JUNE 2, 2003

MEMBERS PRESENT: Galen Stearns, Roger Hohenberger, Alan Carpenter (arrived 8:00 pm), Christopher Doyle and Bruce Breton. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Strawberry Festival is this Saturday, June 7th, at the Nesmith Library. The Board encouraged residents to attend and enjoy the festivities.

The Board interviewed Therese Champigny to be a member of the Bike Path Advisory Committee as an abutter.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mr. Hohenberger reported that he attended the Retirement Dinner for Ray Raudonis The Board extended their appreciation to Ray for his service to the Town during his tenure as SAU Superintendent.

Mr. Hohenberger reported that the Planning Board reviewed three applications for consultants interested in the Master Plan. He asked the procedure the Planning Board should follow in selecting a consultant. Mr. Sullivan suggested issuing an RFP for technical proposals, review proposals, interview as needed and request finalists to submit quote for services.

Mr. Breton reported from the Recreation Committee: a new basketball backboard will be installed at Nashua Road, the 4th of July plans are being finalized and Frank Farmer will not be seeking reappointment to the Committee. The Board thanked Mr. Farmer for his many years of dedicated service.

Mr. Sullivan, as requested by the Board, read the following scope of work for architectural work to be done on the south wing of the Searles Chapel. This scope was requested by the Board before making a decision to waiving the bid process on this work.

Stabilization of wall structures to allow the removal of the existing structure and installation of new structural elements.

Work with engineer to coordinate architectural and structural work.

Create code compliant plan to remove exit enclosure. Rework stairs and stage.

Design new fenestration in coordination with stain glass craftsman.

Coordinate mechanical and electrical work.

Drawings will include plans, exterior and interior elevations, details and schedules

Provide bid plans and specifications for use by the town in obtaining a general contractor.

Mr. Sullivan stated that the project costs for these services is $8,000 to $10,000. Mr. Hohenberger motioned to waive the bid process for the architectural services for work at Searles Chapel. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Hohenberger motioned to award the contract for architectural services to Richard Monahon as described in his letter dated may 26, 2003 (as noted above) for a price not to exceed $8,000. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed 4-0.

PUBLIC HEARING: Mr. Stearns read the following notice: "The Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing at 7:15 pm on June 2, 2003 at the Planning and Development Building to consider the installation of a Stop sign at the end of Mockingbird Hill Road at the corner of Governor Dinsmore Road".

Mr. Sullivan noted that this is a sharp corner and this sign, as recommended by the Highway Safety Committee, would allow traffic to slow. Mr. Hohenberger motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to approve installation of a stop sign at the end of Mockingbird Hill Road at the corner of Governor Dinsmore Road. Passed 4-0.

TRANSFER STATION: Mr. Poulson, Transfer Station Manager, told the Board that the current contract for tipping fees for solid waste expires in July. He has received three quotes and recommends the Board award the contract to Wheelabrator for a three year contract with the Town's option to renew for two additional years. The cost for the first year is $65 per ton with a three percent escalation per year.

Mr. Hohenberger motioned to award the contract to Wheelabrator for a three years with option for an additional two years. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed 4-0.

BARTLEY HOUSE CHANGE ORDER: Mr. Sullivan reported that the renovations are still not complete. He stated that issues with this will be discussed later in a non-public session.

Mr. Sullivan requested that the Board authorize funds from the Property Trust Fund be allocated to cover change orders approved for this project. The amount of the change orders is $4,795.00 for Yesteryear and $1,750.00 for front steps for a total of $6,545.00. Mr. Doyle motioned to approve the allocation of $6,545.00 from the Property Liability to pay the change orders as described above. Mr. Breton seconded. Passed 4-0.

PUBLIC HEARING: Mr. Stearns read the following notice. "In accordance with RSA 41:9A, the Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing on June 2, 2003 at 7:30 PM at the Planning and Development Department for the purpose of amending the fees charged for traffic violations as follows:

    Present Proposed
    No Parking Zone $10 $25
    50' of Any Intersection $10 $25
    On travel portion of any roadway $10 $25
    Wrong Side of Road (facing traffic)    $10 $25
    Impeding Snow Removal $10 $25
    Fire lane $10 $25
    Within 25' feet of a fire hydrant $10 $25
    Town Residents Only
       First Offense $10 $25
       Second Offense $10 $50
       Third Offense $10 Towed
    Handicapped Parking $25 $75
    Other $10 $25

Mr. Hohenberger asked if there was anyway to increase the fines for trucks parking in front of Dunkin Donuts on Route 111 as this limits visibility greatly and is very dangerous. Mr. Breton agreed. Chief Moeckel will speak to the owners about this.

Mr. Case asked questions regarding the amount of the fines, the traffic regulations and definitions of offenses.

Mr. Doyle motioned to approve the increased fines as proposed. Mr. Breton seconded. Passed 4-0.

TAX ANTICIPATION NOTE: Dana Call, Finance Director, stated that due to large expenditures early in the year and the delay of tax billing, it will, most likely, be necessary to borrow in anticipation of taxes. Mr. Sullivan stated that this has not been done since semi annual billing was initiated, however it will be necessary this year. It was noted that both the Assessing Office and the Tax Collector's office are experiencing difficulty with software conversions which is causing the delay in billing.

Mrs. Call requested that the Board approve a line of credit up to one million dollars. The interest rate is 1.93 % and will only be charged on actual dollars borrowed. Funds will be borrowed in $100,000 increments.

Robert Skinner, Treasurer, stated that he agreed with Mr. Sullivan and Mrs. Call. He noted that he will have both Town and School payrolls and manifests to cover in the next few weeks.

Mr. Hohenberger moved to approve a line of credit with Citizens Bank for $1,000,000.00 at 1.93% in anticipation of taxes. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed 4-0

SEARLES BOND: The Board signed a ten year note for $100,000.00 at 4% interest for work at Searles Chapel which was approved last meeting.

PURCHASING POLICY: (Mr. Carpenter now present) Dana Call went over proposed changes to the Purchasing Policy and answered the Board's questions. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding verbal quotes and accepting State contracts without obtaining other bids. Chief Moeckel, Dave Poulson and Alfred Turner, spoke in favor of verbal quotes and State contracts.

The Board eliminated Section 12 dealing with acceptance of State contract bids in lieu of the bid process. Mr. Doyle motioned to approve the Purchasing Policy as posted with amendments. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Passed unanimously.

PLANNING DEPARTMENT - ALFRED TURNER: Mr. Turner spoke to the following items.

Bissell Camp Road - Mr. Turner explained that the Planning Board approved the Hadleigh Woods Subdivision with conditions - one being change the name of the northern portion of Bissell Camp Road to Flat Rock Road. Mr. Doyle motioned to rename the north portion of Bissell Camp Road to Flat Rock Road. Mr. Breton seconded. Passed unanimously.

Osgood Road - Mr. Turner explained that the developer of Osgood Road abandoned the project last year. Presently the Town has $30,257.47 left in the road bond to complete the project. He further stated that Jack McCartney, Highway Agent, obtained prices to finish the paving of Osgood Road. He obtained two bids, both of which exceeded our available funds. The low bidder agreed to do the work for what we have - $30,257.47. Mr. Turner requested that the Board waive the three bid requirement and award the bid to the low bidder. He noted there was not enough funds to do landscaping.

Robert Stolarz, who is developing five lots on Osgood Road, stated that he has a sale of two lots pending, however today they were denied a building permit and wanted to know why. Mr. Turner stated that the permit was not denied but on hold until the Fire Department reports on what type of cistern is needed and also other issues which were required as part of the Planning Board approval.

The Board, Mr. Turner and Mr. Stolarz discussed who will pay for the cistern, the difference in Mr. Stolarz engineer's paving costs and the Town's liability if permits are issued with no cistern.

The Board directed Mr. Turner to obtain bids for the paving and to include the firm from which Mr. Stolarz's engineer obtained a price, to have the Fire Department submit their water requirements for the development and to have Mr. Turner and Mr. Stolarz meet and review the conditions for permits to be issued. The Board did not act to release the bond for Osgood Road.

Seavey Pond Road - Mr. Turner submitted a letter to the Town Administrator on May 28th stating that he is not aware of any violation of the Planning Board approval conditions at Seavey Road or at the Lamplighter Housing Development. He noted that he visits the site regularly as does CLD Engineering, our consultants. Also the NHDES staff has visited the sites on several occasions and has not found any violations.

Mr. Turner noted that certainly construction does cause some inconveniences but noted that the back road is open and will be during construction of the culvert, dam and causeway.

A meeting will be held with the residents this Thursday, June 5th to give them the construction schedule and answer questions.

Building Permit Fees - Mr. Turner and Mr. Flanders proposed increasing the building permit fees. The Board agreed to schedule a public hearing to discuss these increases.

RECREATION: Sam Maranto, Recreation Chairman, discussed the following issues.

Basketball - Mr. Maranto told the Board that Al Matthews has volunteered to take over the basketball program and travel team for next year. He thanked him and stated the Recreation Committee is very enthusiastic about this.

Searles Soccer Field - Mr. Maranto stated that the Soccer Association has offered to buy and install an irrigation system for the Searles soccer field and to fund repairs to the Nashua Road soccer field. These improvements would cost approximately $11,000. This donation was confirmed by John LaRochelle of the Soccer Association.

The Board and members of the Historic Committee, George and Marion Dinsmore and Peter Griffin, expressed concern as to whether the yield and pump of the present well could support both the Chapel and irrigation system. They have no problem if the system can be supported and not run during rental events.

Mr. LaRochelle agreed that the Soccer Association would pay for the testing. Mr. Carpenter motioned to schedule a public hearing to discuss acceptance of the donation from the Soccer Association of an irrigation system at the Searles Soccer field and improvements to the field and to execute and pay for the yield and pump tests of the well for Searles Chapel to see if it can support both the irrigation and Chapel needs. Any construction should not interfere with functions of the Chapel. Mr. Breton seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Hohenberger motioned to hold a public hearing to consider the acceptance of improvements to the Nashua Road soccer field from the Soccer Association. Mr. Breton seconded. Passed unanimously.

Basketball Courts at Griffin Park - Mr. Maranto spoke with the Board regarding construction of two basketball courts at Griffin Park. The two courts would cost approximately $46,000.00. This would also include subsurface for future courts. Mr. Maranto noted they wanted to get the courts in soon for use this summer. The Board and Mr. Maranto also discussed funding and asked to see a footprint of where the courts would be located. Mr. Maranto will bring the plan to the Board's meeting on June 16th.

Lighting, in the future, was discussed and Mr. Maranto stated that the conduits will be installed during the construction for possible use in the future. He is aware that Planning Board approval would be needed for any lights.

RAILWAY: Peter Griffin, President of the NH Railroad Revitalization Association, spoke with the Board and requested that they form a committee to work for railway as an alternate form of transportation to Interstate 93. He stated that he was going to ask all the communities along I 93 to do the same. Mr. Carpenter suggested that they meet with the Regional Planning Associations which would be more cohesive than multiple small independent committees. Mr. Hohenberger agreed.

Lisa Linowles stated that she didn't believe from remarks from some DOT members, that the State was serious about railways. It was noted that the State is forming a group to consider alternative modes of transportation.

MINUTES: Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Breton seconded to accept the minutes of May 19, 2003 as written. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Road Bond Partial Release - Mr. Doyle moved to approve partial release of $305,000.00 for Caste Reach II from Station 699 + 00 to Station 713 + 50 and to retain $1,577,274.225. Mr. Breton seconded. Passed unanimously.

Letter received from the DOT announcing upcoming regional workshops on Achieving Smart Growth which are sponsored by the Office of State Planning . The workshops will be held on June 18 at 6 pm at the McLaughlin Middle School, 290 South Mammoth Road, Manchester and June 26th at 7 pm at the Community Resource Room, 28 Commercial Street, Concord.

Letter received from State Senator Frank Sapareto regarding the DOT's the delay until next year of the NH 111A and Langdon Rd intersection improvements.

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan told the Board that the update on the Depot Road parking area is scheduled for June 30th.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan stated that the Cemetery Trustees are requesting that the Selectmen hold a public hearing on increasing the burial fees. They are proposing flat fees of $350 for a grave opening and $175 for a cremation. Presently the fees are lower in the summer than in the winter.

The Board stated that they were not in agreement with flat fees, feeling there should be differences between summer and winter and asked the Trustees to revisit this issue. The public hearing will be scheduled.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mr. Carpenter motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to go into non-public sessions in accordance with RSA 91a, b, c, d and e. Roll call vote - all members - yes. Subjects were personnel, hiring, reputations, land acquisition and legal.

Conservation Commission - Update on land issues. Mr. Doyle will follow up.

Matter discussed concerning reputations. Mr. Doyle will follow up.

Appointments - Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Breton seconded to approve the following regular committee appointments until June 2006:

    Kim Monterio Museum Trustee
    Margaret Case Cable Advisory Board
    David Unger Cable Advisory Board
    Allan Shoemaker     Cable Advisory Board

In addition, to appoint the following:

    Therese Champigny  Bike Trail Advisory Committee

Motion passed unanimously.

Police Grievance - Mr. Carpenter motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to deny a police grievance. Passed unanimously.

Legal - The Board signed a letter dealing with a legal matter.

Hiring - No decisions.

Mr. Carpenter motioned to adjourn. Mr. Doyle seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 12:30 am.

Respectfully submitted,

David Sullivan
Town Administrator

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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