MAY 5, 2003

MEMBERS PRESENT: Galen Stearns, Alan Carpenter, Christopher Doyle, Roger Hohenberger and Bruce Breton. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fire Chief Messier announced a new program in the department called "Recall Roundup". Residents can check the consumer products web site ( for recalled items and drop them off at the Fire Station for disposal.

Pinnings - Thomas McPherson was pinned, by his wife, as the new Deputy Fire Chief and Robert Taylor was pinned, by his daughter, as a fulltime fire fighter/EMT. The Board offered they congratulations to both!

LIAISON REPORTS: Mr. Hohenberger noted that the Planning Board did not meet last week.

Mr. Breton stated that applications are being taken for lifeguards at the Town Beach and that Colleen Gallagher will be the head life guard. There will be between three to five openings for lifeguards this summer. Swim lessons will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings in two sessions. Session 1 will be July 8 through July 13 and Session 2 will be July 22 to July 31.

Mr. Breton also noted that he attended the Fire Department training burn of three structures on Saturday. Chief Messier noted that the burn went well.

PUBLIC HEARING: The Board held a Public Hearing in accordance with RSA 31:95-e for the purpose of considering the donation to the Town of an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator). Said equipment has a value of $3,000.00.

Chief Messier and Deputy McPherson stated that the Windham Woman's Club wished to donate an AED for use at the Town Hall. The Fire Department will provide the training for the AED to the employees. Mr. Hohenberger motioned to accept the AED and expressed the Board's appreciation to the Woman's Club. Mr. Carpenter seconded. Passed unanimously.

DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - UPDATES ON THE ROUTE 111 BY-PASS AND THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO I-93: Mr. Cass of the NHDOT along with Bruce Tasler, Larry Keniston and Keith Cota were present for the presentation and provided the most current maps of both projects as they pertain to Windham.

Route 111 By-Pass - Mr. Cass told the Board that construction has begun on the bridge on Harris Road over Flat Rock Brook. Bid for the By-Pass project will be advertised this fall. Plans call for the By-Pass to be open for traffic early in 2006.

Modifications to the plans were shown and explained. It was noted that the shoulder width was reduced to 5 feet, with a 3 foot buffer to the sidewalks, islands with landscaping were added and traffic exiting Searles Road would turn right only. It was also noted that Delahunty's Nurseries has been sold to the State, however they continue to operate and pay taxes.

The Board asked Mr. Cass who would be responsible, after completion of the By-Pass and I-93, for maintenance of a portion of the old Route 111 and a portion of Range Road. Mr. Cass said at this time it was uncertain but could be turned over to the Town.

I-93 Improvements - Mr. Cass stated that at a prior meeting with the Board, the Board asked the DOT to address the following concerns: protection of water quality, moving barrels together, reducing the footprint of the interchange, access to the park & ride and reducing commercial traffic for the West Shore Road residents.

Mr. Cass stated that the DOT feels the new proposed plan has '"no fatal flaw". They feel it addresses all the concerns noted above and is more favorable to the new "Gateway District".

The Board and Mr. Cass discussed mitigation (which is still in discussions), timetable for appraisals, queuing between traffic signals, proposed size of park and ride area, Wall Street Extension, sewage and incident management among others.

Questions were posed and answered from Wayne Morris, Russ Wilder, Greg Bell, Richard Russell and Peter Griffin. Mr. Wilder stated that this layout helps many of the issues previously discussed. It was noted that there will be a two year transit study to look at alternative transportation.

Funding was discussed with Mr. Cass and he noted that funding issues could cause delays to this project. He stated that this project is considered a priority. Based on funding, road construction could begin in 2005. Mr. Cass told the Board that he felt funding concerns for the 111 By-Pass were less likely, but still possible.

ALTERNATIVE DESIGN FOR I-93, EXIT 3: Karl Dubay of MHF Design Consultants, Inc., John Sokol of Cleveland, Waters & Bass, Jonathon Rockwell and Fred Douglas of Vanasse & Associates, Inc., presented an alternate design for Exit 3. This plan was presented on behalf of John Wolters who owns the land between the present barrels at Exit 3. This land is approximately 60 acres.

This alternate design (not to move the barrels) would allow for high end retail development of Mr. Wolters' land which would bring tax revenue to the Town estimated to be in excess of one million dollars per year They also noted that their plan could be less costly and save present Windham businesses. There would be sufficient space for the proposed park and ride on Mr. Wolters parcel. They requested that the Board ask the DOT to work with them for 30 days on the feasibility of their plan.

Mr. Cass stated that the DOT has an obligation to review all proposed plans and would look at this one. He noted that this plan did not address all the Board's concerns from their previous meeting, notably the environmental impacts.

Charles McMahon spoke in favor of the new plan which would add to Windham's tax base. Lisa Linowes questioned the environmental quality in the new plan.

Mr. Carpenter moved to have the Board send a letter to the NHDOT requesting that they analyze the plan offered by MHF Design and to compare the environmental, economic and property taking impacts of the plan. Mr. Breton seconded. Passed unanimously.

BUILDING PERMIT ON PRIVATE ROAD: Michael Furey, who is purchasing 27 Emerson Road from the Hoffman's, has applied for a building permit at the above address which is a private road. Mr. Sullivan noted that this would therefore be a dual release.

Mr. Stearns stated that the Planning Board has reviewed this request and made the following comments:

  • More prominent, temporary street, directional, and "soft shoulder" signs would assist in safely directing construction traffic from Marblehead Road to the proper site, and in avoiding their getting lost in surrounding residential neighborhoods;
  • Vehicle "pullouts" along Emerson Road should be maintained and marked to enable the safe parking of resident and construction vehicles on the road;
  • Maintain the vehicle parking area(s) along the lot frontage (#27), and keep all construction/contractor vehicles off Emerson Road;
  • Provide a suitable, sturdy protective barrier for the wellhead to avoid any damage from construction vehicles and
  • A waiver of liability should be recorded with the Registry of Deeds prior to, or as a condition of, the issuance of any building permit.

Mr. Furey stated that he would comply with all the above conditions. Mr. Breton stated that Mr. Furey had already been granted a variance by the Board of Adjustment.

Mr. Hohenberger moved to approve the issuance of a building permit for 27 Emerson Road per the conditions outlined above and in accordance with all other building and health codes. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Letter received regarding names left on the ballot after the candidate has withdrawn. The Board agreed to refer this correspondence to the Town Moderator and Town Clerk.

MINUTES: Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Carpenter seconded to approve the minutes of April 21, 2003 as presented. Passed unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan gave the following update on the renovations to the Bartley House: Contractor is doing the trim painting presently, carpet will be in tomorrow and he is working with PSNH and Verizon on the wiring. Hopefully the interior will be completed in the next week.

Mr. Sullivan noted that when the Administrative Offices move that it will be necessary to close the offices for one day.

Mr. Sullivan asked the Board to approve sending a letter to our Senators asking them to support funding for LCHIP. Mr. Carpenter so moved. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan told the Board that construction is underway for a slip lane on North Policy Street. Salem has asked that Windham pay for the police details for two officers for two days - cost approximately $1500.00 on this project. . Mr. Doyle motioned to approve the detail, as described above, for a cost not to exceed $1500.00. Mr. Carpenter seconded. Mr. Hohenberger and Mr. Stearns noted that we do not pay for any other details. Motion passed 3 - 2 with Mr. Stearns and Mr. Hohenberger opposed.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to go into non-public sessions in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa, d and e. Roll call vote - all members - yes. The subjects were personnel, land acquisition and legal.

Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on two personnel issues. No decisions.

Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on two legal issues. No decisions.

Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Carpenter seconded to seal the minutes from the session concerning land acquisition. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Breton motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at approximately 12:10 am.

Respectfully submitted,

David Sullivan
Town Administrator

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.


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