Minutes of July 28, 2003

ROLL CALL: Chairman Galen Stearns called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Those present included Selectmen Alan Carpenter, Roger Hohenberger, Chris Doyle, and Bruce Breton. Mr. Sullivan was delayed until approximately 8:00 PM.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  School Board Member, Barbara Coish, introduced Dr. Elaine Cutler, newly appointed Superintendent of Schools, to the residents and the Selectmen.

Dr. Cutler expressed her particular thanks for the opportunity to attend this year’s Senior Picnic and interact with the other guests and staff. She expressed her hope that, for next year’s event, the members of the SAU staff could become involved in hosting the picnic.

Mr. Carpenter reminded the Board and residents that the Pelham/Windham Cooperative School District Committee will be holding an informational meeting on August 6, 2003 at the Pelham Elementary School. Also, the District Committee will be holding a public hearing on August 25, 2003 at the Windham Town Hall.


SENIOR CENTER: Several members of the Windham Planning Board, including Ross McLeod, Wayne Morris, Nancy Prendergast, Pam Skinner, Roy Dennehy were in attendance for this discussion. Mrs. Coish presented a summary of the renovation progress. Discussion ensued regarding a number of concerns including: parking, infrastructure changes, timing of construction, proximity to Collins Brook, adequacy of the expansion itself for number of Senior Citizens, Inc. members, and use of the second floor area.  Mrs. Coish also suggested that the remaining portion of the roof, which was not shingled in 2001, be completed, possibly with funds from the Property Trust.

The Board agreed that the stump to the left of the current parking area should be ground up and removed, resulting in room for one additional parking space, but could not support any additional spaces without further discussion at a later date. The Board indicated their endorsement to proceed.

GRIFFIN PARK:  Mr. Charles McMahon presented detailed plans and project summary to the Board relative to the donation of a multi-purpose building to be constructed at Griffin Park.  Mr. McMahon requested the Board’s approval to begin construction immediately, indicating the only remaining item he is waiting for is the return of the septic plan from the Department of Environmental Services.

Mr. Chuck Tomes reviewed the technical aspects of the construction including drainage, enclosed downspouts, security issues, and lighting. Mr. Tomes will continue to work with the Building Department to ensure that everything is done to code.

Mr. Hohenberger inquired about roof and underground drainage, restroom facilities and ease of cleaning. While use of the building would fall under the Recreation Committee, Mr. Stearns indicated that the building would be a town facility under the guidance of the Selectmen and, as such, policies and procedures would have to be developed.

Mr. Carpenter asked whether guaranteed cash was available to finish the building so it would not fall to the Town to finish construction. Mr. McMahon indicated that they currently had $150,000 available and that much of the labor and materials was to be donated.

Mr. McMahon went on to discuss the direction of the lighting, which will point downward and not out; that the building will be wired sufficiently for security purposes and that the police department will be consulted; that the building would be situated along the walking path; and the concession stand within the building. Mr. Stearns expressed a need for policies and procedures regarding the concession stand.

Mr. Ross McLeod, Planning Board member, read into the record a list of issues that the Planning Board initially had raised about the building, most of which have been addressed in the updated plans, other than the construction of a cupola, on which the Board of Selectmen will have to decide. He went on to discuss future policy decisions which will be required regarding building maintenance, dumpster availability, vending machines, etc.

Mr. Stearns summarized several letters of support for the building, including one from the Recreation Committee.

The question was raised regarding the availability of picnic tables, and Mr. McMahon indicated he is open to discussion on specifics to enable the best use of the area, but that tables are not within their funding at this time.

Mr. Doyle moved to proceed with construction under plans as presented and to waive any permit fees. Seconded by Mr. Breton. Passed unanimously.

The Board voted unanimously to recess the meeting until 8:15 PM.

Mr. Stearns called the meeting back to order at 8:15 PM.

GRIFFIN PARK DRAINAGE: Mr. Stearns explained that two (2) proposals were available to deal with the drainage problems associated with the baseball side of the Park. Mr. McMahon reviewed the proposals for the Board.

Mr. Stearns favored a hybrid of the proposals; to re-grade the area and place drainage in the baselines as opposed to trenches with exposed rock. Mr. Turner, Planning Director, explained the drainage issue in greater detail for the Board, and felt that the proposal may not be appropriate at this time. Mr. Turner went on to indicate that a wetland area may result at the proposed drainage basin. Discussion ensued that under drainage on fields was the necessary solution.

Mr. Hohenberger requested a guarantee from the contractor, whomever it ultimately was that the solution would work. Mr. Stearns stated he felt we had two (2) issues, the drainage of the fields and the sheet drainage across the common land.

Mr. Carpenter felt the Town should arrange to have an engineer familiar with drainage review the area and submit a proposal. Mr. Tomes stated that pipes in question were not 50’ on center as were required, but were of varying widths apart and, given that, it would be difficult to have an engineer design a solution not knowing the exact location of and widths between the pipes.

Mr. Turner indicated that the in-ground pipes have nothing to do with the issue of sheet drainage, but rather groundwater, and that he believes a swale should be constructed to intercept water before it gets to the fields. Mr. Turner also felt that an engineer was not needed to advise us on a course of action, as we know where the water is originating from. He did, however, feel that an expert on fields was necessary to tell the Town how to address that area, and that efforts should be concentrated on diverting the water before it reaches the field.

Mr. McMahon explained plans to address the infields involving re-mixing of the infield mix with additional turfas material to help the drainage problems.

Mr. Carpenter requested that Town staff, baseball representatives and Hillside or other contractor work together to provide alternative designs to resolve the problem, and to ensure contractor’s guarantee of work. This item will be readdressed at the August 11, 2003 Selectmen’s meeting.

MINUTES: Mr. Doyle moved to approve the minutes of July 14, 2003 as written. Mr. Carpenter seconded. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Bond Releases: The Board received several requests and voted as follows:

  • Temporary Connector Drive (Carbo Development, LLC), $48,880.00; consensus to hold bond until paving is completed

  • AP Dailey Laminating (Arthur P. Dailey) $7,475.00; motion by Mr. Carpenter to release, with a second by Mr. Doyle. Passed unanimously.

  • Heritage Hill Walking Easements (Everett Ryan), $1,000.00; motion by Mr. Doyle to release, with a second by Mr. Hohenberger. Passed unanimously.

  • Morrison Road to Hancock Road for Landscaping (5 requests of $2,000/each to be released to residents of Hancock Rd); motion by Mr. Hohenberger to release total of $10,000, retaining remainder of $8,875.00, with a second by Mr. Carpenter. Passed unanimously.

  • Kiddie Academy (Robert & Janet Covino), $20,000.00; motion by Mr. Hohenberger to release totally, with a second by Mr. Doyle. Passed unanimously.

The Board of Selectmen received a letter of resignation from Conservation Commission Chairperson, Dianna Fallon. Mr. Doyle moved to accept Ms. Fallon’s resignation with regrets and to request that she consider volunteering for other Town boards within the next six (6) months. Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger. Passed unanimously.

The Board received a letter of complaint from a resident regarding the Town’s yard waste program and the pond at Griffin Park. The Board requested a review of the yard waste program and that the Transfer Station Manager investigate alternative solutions to allow the facility to be open more hours on the weekends. Relative to the safety concerns mentioned, Mr. Sullivan will arrange to have a life-saving ring placed at the Griffin Park pond.

OLD BUSINESS:  Mr. Wayne Morris requested the support of the Board in submitting a CMAQ grant for a shared bike path on the Manchester/Lawrence Railroad right of way spanning 4.1 miles from Route 111 to the Windham Depot. The estimated cost of the project is $1,030,000, of which the Town would be responsible for 20% ($206,000). The Town’s percentage would be garnered through donations, in kind services, and possibly town appropriations.

Mr. Morris also requested that the Selectmen agree to submit a line item representing the Town’s 20% to the Capital Improvements Committee for consideration. The project is currently planned for the year 2007.

Mr. Carpenter moved, and Mr. Doyle seconded, that the Town submit the letter of support with changes to reflect that the Selectmen will submit a proposal to the CIP for consideration, but that the Board may not necessarily support said article depending on the circumstances and priorities at the time of the vote. Passed unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Hohenberger requested that the Town look into having a pedestrian crosswalk installed on North Lowell Road between the Town Hall and the Bartley House. Mr. Sullivan will contact the proper State agencies.

Stormwater Management Plan: Mr. Sullivan reviewed the draft Stormwater Management Plan developed by town staff and CLD Engineers, consultant to the Town on this project and the Town’s Notice of Intent to implement the program. This plan is required as part of the Federal Governments NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System).

Mr. Sullivan explained the six specific areas of the plan including Public Education and Outreach, Public Participation / Involvement, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Construction Site Runoff Control, Post Construction Runoff Control, and Pollution Prevention / Good Housekeeping Measures.

Mr. Doyle moved and Mr. Breton seconded to authorize Mr. Sullivan to execute the Town’s Notice of Intent and submit to the EPA. Passed 3-1-1 with Mr. Carpenter opposed and Mr. Hohenberger abstaining due to not having the time to fully review the material prior to the meeting.

There being no further new business, Mr. Doyle moved, and Mr. Carpenter seconded, that Board enter into a non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 d. Roll call vote – all members in yes. Subject was land acquisition.

NONPUBLIC SESSION: The Board met in non-public session to discuss land acquisition. Also present were Mr. Sullivan and the following members of the Conservation Commission: Bruce Anderson, Lisa Linowes, and Pamela Skinner.

Mr. Doyle moved and Mr. Breton seconded to support the Conservation Commission’s potential purchase of lot 25-R-103 consisting of 79 acres, and to have the Commission submit the purchase to a public hearing under RSA 36-A:5 for consideration and, further, to send a letter to the owner of record indicating the Board of Selectmen’s support of said acquisition.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

David Sullivan, Town Administrator

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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