation as available. In addition, the Board briefly reviewed the 2004 CIP request from the Highway Department which will be forwarded to the CIP Committee for consideration. 

Mr. Doyle moved to adjourn at 9:00 pm. Mr. Breton seconded. Passed unanimously.

 Respectfully submitted,

David Sullivan, Town Administrator

Note:  These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.