APRIL 21, 2003
MEMBERS PRESENT: Galen Stearns, Alan Carpenter, Roger Hohenberger, Christopher Doyle and Bruce Breton. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION WEEK - Mr. Sullivan noted that next week is Volunteer Appreciation Week, however the Board will not be meeting. Therefore, they wished to take this opportunity to recognize our volunteers. Certificates and volunteer pins were presented to the following attendees who were selected at random to be present this evening: Dennis Root, Eldon Haegle, Barbara Coish, Marion Dinsmore, Dianna Fallon and Shirley Beaulieu.
Mr. Sullivan stated that the Town relies on the volunteers for many Town functions and extends their appreciation for their unselfish service. The Certificates of Appreciation read as follows: "With the Town of Windham's sincere thanks for giving so generously of your time and efforts in volunteer service to the Community. Presented in honor of National Volunteer Week, April 27 through May 3, 2003."
The following volunteers, as read by Mr. Sullivan, will be presented their certificates and pins at their respective committee's next scheduled meeting:
Richard Adams
Carl Anderson
Wayne Bailey
Earl Bartlett
Shirley Beaulieu
Rose Bolduc
Danyelle Bondra
Jacques Borcoche
Rich Bothroyd
Bruce Breton
Richard Brown
Nancy Burnett
Greg Capiello
Gerald Capron
Alan Carpenter
Ronald Casagrande
Margaret Case
Tom Case
Andrea Cauldwell
Harvey Champigny
Nathale Chandra
Barbara Coish
Ron Coish
Nancy Collins
Joseph Condon
Jodi Coppeta
Becka Corliss
Robert Crook
Karen Cuipylo
Dick Cumming
Chris Curran
Sally D'Angelo
Wendy Denneen
Roy Dennehy Brad Dinsmore
George Dinsmore
Marion Dinsmore
Betty Donovan
Chris Doyle
Richard Drummond
Brenda Dunkley
Elizabeth Dunn
Dianna Fallon
Frank Farmer
Larry Fogelman
Dick Forde
Carol Fronduto
Thomas Furlong
Kelley Gage
John Goclowski
Andrew Goodale
Don Graham
Mary Griffin
Peter Griffin
J. Gross
Dick Gumbel
Robert Gustafson
Eldon Haegle
Susan Hancock
Leo Hart
Valorie Hayes
Wally Heath
Roger Hohenberger
Mary Johnson
Jeff Joubert
Daphne Kenyon
George Kimball
Wanda Koch
Mimi Kolodziej
Walter Kolodziej
Nancy LaBranch
Bob Leonard
Fred Linnemann
Lisa Linowes
Steve Lospennato
Theresa Lucas
Margo Luhrmann
Carl Luhrmann
Eileen Maloney
Jean Manthorne
Grace Marad
Sam Maranto
Vicky Mason
Ross McLeod
Bill McNally
Jack Merchant
Jill Moe
Donna Mollica
Kim Monterio
Wayne Morris
Joanne Morrison
John Morrison
Kathy Narkewich
Joan Normington
Lisa O'Neill
Mark Parent
Ed Parsons
Geri Pellegrini
Tony Pellegrini
Dick Pelletier
Dani Peltz
Richard Pennisi
Nancy Prendergast
Carol Pynn
David Riese
Jack Robichaud
James Robinton
Dennis Root
Bernie Rouillard
Denise Ryan
Kathy Schader
Lois Scheffler
Patrick Schena
Thomas Seniow
Alan Shoemaker
Belinda Sinclair
Bob Skinner
Pam Skinner
Pat Skinner
Alfred Souma
Annette Stoller
Miriam Stoltz
Joe Tauras
Gina Tedesco
Dave Unger
Marcia Unger
Carolyn Webber
Gail Webster
Jeff Wetmore
Siri Wilbur-Kamien
LIAISON REPORTS: Mr. Hohenberger reported that the Planning Board gave conditional approval for Windham Meadow. The developer has offered to contribute to the improvements to the Senior Center.
Mr. Carpenter reported that the RPC will hold a meeting at the Windham Planning Department on CMAQ Grants on May 6th at 7:00 pm.
Mr. Doyle stated that there will be a hearing tomorrow in Concord on HB 420 (Off Road Vehicle Usage). Mr. Doyle and Mr. Hohenberger will try to attend. The Board has sent a letter in support of this bill.
Mr. Breton announced that the Town Beach will open on June 14th. It was also noted that Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Maranto are working on specifications for basketball courts at Griffin Park. A donation of $16,000.00 has been received for the courts.
H & B HOMES: Jack Szemplinski of Benmark Engineering spoke with the Board representing H & B Homes. Mr. Szemplinski requested that the Selectmen allow H & B Homes to reopen a portion of Hopkins Road that was discontinued, subject to Gates and Bars, over a hundred years also. This request is made in connection with development in the north of end of town of approximately 400 acres. He told the Board that there is an old railroad bed that would have to be crossed and permission needs to be received from the State. He asked that the Town support this request to the State and have a representative be present and state the Town's support.
Mr. Hohenberger stated that the Planning Board supported this on the condition that the opening of Hopkins Road be after the Depot Road connection is completed. This is to alleviate the traffic in the Morrison Road area.
Brian Harvey of B & H Homes asked the Board for their support. He told the Board that there would be approximately 100 new homes in the area. He also stated that they would work with the State on the engineering for the road.
Mr. Carpenter motioned to move forward to schedule a public hearing to consider the reopening of Hopkins Road and to allow the application process with the State to begin conditional on the Board's approval. The Planning Board and Conservation will be notified of the Public Hearing for their input. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.
SCBA (Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus) BIDS: Chief Messier told the Board that two bids had been received for the SCBA - Scott $130,595 and Fire Tech & Safety $120,466. Chief Messier told the Board that he worked with the low bidder to have the price come within the budgeted amount. Fire Tech and Safety agreed to a price of $118,994.00 and the equipment meets all compliance standards.
Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to award the bid to Fire Tech and Safety for SCBA at a price not to exceed $118,994.00. Passed unanimously.
FIRE ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chief Messier reminded all residents that there have been two recent brush fires and asked them to be cautious. He noted most brush fire are started by human error. If you need to burn, come to the Station for a burn permit which is good for one year and is free. Burning can only be done with Fire Department Personnel authorization on the day of the burn. Personnel will decide if the rain is sufficient on any given day to allow burning.
Mr. Breton noted that due to a law change in January, burning of trash in containers is not allowed.
Chief Messier reminded everyone that the lake and pond water is still extremely cold. Wet or dry suits should be worn to enter the water. Also, those fishing should wear a life jacket. He noted that the Fire Station has life jackets that can be borrowed for the day.
CORRESPONDENCE: Letter received from Carol Granfield, Town Administrator from Derry, requesting the Board to sign a statement supporting the Town of Derry in seeking form the NH DOT a Declaration that 28 in Derry from the Londonderry Town line to Linlew Drive as a Regional Highway. The support is based on information which indicates that more than fifty percent of vehicle traffic on this section of Rt 28 is not from Derry residents.
Charles Janes asked the Board to consider supporting this as a "goodwill gesture" with Derry.
Mr. Carpenter motioned and Mr. Breton seconded to sign the letter of support with Derry for the NH DOT as outlined above. Passed 4-1 with Mr. Doyle opposed.
MINUTES: Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Breton seconded to accept the minutes of April 7 and 14, 2003 as presented. Passed unanimously.
Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Carpenter seconded to accept the minutes of February 3, 2003 as presented. Passed 4-0-1 with Mr. Breton abstaining.
OLD BUSINESS: Bartley House - Update on the Renovations to the Bartley House: Mr. Sullivan stated that the carpeting should be done this week and the interior completed next week. Mr. Sullivan is working with the contractor, a vendor and Historic District Commission on the steps. Installation of the telephone lines is still unresolved and Mr. Sullivan will follow up.
Church Road - Mr. Sullivan reported that repairs to the Church Road culvert cannot begin until the water goes down. The contractor is holding his price from last year and hopes to begin in June, weather permitting.
North Lowell/Fellow Rd Intersection - Mr. Hohenberger asked if the State would put a right turn lane on North Lowell Road at the intersection of Fellows Road. Mr. Sullivan stated that this would have to be a betterment project with 20% of the cost provided by the Town. He will check on this and give a further update at the May 5th meeting.
Old Police Cruisers - Mr. Sullivan told the Board that the new cruisers are now in service and that Chief Moeckel recommended that the Administration/Assessor and Planning vehicles and the two cruisers taken out of service be evaluated. He further suggested that the best two be kept and the remaining two be sold at the State auction.
Mr. Doyle suggested that an additional vehicle be retained for Administration or to transport seniors to doctor appointments instead of in the van. Mr. Sullivan stated that he could not justify keeping, insuring and maintaining a vehicle for this limited use.
The consensus of the Board was to go with the Chief's recommendations and sell the two cruisers after evaluating and remaining the best ones.
Nashua Pride/Windham Day - Mr. Sullivan reminded everyone that May 11th is Windham Day at the Nashua Pride's game. Tickets are available for half price - $4.00.
NEW BUSINESS: Interview - The Board interviewed Dennis Senibaldi for a position on the Board of Adjustment.
NON-PUBLIC SESSION - Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Carpenter seconded to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa. Roll call vote - all members - yes. The Board, Mr. Sullivan and Fire Chief Messier were in attendance. The subject was personnel.
Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Hohenberger to promote Thomas McPherson to Deputy Fire Chief effective April 23, 2003. Passed unanimously.
Mr. Doyle moved and Mr. Breton seconded to remove FF Campbell and FF Kurgan from their first year probationary status. Passed unanimously.
Mr. Carpenter moved to adjourn. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Meeting commenced at approximately 9:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
David Sullivan
Town Administrator
NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.
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